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Example sentences for "enmity"

Lexicographically close words:
enlivened; enlivening; enlivens; enmeshed; enmities; enne; ennemi; ennemies; ennemis; ennemy
  1. And it came to pass at midnight, that the man was afraid, and turned himself; and, behold, a woman lay at his feet.

  2. After a lapse of a little time he followed his father, who had been gathering all the people that were loyal to him.

  3. What did Abraham do with the spoil that he captured?

  4. The others were grown up, and many statements show that they were not very good men.

  5. Would he have been wiser to pray secretly?

  6. These words bred a great enmity between him and me, so that I was obliged to use precautions to conceal my tools; that is to say, my pincers and a great big poniard and other appurtenances.

  7. The scenes of drunkenness and dissoluteness which he witnessed in Goa inspired him with a number of satirical poems, by which he drew upon himself much enmity and persecution.

  8. Yevsey felt that the spy talked with concealed enmity toward him; which aggrieved him.

  9. He did not dare to refuse, but now the woman was no longer able to overcome his enmity to her.

  10. But under the ridicule and enmity Yevsey felt a hidden interest and something like reverent awe of these people who spoke so loudly and independently with everybody.

  11. A feeling of slight alarm and enmity came over him.

  12. The wife of Manuel fled with her infant sons and her treasure from the relentless enmity of Isaac Angelus.

  13. Cantacuzenus, the guilt and flagitious vices of Apocaucus; nor does he dissemble the motive of his personal and religious enmity to the former; nun de dia kakian allwn, aitioV o praotatoV thV tvn olwn edoxaV?

  14. Isaac Angelus complained, that by his friendship for the great Saladin he had incurred the enmity of the Franks; and a mosque was founded at Constantinople for the public exercise of the religion of Mahomet.

  15. The absolute term of his life was superseded by a renewal every third year; and the enmity of Nicholas the Third obliged the Sicilian king to abdicate the government of Rome.

  16. But these profane causes of national enmity were fortified and inflamed by the venom of religious zeal.

  17. What avail is it to pray, Thy kingdom come, if we block its advent by cherishing enmity in our hearts?

  18. The test of any forgiveness is its helpfulness, the manner in which it wipes out the enmity of the victim and turns the guilty into better ways.

  19. No one asks you to forget; but you cannot fully forgive unless you will forego the feeling of enmity and the desire for revenge.

  20. That makes the Dutchman a rare kind of enemy, and that, more than anything else, I think, has distinguished his enmity through all the years of his history.

  21. That kind of enmity hurts no one who does not deserve to be hurt.

  22. The royal enmity towards William of Orange was increased by a visit of the latter to England in July.

  23. The enmity of the British government to Charles Edward made peace with France an impossibility so long as she continued to harbour the young prince.

  24. They ascended no further than the present village of Williams-town, when a flight of arrows from the wooded shore revealed the enmity of the natives.

  25. Congress would not accept it, although aware of Washington's opinion of him, and the enmity that existed, but appointed him inspector general of the army, with the rank of major general.

  26. The Crown Prince Ferdinand had long been at open enmity with Godoy and his own mother.

  27. The outward show of civility was maintained during the short time that they remained in the room, though feelings of deadliest enmity rankled beneath that smooth surface.

  28. The lesson was a striking one, but the Executive in Downing-street heeded it not, and declared unmitigated and perpetual enmity against the Catholics.

  29. Even now I dare not say which, for it might make enmity and jealousy between you, and enmity between such men as you means only one thing--death.

  30. Say, rather, "His enmity with Cæsar was the cause of perpetual discord.

  31. I flatter myself with being as much within the eye of their enmity as any man can be.

  32. But I think that the enmity of bad men is the most desirable testimony of virtuous merit.

  33. This was Cardinal Morone, who owed his hard fate very much to the personal enmity of Paul IV.

  34. Then a great change came over his fortunes; Pope Clement VII died and was succeeded by Paul III, a Farnese and no friend to Cellini, who had also incurred the bitter enmity of one Pier Luigi, the new pope’s nephew.

  35. Although this treaty possessed many good points, and was the best obtainable by our envoy, it gave so many advantages to Great Britain that it roused bitter enmity in this country.

  36. He was intolerant of opposition, and merciless in his enmity of a personal opponent.

  37. Their enmity towards Great Britain was compounded of quite different grievances.

  38. It is irritating reading for an American because of an enmity so bitter that facts are willfully distorted and glaring inaccuracies are accepted as truth.

  39. Yet Americans felt the greater enmity toward England, partly as an inheritance from the Revolution, but chiefly because of the greater injury which England had wrought, owing to her superior strength on the sea.

  40. He complained of grievances consequent on the enmity of Louisa of Savoy, the mother of the king, and attempted, with the aid of the emperor and Henry VIII.

  41. These events gave rise to a lasting enmity between the two Slavonic nations.

  42. The Ulster colonies were industrious and prosperous; but among the natives, seeds of lasting enmity were sown by this injustice.

  43. The Senate and the republicans, of whom Cato was the chief, in order to curb the populace, and out of enmity to Caesar, allied themselves with Pompeius.

  44. The cultivation of an enmity for England is France's curse.

  45. It was no chimera of the imagination, then, that Ralph Woodhall dreaded, but a real and substantial danger, which might affect any man who had incurred the enmity of power and influence.

  46. The injurer and the injured negotiated, through mediators, as to a suitable indemnification, and with the conclusion of the treaty the enmity terminated.

  47. Champlain was grievously perplexed by the pressure, to which none the less he yielded, that if he would be in amity with the Hurons he must espouse their deadly enmity with the Iroquois.

  48. Indeed, as we shall see, the mischievous enmity of the natives against the English was never more vengeful than when it was goaded on by secret French agency after France had by treaty yielded her claims on this soil.

  49. The hereditary enmity existing between the Eskimos and the Indians may be equally well explained upon the theory that the former are later comers to this continent, and are therefore hated by the Indian races as intruders.

  50. Even the most celebrated enemies of the Saxon and Norman race laid aside their enmity against the invaders of their country, to enrol themselves under the banners of the Crusade.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enmity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abomination; allergy; altercation; animosity; antagonism; antipathy; argument; aversion; bickering; bitterness; chill; clash; coldness; collision; combat; competition; conflict; contention; contest; contrariety; controversy; debate; deity; disaccord; discord; disgust; disharmony; dispute; dissension; enmity; feud; fighting; friction; frost; goddess; grudge; hate; hatred; horror; hostility; incompatibility; jangle; jar; litigation; loathing; malice; mischief; nausea; obstinacy; polemic; quarrel; rancor; repugnance; repulsion; resentment; rivalry; rub; shuddering; strain; strife; struggle; tension; unfriendliness; unpleasantness; vendetta; vying; war; warfare; wrangling