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Example sentences for "web"

Lexicographically close words:
weaves; weaving; weavings; weazen; weazened; webbed; webbing; webby; webfoot; webs
  1. He found her within the grotto, singing sweetly while she wove a fine web on a golden loom.

  2. She went on in this way, weaving the great web by day, and every night she unravelled by torchlight all that she had woven by sunlight.

  3. Then she began to weave upon her loom a dainty web of vast length and width.

  4. And immediately, therefore he cannot doo some things because he is omnipotent, &c.

  5. Theodoret= also teacheth vs, that it may not absolutely without exception be pronounced, that all things are possible vnto God.

  6. In the meane time we do not denie the power of God, as some do maliciously report of vs: but we wold not haue the same made a denne or couert of errors.

  7. Deuteronomie= speaketh: When thou shalt come into the lande whiche the Lorde thy God giueth thée, doo not thou learne to doo after their abhominable rites, and vsages of those nations.

  8. No wonder the romancer humorously added a touch that made a spider of the doctor himself, with his vast web of pipe-smoke!

  9. From all question as to what this precious web may be, last woven in the loom of his genius, I sacredly abstain till the fullness of time.

  10. If you look closely at the web of a spider, you will surely be surprised at their wonderful skill.

  11. Have you ever thought, when looking at the web of a spider, what an admirable piece of work it is, and how this thread is manufactured?

  12. The spider generally works at its web with its head down, lowering itself by its thread.

  13. The threads of the web are yellow, the same color as one part of the spider.

  14. Entangled in the dark web of metaphysical moralities, he caught at the excuse by which the Egyptian converted vice into a virtue.

  15. I will pretend that I am enmeshed in a web of Fate, and doomed to die here myself.

  16. But how entangled is this web of our life!

  17. I did not know then, as I know now, how weak is human will enmeshed in that web of Circumstance that has been a-weaving since the beginning of the world.

  18. And now, below me, lay the rocky dell so dearly beloved by Winnie; and there I walked in such a magic web of light and shade as can only be seen in that glen when the moon hangs over it in a certain position.

  19. Some of Rackham's, of Harold Copping's, of the publications by Black in Peeps at Many Lands, are suitable for this stage.

  20. It dwells in the dark corners of houses and outbuildings, forming a dingy web of irregular threads, all of which communicate with a concealed chamber or den in which the Spider lurks.

  21. As we read, we share the sensation he produced at the Presidential levée at Washington, clad in a blue coat out of the very web that furnished Mr. Webster’s last suit.

  22. Always, now, this golden thread ran through the dark and tragical web of his retrospections and anticipations.

  23. A generation thus trained to self-respect and to respect for others has no use for a web of official regulations to protect its feeble and cloistered virtues from possible visions of evil, and an army of police to conduct it homewards at 9 p.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "web" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anatomy; arabesque; architecture; arrangement; basketwork; bed; braid; build; building; cancellation; cirrus; cloth; cobweb; composition; conformation; constitution; construction; creation; drapery; entanglement; entwine; fabric; fabrication; fashion; felt; fiber; filigree; flagellum; form; format; formation; frame; fret; fretwork; goods; gossamer; grate; grating; grid; gridiron; grille; hair; hatching; interlace; interlacing; intertwine; intertwining; interweave; interweaving; jungle; knit; knitting; knot; labyrinth; lace; lacing; lattice; loom; loop; make; makeup; making; manufacture; mat; material; maze; mesh; meshes; mold; molding; morass; mould; moulder; mouldy; napery; net; netting; network; noose; organism; organization; pattern; physique; pitfall; plait; plan; plexus; press; production; rag; riddle; screen; setup; shape; sieve; silk; skein; snarl; splice; strand; stuff; suture; tangle; tendril; textile; texture; thread; tissue; tracery; trellis; twill; twine; twist; twisting; wattle; weave; weaving; web; weft; woof; wool; wreathe