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Example sentences for "haggle"

Lexicographically close words:
haggard; haggardly; haggardness; haggards; haggis; haggled; haggling; hagiology; hagion; hagioscope
  1. I have often seen them haggle away at a Tehuelche throat--haggle and saw, while he writhed and begged for the stroke of grace, for full five minutes before the artery was severed and his life-blood made to spurt out on the sand.

  2. Solicitors' clerks occasionally haggle and bargain with barristers' clerks in an undignified manner--but of this their masters are supposed to be in ignorance.

  3. Were Charles's lieutenants actually going to sit on their motionless horses and haggle with him until these infuriated Romans fell upon them?

  4. I saw to it that the possibility of an alliance was kept alive, so that I might have something Louis and I could haggle over.

  5. I will not haggle for the public will be content with printing only two hundred copies, of which you shall have half, and I half.

  6. This is no plot to draw you into committing even a good deed on a Sunday, which I suppose the literality of your conscience would haggle about, as if the day of the week constitutes the sin, and not the nature of the crime.

  7. Peace contents me, and for my part I shall not haggle about the terms.

  8. I give the Market, where the people come and haggle over the price of potatoes and apples, a certain degree of dignity.

  9. I am supposed to be their retail grocer and haggle in their behalf.

  10. He had to look these people straight in the face, and they compelled him to haggle with them for money, words, feelings, and ideas.

  11. He had to haggle with her over the price.

  12. It had accomplished only the debate, a ludicrous haggle between those who turned their backs on the world war and said that war was impossible and those who declared that it was inevitable.

  13. It made Kedzie cynical to see him haggle and ponder, trying to make the maximum hit with a minimum of ammunition.

  14. Fletcher snorted, and then, before entering the house, stopped to haggle with an old Negro woman for a pair of spring chickens hanging dejectedly from her outstretched hand, their feet tied together with a strip of faded calico.

  15. I declare, I've seen him haggle for an hour over the price of salt, and it turns him positively sick to see anything but specked potatoes on the table.

  16. With his lips to the glass, Will paused to haggle over the price of his obedience.

  17. He puts his objection upon the semi-jocose ground that he shall be unable to avoid overhearing the price of her intended gift, and that his modesty could not stand the strain of helping her to haggle over it.

  18. Burgoyne's friend in the red shirt is beating down a one-eyed Kabyle, and having a happy haggle with him over a Mozambique coat.

  19. He received a licence to sell thirty slaves, but now few showed a disposition to buy, and where they did, came to haggle and cheapen.

  20. And thus they haggle and haggle, just as though they were trading horses, until finally it is fixed.

  21. He learned centuries since that Madame will pay any price for a hat that pleases her taste, and do it without question, while she will haggle an hour over the price of twenty pounds of sugar or a cut of beef.

  22. In fact, it was a prevalent idea among the people that they could always get more favourable terms in the inevitable haggle when "U' Ben" happened to be presiding at the receipt of custom than when the same held good of his daughter.

  23. One thing I am coming to learn in this world, and that is to let people haggle along with their lives as I haggle along with mine.

  24. You know that my Indians are beginning to haggle over the fees and to flash schedules on me!

  25. On top of the fact that my Indians are beginning to haggle over payments!

  26. If you sell me your gifts, I will haggle over the price; but if you pretend to give, in order to sell later on at your own price, you are guilty of fraud; it is the free gift which is beyond price.

  27. But to have to haggle over the price of an orange or of an ice!

  28. I cannot even haggle over a bargain properly, people can read from my face what I have to give.

  29. See her, poorly though she be, hurry from one provincial town to another, acting uncongenial parts, so as to scrape together a little money wherewith to satisfy the Jews with whom she has to haggle for the material for her costumes.

  30. The pulpits were only representative of the religion of the pews, and the pews were occupied by the same sort of humanity that toil and spin and haggle over dollars and cents six out of every seven days.

  31. As the friends of the Union were disposed to haggle at no price to preserve it, so was Garrison disposed to barter the Union itself in exchange for the abolition of slavery.

  32. I never haggle with them; but always say I intend it.

  33. However, it is comfortable to reflect that we have not changed to each other for some five-and-thirty years, and neither you nor I haggle about naming so ancient a term.

  34. The owner is homesick, and will not haggle about a few pounds.

  35. If you ever feel disposed to part with him," the inspector hinted, "I will not haggle about his price.

  36. Not in the dark do we fight--haggle and flout and gibe; Selling our love for a price, loaning our hearts for a bribe.

  37. Give us but a prince capable of governing, and you shall see whether we will haggle about the conditions of power!

  38. They haggle as if they were at market, and yet, when they get back to the 'Minerva,' they wonder they have so little to show for their money.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haggle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bargain; bargaining; bid; cheapen; dicker; hack; hackle; haggle; huckster; negotiate; negotiation; slash; sliver; trade