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Example sentences for "unable"

Lexicographically close words:
una; unabashed; unabated; unabating; unabridged; unabsorbed; unaccented; unacceptable; unacceptably
  1. I watched her till the anchor dropped, and then, in a burst of emotion, I turned away, unable to endure more.

  2. Whether he replied or not to this rude speech I am unable to say, but the other walked leisurely round the table and came directly in front of him.

  3. At first, looking at his two companions, the collector turned his eyes to the gaff, where the English flag was flying; but still unable to utter a word, he stood like one entranced.

  4. In what a position should I stand, if unable to discover the chateau!

  5. I was unable to satisfy myself how far this might be well-founded terror, or a vague and causeless fear.

  6. What peculiar line of political action my father followed I am unable to say, nor whether he was suspected with or without due cause; but suspected he certainly was, and at a time when suspicion was all-sufficient for conviction.

  7. Whether in utter despair of the cause for which they had suffered so long and so much, or that they were willing to accept this alliance with the oldest dynasty of Europe as a compromise, I am unable to say; but so was it.

  8. I was still very weak, and unable for any fatigue, as I accompanied the marshal to the quaint old palace which, at about a league from the capital, formed the headquarters of the Emperor.

  9. All my skill in such matters was unable to decide the point; they seemed all alike valuable and handsome--in equally high condition, and exhibiting equal marks of careful treatment.

  10. If therefore we would keep off the enemy, so that they may be unable to hurt us on our march, we must at once provide ourselves with slingers and cavalry.

  11. Two honourable and brave soldiers," said he, "have now been killed, and we have been unable either to carry off their bodies or bury them.

  12. Here again there was much dejection; and Cheirisophus and the oldest of the generals blamed Xenophon for pursuing the enemy apart from the main body, endangering himself, and yet being unable to hurt the assailants.

  13. Some of the enemy too, who had collected themselves into a body, pursued our rear, and seized any of the baggage-cattle that were unable to proceed, fighting with one another for the possession of them.

  14. At last he grew angry; and they told him to kill them, as they were quite unable to go forward.

  15. In the Registrar General's Report of 1840, the mean of married persons unable to write is presented.

  16. This, however, the man found himself quite unable to do, and therefore could impart his skill to nobody.

  17. It is hard to be left out in the cold when others go into their cheerful houses; but to be thus left outside of life, to speak and not be heard, to stand unseen, astounded, unable to secure any attention!

  18. Mrs. Bowyer, as was natural, said something, being unable to endure the silence; but neither she nor any of the others knew what it was she said.

  19. With the law what it is, he is quite unable to decide a priori what is permitted by the national delicacy and what is not, nor can he get any light from the recorded campaigns of the moralists.

  20. In its brief space he is unable to examine all of the books in detail, but he at least manages to get through a careful study of Conrad's method, and his professional skill and interest make it valuable.

  21. One lies in the fact that Dreiser is quite unable to get the feel, so to speak, of Philadelphia, just as he is unable to get the feel of New York in "The 'Genius.

  22. In Chicago The "Genius" has been stolen, and on account of the withdrawal of the book the Public Library has been unable to get another copy.

  23. Chambers, but from end to end of his fat tome I am unable to find the slightest mention of Dreiser.

  24. I confess that I am unable to name a likely medium.

  25. In their view of the arts they are still unable to shake off the naïve suspicion of the Fathers.

  26. He is unable to conceive the life of the species otherwise than as an individual life, and therefore as exposed to the same dangers and calamities which menace and finally destroy the life of the individual.

  27. Chateaubriand's description is probably based on earlier accounts, which I have been unable to trace.

  28. At once the boy's strength goes out of him and he is unable to pursue the negro.

  29. Observe Gavrilow in the piece under discussion, in which he gives a good imitation of Nijinsky's general style, and you will see that he is unable to maintain this rhythmic continuity.

  30. Farrar and Edmond Clement were unable to arouse interest in it (it was in Werther, at the New Theatre, that Alma Gluck made her operatic debut, in the role of Sophie).

  31. This crop not only has power like the other legumes to take nitrogen from the air, but it is also a strong feeder, that is, it can feed upon mineral plant food in the soil that other plants are unable to make use of.

  32. Root and tuber crops are unable to use the insoluble mineral elements in the soil, hence they require application of all the important plant foods in readily available form.

  33. Being unable to sit still and having nothing else to do she glanced at the clock and began preparing supper.

  34. Unable to sleep she arose at last, and the room being warm, she sat on the floor close the window.

  35. Philip, unable to see a woman carry a heavier load than he, reached for the instrument.

  36. I've been very busy all summer and unable to collect, and I need so many.

  37. There were many things incident to the opening of school, and one man unable to cope with all of them.

  38. It is unfortunate that the Prime Minister was unable to get back from Spa in order to assist in the final suppression of his famous land-duties.

  39. At this rate we shall soon be unable to afford either to live or to die, and must try a state of suspended animation.

  40. Jack, the poor fellow may be partly stunned, and unable to keep up much longer.

  41. Josh, unable to catch sight of the other just then.

  42. Occasionally George would be unable to restrain his impetuous nature.

  43. I don't know," instantly remarked George, who was unable to see much good in any small craft when his pet Wireless was around.

  44. How strange that the being who is lord and master of all the animal creation should be unable to govern himself!

  45. And the fact that many people are now unable to recognize or appreciate an allusion to the Apocrypha is by no means the most serious result of this common neglect of its contents.

  46. It is better for us that we should be able to influence by our prayers God's direction of events than that we should be unable to do so; therefore a merciful Father has placed this power within our reach.

  47. But in most cases only the titles survive, and where the revelation or prophecy is attributed to an Old Testament character we are unable to decide whether the fiction was of Jewish or of Christian origin.

  48. The boat now drew near the shore, but the banks of the river were so high and steep that they could see nothing above them, and Dot thought at first they would be unable to land.

  49. You say yourself you would be unable to stop us if we decided not to mind you.

  50. Bothwell found his cousin full of sympathy, but was unable to give him any advice or assistance, as Miss Meyerstein had been.

  51. To see her beloved suffer and to be unable to lessen his pain, that was indeed bitter.

  52. Patches of the wood take fire, and several of the wounded, unable to move, are consumed.

  53. I have always held that a man cannot be considered as educated if he is unable to wait an hour in a railway-station for a train without ennui.

  54. Of course, if a man or a community is unable to choose a guide of the right sort, then that man or community is doomed, and we need say no more of either.

  55. Then the nincompoops who refused to attend to danger-signals saw that the beautiful colt which had spun over the same course like a greyhound only ten months before was unable to gallop at all.

  56. Even this nominal confinement, however, Galileo's high spirit was unable to brook.

  57. In the great nebula of the Milky Way, he descried crowds of minute stars; and he concluded that this singular portion of the heavens derived its whiteness from still smaller stars, which his telescope was unable to separate.

  58. Owing to the decline of his health, and the recurrence of his old complaints, he was unable to oppose to this mental suffering the constitutional energy of his mind.

  59. I believe that, if Jane ever loved, it was this unnamed gentleman; but the acquaintance had been short, and I am unable to say whether her feelings were of such a nature as to affect her happiness.

  60. The first was discarded, although it had merits, and the two branches of Congress were unable to agree upon either of the others.

  61. Though believed to be favorable to a decided easing of custom-house levies, his administration soon frankly avowed itself unable to proceed further than high- protectionists would follow.

  62. The States of Minnesota and Washington, unable in their own courts to thwart this plan, sought the intervention of the United States Supreme Court.

  63. Still they were unable to see into the camp, and they determined to advance still closer.

  64. Unable to resist the temptation, White Otter drove his arrow through its heart.

  65. In spite of their bravery, however, the Sioux were unable to overcome the odds against them.

  66. However, he was unable to convince himself that any of the ponies in the corral was that animal.

  67. The Crows, however, had prepared for just such a maneuver, and the alarmed ponies were unable to break away.

  68. Still, as they could not be sure, they were unable to reach a definite conclusion regarding the fate of the Blackfeet chief.

  69. In spite of their expert horsemanship the Sioux were unable to control them.

  70. They had thoughtfully cut the arrows from the bodies of Matohota and Imutanka so that if either the Blackfeet or the Crows chanced to visit the spot they would be unable to guess who had ventured upon their hunting grounds.

  71. Try as they might, the Blackfeet were unable to break through the heroic company that confronted them.

  72. Lily, unable to restrain herself any longer and giving him a box on the ears.

  73. She gulped down a sob, unable to comprehend the purport of his question.

  74. But Senor Johnson, to-day, found himself unable to do this.

  75. He was alone in an enemy's country, and unable to cope with them should they prove to be numerous.

  76. Sitting down in a chair by the fire, unable to do anything except to watch the dying woman, he let his thoughts dwell upon his many troubles, while he wondered from whom the strange help had come.

  77. His wife was unable to answer any questions he might ask; she seemed to be at the point of death, and he needed no experienced eye to tell him that her hours were numbered.

  78. As they were unable to reach each other and engage in a hand-to-hand light, nor to learn the actual strength of the enemy, they were too wise to risk an open attack.

  79. I had fastened him with a lariat to a small tree, but, startled by the report of the guns, he had broken loose, and was now making off so swiftly that I was unable to follow and recover him.

  80. One night a wild wind swept over the plain, and the Pine, unable to resist its force, fell to the ground.

  81. He was never so happy as when chopping wood, preparing or earning food for those who were unable to work for themselves.

  82. This man had spent some time among the whites, having been taken in hand to be educated by a merchant, but unable to remain away he had come back to find a home with his own people.

  83. Unable to speak, he traced, with feeble, trembling fingers, some straggling characters on the wall against which he lay.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    inadequate; incapable; incompetent; ineffective; ineffectual; inefficient; inept; inferior; powerless; unable; unadapted; unendowed; unequipped; unfit; unqualified