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Example sentences for "fires"

Lexicographically close words:
firepower; fireproof; fireproofing; firer; firers; fireship; fireships; fireside; firesides; firestick
  1. The cook naturally provided for the second prisoner as for the first.

  2. When I have finished my meal, I shall give myself the pleasure of showing to you the boat which lies at the landing-stage.

  3. Said Whittier of the Seceding States: They break the links of Union: shall we light The fires of hell to weld anew the chain, On that red anvil where each blow is pain?

  4. The changing light in those smoldering fires of his deeply sunken eyes escaped their notice.

  5. There was laughter and song around the camp fires of Zeno's little band, that night, but their leader spoke critically of the morrow.

  6. The fires are all out and the engines will not work!

  7. There are very few fires in Mexico, and it is a blessing to the citizens; they have one fire company, but no alarms.

  8. I was at the village at the time, and was quite amused, when the fires were extinguished after eight hours' burning, to read for two weeks after contradictory stories on it.

  9. The fires are always out or the place reduced to ashes before those noble laddies put in an appearance.

  10. They light little or no fires within, for which reason these dwellings are much cleaner than those of the Kamtchadals.

  11. They live in holes dug in the earth, in which they make no fires even in winter.

  12. If we had collected fuel enough for our fires we should have been safe; but I doubt much if our supply will last now till morning.

  13. We can see the glow of their fires from here.

  14. But the pile of fuel was now sinking fast, and except when the wolves advanced it was necessary to let the fires burn down.

  15. Great fires were lit and the animals unloaded.

  16. Fires were lighted and another pig being killed those who preferred it roasted his flesh over the fire, while others boiled their portions, the Roman shields being utilized as pans.

  17. He thought the fires would keep them off.

  18. Some of the party went out to cut and bring in wood for the fires and cooking; others moistened the flour and made dough for the flat cakes which would be baked in the hot embers and eaten with the meat.

  19. No fires were lit, for they knew not how close the Carthaginians might be behind them.

  20. The fires here will have informed them of our presence last night; but as all is still and dark now they may suppose that the groves are deserted.

  21. You can have a fire lighted in either in a minute, only you see we don't keep fires constant no ways now, 'cept in the commercial room.

  22. Go forward, American business men, and feed full the fires beneath American furnaces; and give employment to every American laborer who asks for work.

  23. The speaker that fires his force and emphasis at random into a sentence will not get results.

  24. Without fires neither urban nor rural populations can do their work, any more than can the multitudinous manufacturers who need engines and furnaces; so that these are all dependent on coal-miners.

  25. Cyclones, volcanic eruptions, and immense prairie fires are the principal causes of its production and expansion in the atmosphere.

  26. On all sides their fires began to glimmer and smoke.

  27. Finally, I closed the door of the zareba, lit three separate fires in a triangle, and having eaten a hearty supper dropped off into a profound sleep, from which I had a strange and most welcome awakening.

  28. It was not until the night had fallen, and the fires of our savage allies glowed red in the shadows, that our two men of science could be dragged away from the fascinations of that primeval lake.

  29. These ruddy spots must be the reflection of fires within the caves--fires which could only be lit by the hand of man.

  30. I have a weakness for out-loud reading and Lamb, and a peculiar joy in wood fires when the nights are dark and snowy.

  31. If that be gone, it can be brought back by no turnips or cellular clothing; but only by tears and terror and the fires that are not quenched.

  32. I never look up at the stars without feeling that they are the fires of a schoolboy's rocket, fixed in their everlasting fall.

  33. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four.

  34. I snatched fun from fires (I sincerely trust the insurance premiums were not overdue); culled quaintness from street rows; extracted merriment from catastrophes the most painful, and prospered.

  35. If an attempt be made to light fires in both Chimnies at the same time, it will be found to be very difficult to get the fires to burn, and the rooms will both be filled with Smoke.

  36. As it was winter, fires were kept in every part of the building, from morning till night; and all the rooms were lighted up till nine o'clock in the evening.

  37. I likewise took the liberty of proposing some improvements, and particularly in regard to the arrangements for feeding these Poor; and in the management of the fires employed for cooking.

  38. A strong piquet was left to keep the fires alive, and watch the enemy's operations.

  39. The convents, nunneries, and other religious edifices, were converted into barracks and stables for the French army, and therefore exhibited nothing but naked walls, blackened and scorched by the fires made therein.

  40. Fires were not permitted, lest the enemy should discover our movements, and, as it was intended to come upon them unawares, we travelled without the slightest noise, the most rigid silence being preserved in all our movements.

  41. The fires were lost; they had been almost extinguished for some days by a very smart and hasty rain.

  42. The rambling village with its groups of figures and long lines of home-coming cattle, dimly seen in the smoke of a hundred fires as I approached at sunset, was very picturesque.

  43. At milking time they light smoke-fires to keep the flies from irritating the beasts.

  44. And those spit-fires would keep at it for the rest of their lives, eh!

  45. He scrubbed the decks, stowed the baskets of fish in the hold, and kept the fires going in the galley, so that the men of the crew never had a chance to complain.

  46. Every effort was put forth toward erecting buildings before the rains came on, but as fires had swept over the country and destroyed most of the grass, it was evident that our chief difficulty would be in procuring thatching grass.

  47. At first we endeavored to fight them with fires when they were seen to be approaching a garden, but this was soon found to be useless.

  48. One or two large fires of logs are built at each wagon and kept burning through the night to ward off wild beasts from the oxen.

  49. All night long bright fires of logs were kept burning to light up the scene and work.

  50. The welcome sight of the village fires shining out amid the darkness indicates that the end of the journey is near at hand.

  51. In the meantime wood and logs have been brought and several fires kindled, as night is nearly always cool.

  52. So, while the donkeys were grazing, fires would be built and pot roasts and many sorts of delectable dishes would be prepared and eaten with relish.

  53. There is pathos in the dreadful forest fires that annually devastate our country.

  54. The fires of Pentecost will not rest where the fires of Gehenna are working" (Plummer).

  55. The Valley of Hinnom or Tophet was first just the type of the abode of the wicked, and then the continual fires kept burning there were transferred to the next world.

  56. Mice and matches cause over twelve hundred fires each year in New York City.

  57. Can you come at eight thirty, sweep out the office, make the fires at need in winter, with an hour off, at noon, and work till six?

  58. Annual fires are run over the country to clear the ground for the labourers, who then dig holes in the rocky soil and set out the henequen plants.

  59. In their despair at such a contingency they threw away their idols, destroyed their furniture and domestic utensils, and suffered all fires to go out.

  60. I thought it was all over with my documents, and was not able to refrain from a cry of horror; it was a false alarm, which, however, obliged us to spend the best part of the night round the fires to dry both clothes and photographs.

  61. Three huge fires are burning, round which stand women busy with roasting and otherwise preparing the feast with chickens, turkeys, pork, etc.

  62. Fires were still smouldering in several parts of the city; in many homes there were empty places and weeping women; in the streets the ambulances and municipal carts were collecting the corpses.

  63. With Savrola, in the fierce glow of love the steady blue-white fires of ambition had become invisible.

  64. Even the fires below are out, and but few isolated voices sound from the village.

  65. On these rafts stood the little huts of their rowers, with small fires in them, at which the men were now preparing their suppers.

  66. No beacon-fires have been seen--no tidings have come from the neighboring villages," cried Anton at the window.

  67. Through the misty night their camp fires burned cheerily, lighting up their lodges.

  68. Around the fires could be seen groups of men squatted on the ground and here and there among the lodges the squaws were busy, evidently preparing the evening meal.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fires" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.