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Example sentences for "syndrome"

Lexicographically close words:
syndicated; syndicates; syndicats; syndics; syndon; syndry; syne; synecdoche; synergism; synergistic
  1. It is only when the obsession or the fixed idea entails the automatic repetition of some motor phenomenon that a syndrome can be constituted to which the name of tic may be applied.

  2. Not long ago Dufour[193] advanced the opinion that the occurrence of a motor syndrome consisting of the automatic movements of tic, in a case of delusional insanity, heightens the gravity of the prognosis as regards chronicity.

  3. An unvarying post-traumatic palpebral tic in an hysterical subject cannot be said to constitute the syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette, in spite of the coprolalia.

  4. Jancowicz considers diagnosis possible only in typical cases, and expresses the opinion that paramyoclonus is a syndrome common to many affections.

  5. The rear-view mirror syndrome So why do Americans look back to a time when people "knew how to read and write," a time when "each town had five newspapers?

  6. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak has also battered Hong Kong's economy but the resumption of strong growth began in 2003.

  7. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and the Iraq War led to caution in the business community.

  8. Subacute and Latent Infantile Scurvy, The Cardiorespiratory Syndrome (a New Sign), Jour.

  9. This is the syndrome which the medical student is taught to carry away to guide him in his everyday practice.

  10. The syndrome may be rendered less typical and clear by the fact that the infant has gained steadily rather than lost in weight, as is sometimes the case if the food has been insufficient during the first few months of life.

  11. The appetite improved, the cardiorespiratory syndrome disappeared, and the child began to gain.

  12. So far as we now know all cases of the Stokes-Adams syndrome are caused by heart block which is only another name for disease in the auriculoventricular bundle.

  13. The epileptiform seizures of the syndrome may be caused by the anemia of the brain resulting from failure of the heart to supply a sufficient quantity of blood.

  14. However, as this syndrome will exist, for long time from now, masonry will have to act somehow to keep the connection with the external reality.

  15. This syndrome is recognised from the simple and imperative logic, but also from the incapacity of the person to have a dialogue, based on logical data and statements.

  16. Such occur conspicuously in the psychopathological syndrome so completely described by Janet under the term psychasthenia.

  17. Heilbronner; The Inter-relation of the Biogenetic Psychoses by Ernest Jones; Prognostic Principles in the Biogenetic Psychoses, with Special Reference to the Katatonic Syndrome by George H.

  18. I'm optimistic that we might be able to grow some telomerase antibodies in another patient with your blood type, then culture enough of them to stop the Syndrome in its tracks.

  19. If we achieve that, then I'm hopeful the antibodies he creates can be successfully used to start reversing the Syndrome in Kristen.

  20. I think I'm in line for the Syndrome if you don't get this right.

  21. I saw--" "Ally, the Syndrome started with her over four months ago.

  22. He doesn't have the Syndrome yet, but it's probably just a matter of time.

  23. I'm looking at the Syndrome myself now, though I think I've got the strength of will to handle it.

  24. It had just turned Monday, one less day to find something that would stop the Syndrome in its tracks.

  25. I think it was something like, "She's being treated for a post-coma syndrome by a medical specialist.

  26. I asked finally, feeling the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist.

  27. The Catatonic Syndrome and Its Relation to Manic-Depressive Insanity.

  28. Nonne in fact maintains that the hysterical syndrome may occasionally occur with much greater ease in a normal person than ever has been known before.

  29. The reflex hemiplegia with double ulnar syndrome in Case 136 seemed to have followed a bullet wound of the pleura.

  30. The bilateral ulnar syndrome had disappeared six weeks after the patient entered hospital.

  31. We here deal with a case of a meningitic syndrome following shell-shock and lasting fourteen months.

  32. His diagnosis was: organic shock syndrome with right-side deafness and tremors.

  33. He remarks upon the extreme analogy, not to say identity, between the late sequelae of trephining and the syndrome of commotio cerebri.

  34. If the development of the hysterical syndrome had extended over days or weeks, then the hypnotic cure was a slower one.

  35. After an illness, particularly influenza, when recovery has seemingly taken place, there develops a lack of energy feeling and the whole syndrome of anhedonia which lasts until the subtle damage done by the disease passes off.

  36. Mass Phenomena blew a tube and sent their folder on Syndrome Johnny over here.

  37. The myth of Syndrome Plague Johnny started about a century ago.

  38. We have reason to believe that he is Syndrome Johnny.

  39. Syndrome Johnny is a myth, a figment of mob delirium.

  40. He paused, then very carefully said, "Because two out of three of all people who would have lived have died before birth, slain by Syndrome Plague.

  41. Whatever his reasons for changing his name, it doesn't prove that he is Syndrome Johnny any more than it proves he is the cow that jumped over the moon.

  42. The whole business of Syndrome Johnny has been in their 'funny coincidence' file for twenty years.

  43. Come, Doctor Alcala," Camba said with a sneering merriment, "the Syndrome Plagues have come and they have gone.

  44. When a city was nervous and expecting the plague to reach them, some superstitious fool would imagine he saw Syndrome Johnny and the population would panic.

  45. You remember Johnny, the mythical carrier that they told about during the first and second epidemics of Syndrome Plague?

  46. But their symptoms changed, including a syndrome of multiple endocrine unbalance, eccentricities of appetite and digestion, and a general pattern of emotional disturbance.

  47. All the manifold changes of the fight or flight syndrome are mobilized for instant action.

  48. My general adaptation syndrome will no longer adapt.

  49. I will not go mad, but I will go into the adrenal syndrome unless I can end this soon.

  50. On the other hand, one of the aspects of that syndrome is difficulty following rhythms.

  51. As Steve Silberman, author of " The Geek Syndrome," notes, American psychiatrists have only recently come to accept Asperger Syndrome as a valid umbrella term covering a wide set of behavioral traits.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "syndrome" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abnormality; affection; affliction; ailment; allergy; atrophy; blight; complaint; complication; condition; defect; deformity; disability; disease; disorder; distemper; endemic; handicap; ill; illness; indisposition; infirmity; malady; malaise; morbidity; pathology; sickness; sign; symptom; syndrome