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Example sentences for "heightens"

Lexicographically close words:
height; heighte; heighten; heightened; heightening; heighth; heightned; heights; heigth; heilige
  1. The mineral and organic substances which it holds in suspension heightens its transparency.

  2. What you say, Captain, only heightens my curiosity; I am ready to follow you.

  3. The local bitterness heightens into quarrels over spoils.

  4. Holy-Cross Day heightens the grotesque with pity, indignation and solemnity: The Heretic's Tragedy raises it to sublimity.

  5. Here is the contrast that heightens the tragedy of lost souls.

  6. But there is an aspect of this idea of the robbery of the "pleasant things" which heightens the sense of misery.

  7. Except Hecate, they have no names; which heightens their mysteriousness.

  8. Then you wander out in the forest of beech and maple, whose solitude heightens your impressions of this wild place.

  9. The entrance of Elvira heightens the situation, and the contrast of her deeply moved feelings and Don Giovanni's frivolous excitement introduces a new turn, and prepares for the catastrophe.

  10. Thus, every separate passage in the finale heightens the contrast, and leads by a 'natural process of development to a conclusion for which '+ helps to prepare the way.

  11. How it heightens the low things and magnifies the apparently small ones!

  12. The unrelieved gloom of the one is as a dark background against which the triumphant assurance of the other shines out the more brightly, and deepens the gloom which heightens it.

  13. The cold composure with which the fact is recognised that such is human nature, and that such things happen, actually heightens the impression of indignation produced by the deed of violence.

  14. The salamander heightens the charm of the water-nymph, the gnome lends beauty to the sylph," he says.

  15. If it in certain respects involves an expense of force, it in others so heightens the entire vital energy, that the expense must be regarded as one of those fruitful investments which are inseparable from the very continuance of life.

  16. Poetry, therefore, is not moral feeling, but something that heightens and adorns it.

  17. Poetry elevates some of our emotions, disinters others from the rubbish of the world, heightens what is mean, transforms what is unsightly, Clothing the palpable and the familiar With golden exhalations of the dawn.

  18. It heightens smoke into flame, flame into light, and light into glory.

  19. Wine heightens indifference into love, love into jealousy, and jealousy into madness.

  20. I regret it in so far as it involves a curtailing of the play; but I do not think it withdraws from the play any attention that is of value, and for some of the audience it probably heightens the dramatic effect.

  21. But when he dares to provoke her, by reviling the absent Posthumus, her indignation heightens her scorn, and her scorn sets a keener edge on her indignation.

  22. It is subject to her nobler reason; it adorns and heightens all her feelings; it does not overwhelm or mislead them.

  23. Ship of the Line" confers its own poetry upon the waters, and heightens theirs.

  24. It is true the prayers are repeated, but their very accumulation heightens the impression of a great unheard-of purpose, for which human powers and motives by themselves are insufficient.

  25. Whatever heightens emotion, therefore, modifies the very chemical structure of the body.

  26. As green around the face heightens a faint red in the cheeks by contrast, so the pink lining of the bonnet aids it by reflection.

  27. The night is a dark one; but its darkness does not interfere with the festivities; instead, heightens their splendour, by giving effect to the illuminations.

  28. This composition very agreeably heightens the flavour of white sauces, and white made-dishes.

  29. This varnish may also be applied to copper, of which it preserves the polish and heightens the colour.

  30. Except Hecate, they have no names, which heightens their mysteriousness.

  31. The pretended interference of Prospero with it heightens its interest, and is in character with the magician, whose sense of preternatural power makes him arbitrary, tetchy, and impatient of opposition.

  32. What heightens the humour is, that all the hard words they know they certainly suppose to be terms useful in the disputes of the parties.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heightens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.