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Example sentences for "wrangle"

Lexicographically close words:
wracks; wrait; wraith; wraiths; wrang; wrangled; wrangler; wranglers; wrangles; wrangling
  1. And that was the true attitude of his mind; but these eternal differences it was his joy to thresh out and wrangle over by the hour.

  2. Neither must they be boys to be instructed, but fellow-teachers with whom I may wrangle and agree on equal terms.

  3. Which things my adversary doth wrangle at, yet dares not affirm the contrary: only saith this, he had the righteous law of God written in his heart: which thing is not the Spirit of Christ.

  4. I do not say he doth not wrangle with them, but I say, he doth not by any one plain scripture contradict them.

  5. After a wrangle as to my having authority to make a record in the log-book, the prosecuting attorney succeeded in having the book admitted as evidence, and read to the jury the entry of August 13.

  6. There followed a furious wrangle over this point; but the prosecuting attorney succeeded in having question and answer stand.

  7. Then the wrangle became hotter and more amusing than ever.

  8. Charles started impatiently, and there would have been a wrangle but for the Colonel.

  9. Once outside, it took but a fraction more of time to settle the wrangle boat man and boy.

  10. With a chug like a great, pounding heartthrob the wrangle boat sprang for the sea.

  11. There is a bright blue girl in the wrangle boat!

  12. No, I don't," said Solvei Kjelland with her great blue eyes staring straight ahead through the veil of her windblown hair at some far focal point just over the wrangle boat's prancing bow.

  13. And I shall have a wrangle boat, of course," babbled the woman impishly.

  14. And on the roof where the wrangle boat sleeps there is an green vine that shall yet be yellow and sweet, Martha tells.

  15. And also if it should so seem best I could scrub the blue flannel crockings from the Wrangle Boy's neck!

  16. With more agility than one might have dared to hope for from one who boasted so much winter in his blood, the Young Doctor snatched up his valise, jumped down into the wrangle boat and pushed off.

  17. But for two such fancy fine packages as I go now to fetch," she flared again ever so slightly, "there will not be room also in the boat for the face of the wrangle boat man nor yet for the legs of the boy.

  18. He declined "to boggle and wrangle over minor defects in what is intrinsically good," and praised Wild Wales as "the first really clever book .

  19. I overtook him in Cartagena, endured the process of osculation, saw him without rhime or reason wrangle with and publicly insult our Consul there.

  20. Every taste and instinct is so in harmony that all the smaller business of life goes on without that jar which, in so many lives, makes a wrangle of pettinesses, and withdraws the attention from all that is noble.

  21. He let them wrangle over that, and turned himself to the army.

  22. She brought a couple of young loglets to keep a little life in the fire, and went away to contribute to an everlasting wrangle in the servants' hall.

  23. The wrangle underground fluctuated slightly, went into another key, and then resumed the theme.

  24. A wrangle toned down by distance and intervening doors is soothingly suggestive of company--soothingly, because it fosters the distant hearer's satisfaction at not being concerned in it.

  25. Mrs. Tapping absented herself in the direction of a remote wrangle underground, explaining her motive.

  26. Soon after the wrangle over the spar, there was a wrangle about the Gloucester's beef.

  27. After breakfast, the other communities were admitted without order, in consequence of a wrangle for precedence between Gubbio and Pesaro, Cagli and Fossombrone, and this continued till seven o'clock in the evening.

  28. Was there someone in there, Simon wondered, listening to this conversation?

  29. After a long wrangle it seemed that the women were to have their way.

  30. After preliminary organization a wrangle at once began as to the form of the trial.

  31. A wrangle at once started between the advocates of cropping and the whip.

  32. He kept near her as constantly as he could, he would even interrupt a wrangle with Mama Thérèse to favour the girl with a languishing glance or a term of endearment; he was forever caressing her disgustingly with his eyes.

  33. If such were the case, Lanyard had no wish to witness a public wrangle between the two.

  34. Some by their slothfulness bring themselves into want; and then being unable to bear it, they contract a discontented, peevish habit, and in their impatiency they wrangle and disquiet one another.

  35. The chance to hush it is to let in these people now in a wrangle with your footmen.

  36. There is nothing one cannot wrangle about.

  37. It is the fashion of the female to wrangle when she has the worst of the case," said Jacob, with a twinkle in his eye.

  38. And what a country, where from morning to night it's an endless wrangle about the first conditions of existence!

  39. They were in a laughing wrangle when two acquaintances of the colonel's came near.

  40. The President became angrier as the wrangle progressed, for, in the face of the hostile majority, he was powerless.

  41. Precisely the same wrangle occurred in Florida, where each side claimed a majority of about a hundred.

  42. In 1702, England got into a wrangle with France and Spain.

  43. They had been in the city only a short time, when one of them became involved in a wrangle with a Chilian.

  44. He did not want a wrangle with Pamela, to whom in general he was not unkind, while keeping a strict rule over her.

  45. And there was a pretty wrangle between Countess Fanny and the emperor, each pulling at the Old Buccaneer to have possession of him.

  46. I am not come here to wrangle with you about your slaves.

  47. His wife could not oppose him, Don Paolo would not wrangle with him, Gianbattista imposed upon him by his superior calm and strength of character, and, lastly, his socialist friends applauded him and nattered his vanity.

  48. Poor Ellen had not had her supper; the wrangle at home had dismissed it from everybody's mind.

  49. All he had to do was to be patient; the fall meant nothing wrong with the mine, only the wrangle of speculators.

  50. Then the next moment the wrangle would recommence, and the harsh trebles of wrath would swell high.

  51. A wrangle of voices, and the children did come in.

  52. What subject shall we find to wrangle about?

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wrangle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    altercation; argue; argument; bicker; bickering; brawl; broil; cage; cavil; clash; conflict; contend; contention; contest; controversy; corral; debate; differ; disagree; dispute; dissension; drive; drove; embroilment; fall; feud; fight; fracas; fray; fuss; goad; haggle; hassle; herd; imbroglio; lash; moot; plead; polemic; prick; quarrel; quibble; round; row; ruckus; scrap; shepherd; snarl; spar; spat; spur; squabble; strife; tiff; trade; tussle; vendetta; whip; wrangle