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Example sentences for "lash"

Lexicographically close words:
lasciva; lascivious; lasciviousness; laser; lasers; lashed; lashes; lashing; lashings; lashins
  1. The lash whistled through the air again and caught him about the shoulders.

  2. Instinctively he approached me to hamper my movements, whilst I moved back to give my lash the better play.

  3. To this influence I added that of such wit as Heaven has graced me with, and by a word here and another there I set myself to lash their mood back into the joviality out of which his coming had for the moment driven it.

  4. He held out his arms and joined his fat hands in supplication, but the lash caught them in its sinuous tormenting embrace, and started a red wheal across their whiteness.

  5. The water in this river was so low that we were obliged entirely to unload the canoes, and to lash poles across them, as we had done before, that the men might carry them on their shoulders over the places where they could not be floated.

  6. Their method was to lash poles across, and wading themselves, lift the canoes over the rocks--a laborious and infinitely tedious operation.

  7. A slight turn of the whip brought the lash sharply across her wrist, with the equally sharp words, "Mind your own business!

  8. And if white skin was no more delicate in reality than dark skin, it answered to the lash much more speakingly.

  9. With nothing further to detain them, Mr. Hicks swung his lash and the four went off at a gallop, with the cooking utensils in the rear rattling so that it sounded like a runaway milk-wagon.

  10. You drive stout birch poles into the sod, wattle them with willow branches, and lash on whatever comes handiest for rafters; then pile the straw all over it several fathoms thick, and leave the wind and snow to do the rest.

  11. It was an arduous undertaking, and even before starting it was necessary to lash his limbs together with a rifle between them by way of splint.

  12. The mallet lashed, as these waves lash the shore, Lash on the ice of the eastern shore.

  13. Romola had been driven to utter the words as men are driven to use the lash of the horsewhip.

  14. Then a clear whistle rang from the distance, the light suddenly was extinguished, the leveled muzzles vanished with it, the driver's lash fell simultaneously on the backs of his horses, and the coach leaped forward.

  15. Again and again the lash descended upon the maddened horses, until the whole coach seemed to leap, bound, and swerve with every stroke.

  16. For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.

  17. No one can doubt," says Dr Fergusson, "that for infamous crimes there ought to be infamous punishments, and to them let the lash be restricted.

  18. During a long war, abounding in opportunities of distinction, and at a time when the lash was the universal punishment for nearly every offence, it is not surprising that here and there a flogged man got his commission.

  19. In periods of depression the employers, so to speak, are only the lash with which necessity is armed; and whether they will or no, they have to strike.

  20. The interest due to the capitalist by the producer therefore is like the lash of the planter cracking over the head of the sleeping slave; it is the voice of progress crying: "On, on!

  21. Now put a lantern in one and lash them together," he continued.

  22. Now they are torn away and carried off to die under the pestilence and lash of Jamaica cane-fields; and the price of their poor bodies will swell the pockets of English slave-traders.

  23. Terror reigned supreme, and the lash was its sceptre.

  24. My reputation as a slaver in the villages, and the fear of a lash in the town, furnished me much more solitude than is generally agreeable to a sensitive traveller.

  25. Lash his bowsprit to our mizzen-mast," shouted the lieutenant, "and we will sweep his decks as he lies!

  26. These floated aside, the broken ends drooping, the crew at the stern-wreck clinging to the gunwales, and striving to hold fast to the oars to lash them across.

  27. The screw held it in a firm grip, adding a thong to a battering-ram, making a terrible whirlwind around the cannon, an iron lash in a brazen hand.

  28. But the lash of the whip found his face, and marked it for a time worse than the small-pox.

  29. The horrid idea shot through her mind that it was his custom to come thus to his son's room in the night and lash him.

  30. No sooner had they taken their seats in the gig than the beast began to snort and rear, but the long lash flicked out over its neck, and a minute later they were tearing off in a cloud of dust towards the town.

  31. For, you see, a stored-up mass of knowledge and experience turns one fine day into an army of evil powers, that lash you on and on, unceasingly.

  32. Peer's own face is plastered white now, and he feels stunned and dazed under the lash of the snow.

  33. It happened that Dumaliso had compelled several of the meanest of the villagers to lash Mushad.

  34. The lords of the lash par excellence were the stage-drivers.

  35. In several places, they had had to lash ropes around them and edge them along the hillsides the best they could.

  36. Ruin's billows them engulfing, all their hopes and joys to blight; And the scorpion lash of conscience scourges them by day and night!

  37. Do this, and lash and pistol, now your sole defense, Shall give place to Reason and plain Common Sense!

  38. Or do pitying angels shudder, as the cruel lash you ply, Wondering man can be so brutal and the laws of God defy?

  39. Again the long lash hisses hot Along the gray mare's glassy hide-- Aha, she is lost!

  40. But down on her broad shining back Stings my lash like a rill of red flame-- Huzzah, my wild beauty!

  41. Eleazar, clenching his hand; "I would lash the slaves up to the conflict as I would lash dogs that hung back in the chase.

  42. Who ebber hear of lash a nigga, escept nigga sassbox, nigga thief, nigga drunk, nigga break hoss' leg?

  43. By-and-by, hearing a great chattering and laughing among the men below, I looked down and beheld one of them diverting himself with a ludicrous sport, frequently practised by slaves to whom the lash is unknown.

  44. Then Leclere picked up the whip and proceeded almost to cut him to pieces, at each stroke of the lash crying: "Dis taim Ah break you!

  45. And when he was well fixed I laid the lash upon him, reciting, at every stroke, the wrongs he had done me.

  46. The long whip-lash hissed out, the dogs sprang against the breast bands, and the sled lurched and jerked ahead.

  47. Yelping shrilly from the pain of lash and club, he none the less contrived always to throw in the defiant snarl, the bitter vindictive menace of his soul which fetched without fail more blows and beatings.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lash" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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