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Example sentences for "war"

Lexicographically close words:
wants; wantyng; wapentake; wapiti; wappatoo; wara; warble; warbled; warbler; warblers
  1. During the last year of that war on the Continent some time ago he had the acting rank of captain, as second in command of a six-mangle army laundry.

  2. One of the most striking of the collection of exhibits of fascinating interest [at the Imperial War Museum] is the Air Force map for carrying out the British plan for bombing Berlin.

  3. The woman came and sat by the side of me, and the peroxide in her hair made it gleam like the pale gold coins that were in the banks before the Great War (more dreamily).

  4. The policy of Crete for Greece, rather than Crete for her own good, made confusion and jealousy in the conduct of the war much greater than they need have been.

  5. At this time all means and supplies for the war came directly from the Hellenic treasury.

  6. He continued boasting of what he would do in the coming war in the same vein, and on leaving the café was waylaid by a relative of the murdered family, and shot dead.

  7. Even when the agitation which led to the Greek war of independence began, the Cretans were not moved; but in June of 1821, the Mussulmans massacred a large number of Christians, some thousands, in the three principal cities.

  8. This stage of the war developed a man whose name has become one of the historical in Crete, Antoni Melidoni.

  9. The rising of the district about Ida followed, and the war was so vigorously carried on that in a month the open country was almost entirely cleared of Mussulmans.

  10. Jef en stjurar of and arm is, and hi heth hus nach erv, sa mot im that jon wertha.

  11. But the form of their letters differs so entirely from that of the Phenician and Hebrew writing, that in that particular no connection can be thought of between them.

  12. One dark night I brought the Maagden to the citadel, and afterwards they went with their serving-maids dressed in white along the path, so that nobody dare go there any more.

  13. Sahwersa en mente en flate to reth, moton tha redar njvda fara beste liftochtun and far wif and barn.

  14. This must accordingly have happened 557 years before Christ.

  15. Was hi forseith, sa mei sin brud sjugun mannis delun aska vmbe hira fryadulf en sten to to wjande, mar than mot hja for tha ere wedve bilyva leva long.

  16. She was hardly well served at the time of the war with Italy.

  17. The last war however has shown, as nothing else has, the Satanic nature of the civilization that dominates Europe to day.

  18. William Stead offered public prayers for British reverses at the time of the Boer war because he considered that the nation to which he belonged was engaged in an unrighteous war.

  19. With Russia knocking at the gate at the time of the war it was not an easy matter for Turkey to join the Allies.

  20. The present Prime Minister risked his life in opposing that war and did everything he could to obstruct his own Government in its prosecution.

  21. We are at war with nothing that is good in the world.

  22. During the months before war I wrote and lectured and spoke on your behalf in several places which I do not regret.

  23. The war that the people of India have declared and which will purify and consolidate India, and forge for her a true and stable liberty is a war with the latest and most effective weapon.

  24. They consider non-co-operation without violence to be the only thing open to them in the war of direct action.

  25. Eindelijk is de tweede schok voorbij; ik strijk een lucifer af en zie op mijn horloge; het is precies vier minuten over acht.

  26. He had chosen him on the present occasion simply on account of his youth and magnificent physique.

  27. At all events the record says that he remained unknown.

  28. The auld story," said the shepherd in a low sad voice.

  29. In the presence of a large congregation at Torwood he went so far as to excommunicate Charles the Second; the Dukes of York, Lauderdale, and Rothes; Sir Cú McKenzie and Dalziel of Binns.

  30. Stooping, he picked up his little friend and carried him silently away.

  31. But when he says it is not a good one, I hardly know what he means, and his modesty at this point is in excess of his discretion.

  32. It is a pity, perhaps, to have represented him as having begun life as a blacksmith, for one grudges him the advantage of so logical a reason for his roughness and hardness.

  33. She has done no wrong, and yet wrongdoing has become a part of her experience, and she carries the weight of her detested knowledge upon her heart.

  34. Salem is a sea-port, but it is a sea-port deserted and decayed.

  35. Hawthorne's entries are to a great degree accounts of walks in the country, drives in stage-coaches, people he met in taverns.

  36. Het was mij een groot genoegen dit op te merken, en ik was nu te gewilliger ook hem zijn aandeel te geven, nu ik zag, dat hij er weinig zin in had.

  37. The war changed the islands," Scotty told him.

  38. Briefly, during World War II, they had served as barracks for a Coast Guard shore patrol base, but that activity was long past now, and they had been left to decay once more.

  39. I read an ad in a magazine that advertised a lot of surplus war equipment, including this.

  40. I long to chastise him, and draw some of the pampered blood from that vain and insolent heart, which has bereaved me of all I held dear on earth!

  41. It was not the Duke of Northumberland, but he that was so very like him, with fair curled hair, and red cheeks, which did not hang over his cravat.

  42. They will knock you down at once, if not tear you to pieces.

  43. Houts, mother, haud your tongue; it is needless to heed your dreams, for ye never gie ower dreaming about somebody.

  44. I war not with its dust; nor am I glad To think of past events, or good or bad.

  45. The war being now begun, both the generals make all possible preparations.

  46. The pit resounds with shrieks; a war succeeds, For breach of public faith, and unexampled deeds.

  47. Was I the cause of mischief, or the man, Whose lawless lust the fatal war began?

  48. One common hazard in the war they shared, And now were both by choice upon the guard.

  49. The war was mine: I fly from their relief!

  50. The war shall end in lasting peace, And all the rage of haughty Juno cease.

  51. To thee, to them, and their victorious heirs, The conquered war is due, and the vast world is theirs.

  52. Did god or man your favourite son advise, With war unhoped the Latians to surprise?

  53. The war at hand appears with more affright, And rises every moment to the sight.

  54. This administration hereby declares an all-out war on big-time organized crime and the drug racketeers who are poisoning our young people.

  55. The wisdom of our bipartisan cooperation was seen in the work of the Scowcroft commission, which strengthened our ability to deter war and protect peace.

  56. My friends, some years ago, the Federal Government declared war on poverty, and poverty won.

  57. Surely no people on Earth hate war or love peace more than we Americans.

  58. The war against drugs is a war of individual battles, a crusade with many heroes, including America's young people and also someone very special to me.

  59. The Soviet Union says it wants a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan, yet it continues a brutal war and props up a regime whose days are clearly numbered.

  60. Governments which rest upon the consent of the governed do not wage war on their neighbors.

  61. We support diplomatic efforts, but these efforts can never succeed if the Sandinistas win their war against the Nicaraguan people.

  62. Some say it will bring war to the heavens, but its purpose is to deter war in the heavens and on Earth.

  63. People of the Soviet Union, there is only one sane policy, for your country and mine, to preserve our civilization in this modern age: A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.

  64. People of the Soviet, President Dwight Eisenhower, who fought by your side in World War II, said the essential struggle "is not merely man against man or nation against nation.

  65. War not barbaric, war exquisitely systematic, war according to the vigour of all science as yet published to man, was the talisman by which Rome and the children of Rome prospered: the S.

  66. The war was looked upon as essentially a defensive war: many doubted whether Bonaparte could be successfully opposed: almost all would have treated it as lunacy to say that he could be conquered.

  67. And for the very reason that political economy had but a small share in determining the war of the year A, it became not so much a great force as the sole force for putting an end to the war of the year D.

  68. He turned out a gallant young man, and perished at twenty-one from over exertion in Mysore, during the first war with Tippoo Sahib.

  69. Yet even this coarse travesty of a noble passion was a higher motive than the Greeks really obeyed in the war with Troy.

  70. Many writers call the Peloponnesian war (by the way, a very false designation) the great civil war of Greece.

  71. Even the years after war, if that war had gathered too abundantly the vintages of tears and tragedy and change, still rock and undulate with the unsubsiding sympathies which wars such as we have known cannot but have evoked.

  72. People talk of Athens being beaten by the Spartans in the person of Lysander; and the vulgar notion is, that the Peloponnesian war closed by an eclipse total and central for our poor friend Athens.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "war" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    altercation; argument; arms; attack; battle; belligerence; bicker; bickering; bloodshed; box; brawl; broil; campaign; chivalry; clash; close; collide; combat; conflict; contend; contest; controversy; crusade; debate; defend; dispute; drive; duel; encounter; enmity; expedition; fence; feud; fight; fighting; generalship; grapple; hostilities; hostility; jostle; joust; knighthood; litigation; oppugn; polemic; quarrel; riot; scramble; scuffle; skirmish; spar; strife; strive; struggle; tilt; tourney; tug; tussle; war; warfare; warring; wartime; wrangling; wrestle

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    war against; war and; war was; warm bath; warm baths; warm climate; warm climates; warm clothing; warm countries; warm heart; warm milk; warm myself; warm place; warm room; warm situation; warm summers; warm them; warm welcome; warn thee; warn them; warn you; warning finger; warp threads; warrant officer; warrant thee; warrant you