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Example sentences for "speedily"

Lexicographically close words:
speedeth; speedie; speedier; speediest; speedilie; speeding; speedometer; speeds; speedster; speedy
  1. While this was being slowly accomplished, Lee, relieved from fears for Richmond, decided to advance upon Washington, and speedily commenced the movement.

  2. Can we, can they, by any other means so certainly or so speedily assure these vital objects; we can succeed only by concert.

  3. At any rate, both Dodge and Bayliss wanted to get as far as possible from the recent "horror," and as speedily as they could do it.

  4. Dodge, white-faced, his cap pulled well down over his eyes, showed all that he knew about running a car carefully and as speedily as was possible over such rough roads.

  5. Then he and Dodge skipped hastily to a point some eighty yards away, where they speedily sent up another.

  6. Accordingly the powers thus attributed to the letters themselves were speedily extended to the paper on which they were written.

  7. He always addressed our coolies in verse, and though his knowledge of the language was only elementary, he was better understood and more speedily obeyed than others of us who spoke the dialects fluently.

  8. While the orchestra poured forth an unmelodious symphony the lilliputian vessel was entrusted to the waters, in which it speedily filled and disappeared.

  9. In Annam, on the other hand, Islam was speedily blended with Hinduism to form a compound in which the original ingredients almost defied recognition.

  10. The young person (she honeyed a Cockney twang) speedily came back to report that Miss.

  11. She ascended to the second floor, pressed the button of a bell, and was speedily confronted by a girl of the natty parlour-maid species.

  12. The police-officer, animated by a brisk succession of events such as he could not hope for every day, raised the prostrate figure, and speedily announced that the wound was not mortal.

  13. She learnt speedily of his arrival at New York, then that he had reached Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, then that he was with his friend Sutherland on the little island amid the coral reefs.

  14. Senior to Charles Dilke by five years, he had not known him at Cambridge; but they "speedily became very intimate.

  15. Enoch speedily cast off the lines, Zeke staying on board to haul them in, Caleb made his appearance sculling a boat that was to pull the little vessel out to her anchorage, and a line was passed down to him.

  16. The boatswain speedily returned with the "bracelets" which he had been sent to bring, and by that time some of the crew had untied his hands.

  17. The good-natured smile gave place to a frown, and the hand which the storekeeper had thrown aside speedily caught its grip again, and this time it was there to stay.

  18. The second one made all haste to get below, while the other accepted some pieces of the shirt which Captain O'Brien speedily took off for him and coolly proceeded to tie up his wound.

  19. Sir, if this were our only history, then may God of His mercy grant that its volume may speedily come to a close.

  20. Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away.

  21. He once unwittingly became mixed up with a secret society, but he speedily disentangled himself--there was nothing of the secret conspirator about him.

  22. Guns were speedily run out in the direction from which the volley had come, and just by way of showing the enemy that the Niobe was prepared, two loaded with shrapnel were fired.

  23. The savages fled before the infuriated brute more speedily than they would have done before a human foe.

  24. We speedily held a council of war, at which we discussed the best plan for attacking the Indians.

  25. We went on now with more comfort, and had good hope of speedily coming up with the pillaging Indians, of whom we never doubted we could give a good account.

  26. No sooner had the firing commenced than he started from his cot and speedily dressed himself, often tottering as he did so.

  27. But our men were speedily divided into two parties, and in a minute more the battle was raging fiercely on both sides of the deck.

  28. Let me come then as speedily as I may to the one great event of my life: my capture by that arch-fiend Zareppa, and my treatment while a prisoner for ten long years in the wildest part of the interior of Africa.

  29. There was no need for further concealment; we speedily showed ourselves, poured a volley into their bewildered ranks, and before they could recover from their surprise we were on them with our muskets, which we used as clubs.

  30. From his own side of the river he had heard the firing and the wild shouts that told of the raging combat, and had speedily launched his rude canoe, intent on revenge for the murder of his poor wife and babes.

  31. Hence his impulsive candor, the clearness of his views, and the straightforward simplicity of his speech at once attracted notice, and although so young, he went speedily to the front in the local management of his party.

  32. Although conversions had not been rare, the increase was mainly due to immigration, which the great famine in Ireland was speedily to increase.

  33. His premonitions were speedily fulfilled, though probably not in the extreme form which he anticipated.

  34. She knew the injury that must result to them unless they could speedily be carried into the boat-house near.

  35. This immediately brought them to terms; in the smoothest of phrases they besought an accommodation, and speedily agreed to set at liberty, in consideration of a certain sum, all those whom they had unjustly incarcerated.

  36. Those parents who cruelly treat their children, those dissipated sons of families who will not listen to parental admonition, are summoned before the Commissaire and speedily brought to reason.

  37. This system is a danger to society, and if not speedily remedied must bring disastrous consequences.

  38. I could only hope that the abnormal condition into which she had fallen might speedily wear out her vital energies, already seriously shattered.

  39. Louis Philippe either would have been overthrown very speedily after his elevation, or he would have been enabled to wear his new crown only by placing the old bonnet rouge above it.

  40. The Union being speedily set afloat by her crew, we pulled together through a wide channel, three feet deep.

  41. During a great part even of the summer season, all the beds of sand are frozen into a hard sandstone; but a piece having been broken off and put into the pocket, speedily thawed into sand.

  42. It was, therefore, necessary that I should speedily commence my return, and having gone with the brigade merely to the west-end of the Portage, I came back again on the 1st of November.

  43. Then the forward action of both hands will take the canoe speedily through the passage between B and C.

  44. The bridge at Bale was speedily covered by the idle and the curious as the canoe pulled up at an hotel a few yards from the water on Sept.

  45. A drop of it put on your coat speedily dries up and leaves a white stain of minute crystals.

  46. I pulled up my boat on the dark shore, and, all dripping wet, I mounted to the house above, and speedily aroused the inmates.

  47. In an instant, if you hesitate, the boat is on a bank; and it is remarkable how speedily the exercise of this resolution becomes experienced into habit, but of course only after some severe lessons.

  48. While they wash they talk, and while they talk they thump and belabour the clothes; but there is always some idle eye wandering which speedily will catch sight of the Rob Roy canoe.

  49. We here segregate this word, and introduce it to the American reader, with the hope that it will speedily become nationalized.

  50. Nevertheless, this awkwardness was quickly overcome by the privilege and example given them, and with, a glass of whiskey and water before them, the men were speedily at their ease.

  51. The savages knew that Master Stuyvesant and nearly all the fighting men of the city were away, and speedily they gathered to take revenge.

  52. He speedily summoned his son, who was then residing at the castle of Mikawa.

  53. There was nothing left for the unfortunate servant but to rip himself up as speedily as possible.

  54. The nobles and warriors were speedily assembled in the most spacious hall in the fortress.

  55. Black dogs sprang from a narrow gorge between the hills, speedily followed by men on horseback.

  56. Next, to the alarm of the citizens, came a mock fight and the roar of cannon, intended to accustom the garrison to siege and war, which latter calamity speedily commenced in earnest.

  57. We were speedily near our last sovereign and last note also.

  58. About two centuries ago, their native isles were first colonised by man, by whom these strange creatures were speedily exterminated.

  59. He ran to the bed, speedily pulled off a blanket lying there, and wrapped it about the woman.

  60. Give her a shallow caboose, and get her ready as speedily as you can.

  61. The dory was speedily filled, and then, with a little more exertion the yacht was set afloat.

  62. On my return, I occupied myself with preparations for the reception of her who was so speedily to become my wife.

  63. Little, indeed, did I imagine what was so speedily to be your doom!

  64. His companions made way on either side; and several gunners, who were already at their stations, having advanced to work the piece at the command of their captain, it was speedily brought to bear upon the schooner.

  65. This signal, announcing my safety, was speedily returned by my friends below in a cheering and lively strain, that seemed to express at once surprise and satisfaction; and inspirited by the sound, I prepared to follow up my perilous chase.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speedily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.