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Example sentences for "snarl"

Lexicographically close words:
snapt; snare; snared; snares; snaring; snarled; snarling; snarls; snarly; snatch
  1. A half-suppressed snarl broke from the prisoner.

  2. He rose from his stool stiffly, with a snarl for his aching wounds.

  3. This patient's life is usually a snarl of upsets, problems, and guilty secrets.

  4. As we have seen, to do so is to infringe on rights reserved exclusively for doctors and can land the iridologist, sooner or later, in a snarl of legal troubles.

  5. The opposition men have no candidate of their own, and consequently they will smile as complacently at the angry snarl of the contending Van Buren candidates and their respective friends as the Christian does at Satan's rage.

  6. Would it not, then, be much less painful to have the question decided by mutual friends some time before, than to snarl and quarrel until the day of election, and then both be beaten by the common enemy?

  7. And it is a bad sign that your cause is naught; when you snap and snarl because I call for scripture.

  8. They reckon parents ought to do for them, Though they the fifth commandment do contemn; They snap and snarl if parents them control, Though but in things most hurtful to the soul.

  9. A snarl was on the face of the night prowler even in death.

  10. There was a snarl and a violent squirming for a moment, and then all was still.

  11. A nasty snarl struck his ear, and gave him a shock, so that he instantly found himself wide-awake, and looking around to see what had caused the sound.

  12. Naturally enough this proved too much for even the bravest wild beast; and giving a savage snarl the thing suddenly bounded ashore, and was lost to view.

  13. And so he stared at this cross she held before him, fighting to bring a pleased and approving smile to the lips that fought in turn for their right to snarl a defiant mockery.

  14. She stared at him for an instant, wondering and perplexed; and then the snarl was on her lips again.

  15. But he was too quick for me, and with a sharp snarl and click of his teeth, had whipped his hand round to his back.

  16. With a sudden snarl of rage, Hinkey sprang forward, driving his hard right fist squarely into Slosson's left eye and knocking that soldier down.

  17. With a snarl Hinkey ran over to where Dietz and Johnson lay, giving each a hard kick.

  18. With a snarl like a panther's Hinkey crouched over the young sergeant, holding his hand high before striking.

  19. It was answered by something strangely like a snarl from the laborer.

  20. It brought a snarl from the old man, a snarl that made Bull straighten and step back, but he came again and put aside the shaking hand of Uncle Bill.

  21. It brought a murderous snarl from the other.

  22. Raging but frightened, he sat up to snarl wickedly.

  23. A snarl went over the huge face of the monster and she leaped forward again, but she met Goll's point in the road; it went through her, and in another moment Goll took her head from its shoulders and swung it on high before Fionn.

  24. The lips were drawn back from the formidable fangs till the contracted folds of the skin well-nigh closed the glaring eyes, and the infuriated snarl had become something terrific.

  25. With an evil snarl the Kafir leapt forward.

  26. The men stopped still in their tracks when the ugly snarl of a bear came to them out of the darkness.

  27. Again the fierce, angry snarl of the bear!

  28. Presently the snarl was heard in a dark crevice toward which the boy was descending.

  29. A snarl of rage rose up and drowned his voice, which he stilled by turning dramatically upon Keesh with outstretched arm and accusing finger.

  30. But Li Wan caught him from out the tail of her eye, and he sprang back with a snap and a snarl as she rapped him over the nose with a stick of firewood.

  31. But Bash was aggrieved and truculent, and could not forbear to whimper and snarl as he was forced to receive the burden.

  32. So Master Yap would snarl and bite, Then clap his tail, and fly with fright; As he, with bay and bristling hair, Assailed each tradesman who came there.

  33. Tiger," with a snarl that proved his nickname no misnomer.

  34. With a snarl of "You damned white slaver!

  35. Hardly had the secret-service man taken his leave, slinking away like a whipped cur, yet with an ugly snarl that presaged evil, when Herzog appeared.

  36. Just before the rise of the curtain on the first act of "Siegfried" one hears that whine or snarl of the Nibelung dwarf, entering on the minor ninth along with the hammering theme.

  37. She silently fell at his feet, without snarl or bark, releasing her hold only in the impotency of death.

  38. If he didn’t, the skin over his dear old nose would snarl up into gathers and puckers and frills.

  39. There was almost a suspicion of a leonine snarl in the stereotyped answer, “You are very kind to say so,” which he gave to the grimacing persons who buttonholed him to bask in the radiance of his success or to effuse honest admiration.

  40. Everything had to be done exactly right, and one clumsy or ill-timed move could make a hopeless snarl out of all.

  41. He settled it carefully in the bottom of the boat, so that it wouldn't kink or snarl when paid out, and was alert to avoid stepping on or tangling it in anyway.

  42. It is no wonder, then, that it has been found necessary to establish a school for telephone girls where they can be taught how to untangle the snarl and handle the vast, complicated system.

  43. The sun shines with a cold gleam, and the surf has an angry snarl to it as it surges up the sandy slopes and then recedes, dragging the pebbles after it with a rattling sound.

  44. When he felt himself safe, he turned round and began to spit and snarl and say bad words at Old Boze, who was looking at him with his long tongue hanging out of his mouth, and his face all wrinkled up into a broad grin.

  45. But my memory is good," he added, glancing at Old Klaws with a snarl that showed all his sharp, white teeth.

  46. The snarl was a scream of rage as the creature twisted in midair for a second try at him.

  47. There was a snarl from the passage, and a black thing sprang at the scout.

  48. Ellen retreated, but no further than was necessary to still that snarl in the throat of the she.

  49. This time the she advanced a step toward the girl, and her snarl was a terrible sound.

  50. That Bentley had seen Manape, and the teeth were exposed in a snarl of savage hatred.

  51. And in the morning the boy would slip quietly out of the house while his father still slept; only Red Wull would thrust out his savage head as the lad passed, and snarl hungrily.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "snarl" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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