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Example sentences for "woof"

Lexicographically close words:
wooed; wooer; wooers; wooes; wooeth; wooing; wooingly; wool; woold; wooled
  1. This was not the moral law to which Kant appealed, for this is a part of the warp and woof of nature.

  2. Perceptions, on the contrary, which can be attached to the old presences as confirmations or corollaries, become at once parts of the warp and woof of what we call ourselves.

  3. Since natural connection is merely a principle of arrangement by which the contiguities of things may be described and inferred, there is no difficulty in admitting consciousness and all its works into the web and woof of nature.

  4. Exposition, Argument, and Description are all enlisted in the services of the story-teller; and are so blended in the woof of his web that they can scarcely be disassociated from the narrative itself.

  5. This fairness of estimate enables the possessor of this quality to take his intellectual place without false shame on the one hand or false pride on the other; two faults which are the warp and woof of self-consciousness.

  6. From cobweb weft and woof is spun The tapestry of Life and Fate!

  7. This will hold the woof threads in place, as well as finish the edges of the hammock.

  8. Have the warp threads and the predominant woof thread of the same color.

  9. At each end where the weaving stops, take a needle threaded with a length of cord and run in and out along the warp threads, first to the right and then to the left of the final woof thread.

  10. This makes a secure finish and holds the woof threads in position.

  11. As each horizontal or woof thread is added, shove it close to the preceding one with the ruler, which acts as a pusher.

  12. Instead of shuttles, the women pass the thread of the woof thro' the warp with their fingers, and with an iron comb, having a handle, press the woof to give a body to their cloth.

  13. The Women alone are employed in this work, as Andromache and Penelope were of old; who make no use of a shuttle, but conduct every thread of the woof with their fingers.

  14. Weave, hands angelical, Weave a woof of flesh to pall - Weave, hands angelical - Flesh to pall our Viola.

  15. Furthermore, it is both the warp and the woof of the loom of present-day metageometrical researches.

  16. All that is required are eyes to see and a mind (or shall we say a mind vitalized by the intuition) trained to discern the threads as they point upward with their termini firmly rooted in the warp and woof of the fabric.

  17. The warp and the woof are the realism of the kosmos; the vertical threads are the roots and stem of the phenomenal world; the design is our sensible world as it appears to the intellect.

  18. Francos, whose mental woof is frail indeed, Stood for promotion to important post.

  19. Venetian: A kind of carpeting, composed of a striped woolen warp on a thick woof of linen thread, Verisimilitude: Probability, resemblance to truth.

  20. Its basis is composed of a warp and woof of strong linen threads, with the warp of which are intermixed about five times the quantity of woolen threads of different colors.

  21. Her voice was like the voice of his own soul Heard in the calm of thought; its music long, Like woven sounds of streams and breezes, held 155 His inmost sense suspended in its web Of many-coloured woof and shifting hues.

  22. Thus, by depressing one pedal with the foot and raising the other, one set of threads is depressed, and the other raised so as to admit of the woof thread being shot across.

  23. This thread is forced home by a light beam suspended from the roof, and then, the position of the pedals being reversed, the woof thread is shot back again between the reversed threads of the warp.

  24. The alternate threads of the warp are raised and depressed, to receive the woof in the following manner.

  25. Until within the past few weeks only the woof of the fabric was of glass, but at present both warp and woof are in crystal.

  26. So, when her spinning was over, she set up her loom, and put the woof in, and threw the shuttle, and wove cloth.

  27. And when she had heard it and tried the woof between her fingers, she got so glad that she too began to dance and sing.

  28. Then she put on me a mantle and a doublet for raiment, and the nymph clad herself in a great shining robe, light of woof and gracious, and about her waist she cast a fair golden girdle, and put a veil upon her head.

  29. When she awoke, there lay the piece of linen on the table, woven so neat and close, no woof could be better.

  30. Vanderbilt My dear George: Into the warp and woof of every book an author weaves much that even the subtlest readers cannot suspect, far less discern.

  31. A strange warp and woof we weave of the skein," he sighed, "that sorrow for the dead should harden us to the living.

  32. Weave, hands angelical, Weave a woof of flesh to pall Weave, hands evangelical-- Flesh to pall our Viola.

  33. In company, with man or men present, we’d talked like life was made up of the pattern of things, and like speaking of warp and woof wasn’t delicate.

  34. Mis’ Sykes is one of them that acts like life was made up of the pattern of things, and like speaking of warf and woof wasn’t delicate.

  35. Wind we, wind swiftly Our warwinning woof Woof erst for king youthful Foredoomed as his own, Forth now we will ride, Then through the ranks rushing Be busy where friends Blows blithe give and take.

  36. Then they plucked down the Woof and tore it asunder, and each kept what she had hold of.

  37. Soon over all Ersemen Sharp sorrow shall fall, That woe to those warriors Shall wane nevermore; Our woof now is woven.

  38. They sang these songs, and he learnt them by heart: THE WOOF OF WAR.

  39. The coil is a wisp of stems and splints of a fibrous yet spongy shrub, apparently torote; and the woof consists of paloblanco (?

  40. It is to assert the sublime truth first perceived by Spinoza, that Mind and Matter are the warp and woof of what Goethe called 'the living garment of God.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "woof" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.