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Example sentences for "crops"

Lexicographically close words:
cropped; cropper; croppers; cropping; croppings; cropt; croquet; croquette; croquettes; crore
  1. It was constructed of rough blocks of the fossil-imbedded marl that underlies Marlborough and crops out along the Potomac shore.

  2. The same land in better years yielded crops to its new owners, so that a relatively few dynamic men were able to amass great wealth and form a ruling aristocracy.

  3. But the old, inescapable contradiction in aesthetic philosophy crops up here.

  4. Footnote: In the tenth and eleventh centuries, corn and other crops seem to have been raised in considerable quantities, but at present only small crops of potatoes, turnips, and cabbages are grown.

  5. Crops average two a year, and sometimes even five in two years.

  6. Huge crops then became a regular thing in Brazil.

  7. Furthermore, he must know the variations in characteristics of current crops; for in most coffees no two crops are equal in trade values.

  8. The true Bourbon of the first and second crops is a small bean, and resembles the Mocha, but makes a much handsomer roast with fewer "quakers".

  9. Thus, in some districts, the trees are considered to have two or even three crops a year.

  10. Too late, the state government tried by taxing new coffee estates, to force the planters to raise crops to supply their own necessities.

  11. The true Bourbon is obtained from the first few crops of Mocha seed.

  12. Here was a shortage of only a little more than ten percent in supply as against demand, so far as crops go.

  13. And then he pointed out that there would be "no financial assistance coming from anywhere" if the São Paulo planters kept on raising such ridiculously large crops of coffee.

  14. They secured their best crops from lowlands where peaty soil prevailed, and eventually all the coffee grown on the peninsula came from such regions.

  15. Private-estate crops are sold by public tender, usually on or about January 28 of each year.

  16. The gathering of the crops furnishes employment for half the population.

  17. That section of land crossing the State in the region of Delaware City and Middleton is one of the show regions in America, for crops of wheat and corn.

  18. The loam, clay, and limestone soils on the Pennsylvania tide of the Delaware produced heavy crops of grain, as well as pasture for cattle and valuable lumber from its forests.

  19. Two crops are gathered annually, the principle one in December and the other at Eastertide, the fruit produced by the later and smaller crop being far finer in size and flavour than those of the Christmas harvest.

  20. Whole villages were ruined, hundreds of acres of vines and crops were scorched and burned; the smiling peaceful hillside was in a few minutes converted into a parched wilderness.

  21. When deep snows fall and drifts form, fences offer no protection to crops against rabbits.

  22. These animals do considerable damage to garden truck and other farm crops also, especially on lands recently opened to cultivation.

  23. In about half the States that have a close season for rabbits the laws permit farmers and fruit growers to destroy the animals to protect crops or trees.

  24. This bulletin discusses the distribution and habits of cottontail rabbits and methods of controlling their ravages on trees and cultivated crops by means of trapping, poisoning, and supplying safeguards.

  25. Rabbits of both genera, however, feed exclusively on vegetation, and are at times harmful to crops and especially to trees.

  26. This means that in the short growing season the crops grow very rapidly, and it also means that all the work has to be done in that limited time.

  27. If the crops grow twenty-four or twenty-two or twenty hours, then the peasant must work the harder.

  28. The very land itself was his gift, the crops that grew upon it and the population it supported all depended upon his bounty.

  29. It marked the drying up of the soil and the disappearance of the crops and vegetation of the spring.

  30. Bau was known as "the great mother," from whom mankind had received the herd and the flock as well as the crops of the field.

  31. Still another agricultural change is to increase the crops of beans, peas, and lentils--vegetables which contain when dried as much nutrition as meat.

  32. They got through the meal, however, after a great length of time had elapsed, for they conversed about every thing, crops especially and folks in the city in general.

  33. I look for great crops off it in the future.

  34. The granite core of the country crops out all along in low broken hills, the intervening mesas consisting of granite sand and gravel, and bearing beside the pines a good deal of brush.

  35. Their crops were carefully secured; their cattle driven far into the interior; and their women and children removed from the frontier to places of safety.

  36. What they chiefly lack is more generosity and candour towards strangers, and a clearer understanding of their duties as protectors of the national property, in respect of the crops of timber which grow around them.

  37. I had placed his whole farm in a good state of repair, and had matured and saved his crops in such a manner that his profits were much larger than they ever were before in any one season.

  38. Peace and tranquillity reigned on that farm thereafter, and better crops were not raised in the county.

  39. For the same reason their contact had to be avoided by those who belonged to the village and were united to the goddess by partaking of the crops which she brought forth on her land.

  40. In Kumaon [66] a Nat still slides down a long rope from the summit of a cliff to the base as a rite for ensuring the success of the crops on the occasion of a festival of Siva.

  41. The bull tills the soil and renders it fertile and capable of bringing forth the crops which form the sustenance of mankind; while the phallic emblem is worshipped as the instrument of generation.

  42. Both these are festivals of the goddess Devi or Mother Earth, when a fast is observed in her honour, first before sowing the spring crops and secondly before reaping them.

  43. The buffalo is probably considered as the corn-spirit because it was the animal which mainly damaged the crops in past times.

  44. Some instances of subcastes formed from growing special plants or crops have been given.

  45. The pig is sacrificed either as the animal which now mainly injures the crops or because it was the principal sacrificial animal of the non-Aryan tribes, or from a combination of both reasons.

  46. From dukar, hog, because they are accustomed to hunt the wild pig with dogs and spears when these animals become too numerous and damage the crops of the villagers.

  47. The luxuriant crops give evidence of their labour, and the fields are everywhere alive.

  48. The soil is very rich, and, given an ample water-supply, produces two or three crops a year, while the whole surface is so completely under cultivation that there is no room left for grass or wild flowers to grow.

  49. Little wonder, therefore, if these hardy desert tribes are taciturn and reserved, for they see nature in its stern moods, and know little of that ease of life which may be experienced among the green crops and pastures of the Delta.

  50. In all directions, as far as the eye can see, broad stretches of corn wave in the gentle breeze, while brilliant patches of clover or the quieter-coloured onion crops vary the green of the landscape.

  51. For not only the crops and fruits, but the foliage of the forest itself, nay, the small twigs and the bark of the trees are the victims of their curious and energetic rapacity.

  52. The hideous swarms lay dead in the moist steaming underwoods, in the green swamps, in the sheltered valleys, in the ditches and furrows of the fields, amid the monuments of their own prowess, the ruined crops and the dishonoured vineyards.

  53. Those who solely cultivated corn had little more to do than to await the time of harvest, but many crops required constant attention, and some stood in need of frequent artificial irrigation.

  54. The usual contrivance for raising water from the Nile for watering the crops was the shadoof, or pole and bucket, so common still in Egypt, and even the water-wheel appears to have been employed in more recent times.

  55. With the movement of crops the outflow of gold was speedily stopped and a return set in.

  56. But while the fact I have stated is true as to the crops mentioned, the general average of prices has been such as to give to agriculture a fair participation in the general prosperity.

  57. The people do wear their hair long, and our close crops might excite attention.

  58. When your term is over you will want to take up a piece of land and farm, and you must have money for this until your crops grow.

  59. The sand and ashes fell so thick that the crops were partially destroyed fifty miles off, at Ternate, where it was so dark the following day that lamps had to be lighted at noon.

  60. All the villages and crops were destroyed, and numbers of the inhabitants killed.

  61. Land becomes poor from two causes: the plant food in the soil becomes exhausted, and poisonous excretions from the roots of one year's crops act injuriously on those of the next season.

  62. Two or three crops of radishes may be grown on the same ground in one season.

  63. Name some kinds of crops that cannot be kept in any of the ways already discussed.

  64. Since they are found chiefly in fields recently ploughed from grass, they may be held in check by rotation of crops and by fall ploughing, which exposes the larvæ to the winter frosts.

  65. Rotating crops will improve both conditions for a while, but eventually the soil will require treatment.

  66. If land is to yield good crops year after year, it must be fertilized, that is, there must be added chemicals containing the above-mentioned plant foods.

  67. Begin by studying the more conspicuous moths, butterflies, and beetles, and especially by studying the injurious forms which thrust themselves into prominence by causing destruction of grain, vegetable, or fruit crops in the locality.

  68. The successful growing of farm, orchard, and garden crops practically depends upon keeping a proper balance of insect and bird life.

  69. The following suggestions in insect study are offered as guides to teacher or pupil: Obtain books and pamphlets from the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, on the subject of Insect Pests on Farm Crops and Fruit Trees.

  70. This thing’s got to stop some time, my son—ground gets worked out—and when the crops are gathered I know who mine’s for.

  71. That if they can prove what they allege about the crops in the years just before and after the war, they’ll sweep you for rents and profits, and you’ll need the bonds.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crops" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.