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Example sentences for "allergy"

Lexicographically close words:
alleine; allelomorphic; allem; aller; allergic; allers; alles; alleviate; alleviated; alleviating
  1. Sickly he recalled that O'Ryan had told him it took twenty-four hours for his grain allergy to take effect.

  2. But it's such an extreme allergy that it may kill her, if we leave it in contact with the skin.

  3. It's apparently an allergy to some new kind of material.

  4. Later in this chapter I will explain how a body can develop an allergy to a food that is probably irreversible.

  5. If the person was so severely hypoglycemic that they were unable to tolerate a water fast, an elimination diet (to be described in detail later) was employed, while stringently avoiding all foods usually found to be allergy producing.

  6. An allergy may not be recognized as an allergy because it may not manifest as the instant skin rash or stuffy nose or swollen glands or sticky eyes.

  7. It can have a genetic predisposition for a specific allergy to start with.

  8. Allergy attacks, some types of flu, and a first bout of pneumonia may well last for three weeks or a month.

  9. They have a cold, or a flu, or sinusitis, or a first bout of pneumonia, or a spring allergy attack.

  10. See Coca's Pulse Test in the Appendix where you'll find step-by-step instructions for allergy testing that are less rigorous, not requiring a preliminary fast.

  11. Once established, an allergy is very hard to get rid of.

  12. My husband developed a severe allergy to barley after drinking too much home-brewed beer; he also became highly intolerant to alcohol.

  13. Appendix Pulse Testing For Allergies Coca's Pulse Tests are extraordinarily useful and simple tools for at-home allergy detection.

  14. Pasteurized milk for example, basically impossible to completely digest even in its low-fat form, often sets up an allergy that applies to other forms of cows milk, even raw, unpasteurized cows milk or yogurt.

  15. What's more, if we let the stuff float around indefinitely, someone is going to run comprehensive tests on it, not just allergy test patches like they're doing at the government labs right now.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allergy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abnormality; abomination; affection; affliction; ailment; allergy; anaphylaxis; antagonism; antipathy; asthma; atrophy; aversion; blight; complaint; complication; condition; defect; deformity; delicacy; disability; disgust; disorder; distemper; eczema; empathy; endemic; enmity; handicap; hate; hatred; hives; horror; hostility; identification; illness; indisposition; infirmity; loathing; malady; malaise; morbidity; nausea; nervousness; pathology; repugnance; repulsion; sensitivity; shuddering; sickness; sign; soreness; sympathy; symptom; syndrome; tact; tenderness