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Example sentences for "enmeshed"

Lexicographically close words:
enlists; enliven; enlivened; enlivening; enlivens; enmities; enmity; enne; ennemi; ennemies
  1. Then again, its vortex of agony swept across her lips in piteous supplicatory sobs, vibrating in the stillness like the bleating of a dazed, lost creature enmeshed in the tentacles of some merciless destroyer.

  2. The tentacles of his father's creed promptly admonished and enmeshed his rebellious heart, protecting its odium, cleaving to its tenancy of "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.

  3. Mrs. Hawley-Crowles has become nicely enmeshed in his net," she returned.

  4. She knew she was now too deeply enmeshed for resistance, and that Lafelle's control over her was complete--unless she dared to face social and financial ruin.

  5. Trapped and enmeshed by the political powers above them hundreds of policemen prostitute their power for the purpose of aiding and abetting sin and vice and in defrauding the people of their proper tax-paid protection.

  6. When directly enmeshed in the woman-traps of the Vice Trust she is the enriching factor as has been shown.

  7. The cancer of polygamy is enmeshed in the life of Turkey.

  8. Its governments and peoples are being gradually enmeshed in the coils of the world’s recurrent crises and fierce controversies.

  9. Some roar enmeshed in snares; some are thrust into wooden cages and carried off.

  10. One feels that moments such as these should be devoted to the most intimate confidences," Michael said, when they had finished their dinner and were once more enmeshed by the silence.

  11. What had happened to Parkson, and how John had managed to substitute himself for that enmeshed young man, she could not guess.

  12. The man who becomes enmeshed in the net of stupefaction attains to sorrow, both here and hereafter.

  13. Though enmeshed in the noose of Varuna, he still regards himself immortal.

  14. The understanding of person that is attached to worldly things becomes more and more enmeshed in the net of stupefaction.

  15. Enmeshed in obligations that they cannot meet, they struggle vainly, brood hopelessly, and lose that dearest of all possessions, their self-respect.

  16. They are creatures of environment, enmeshed in a labyrinth that has deflected and repelled the march of our nation for three hundred years.

  17. We're so narrow, so cynical, so deeply enmeshed in our small pursuits.

  18. Ingigerd Hahlström is not the only one that is enmeshed and throttled in a spider's web.

  19. She was completely enmeshed in a fresh sticky thread which the spider must have had with her.

  20. Then she ran up again, caught hold of the thread by which little enmeshed Maya hung, and dragged her captive along.

  21. But the more she tossed the tighter she enmeshed herself in the web.

  22. She now comprehended the feeling which had so often overcome the fair ladies of England when enmeshed in some frightful situation.

  23. Now, she would willingly have become a tramp for the purpose of getting out of the affliction which enmeshed her.

  24. He plied his cloak, untwisting it from his arm and flinging it over the head and body of one of his assailants, so that he was enmeshed and blinded by it.

  25. He cast the garment so that it enmeshed the sword when next it was advanced.

  26. Had they not had it enmeshed they might have lost it altogether, so well did it now blend with the surface.

  27. Besides, it was obvious that his police net in this instance had enmeshed only the most harmless of doves.

  28. His thoughts were most with his son, and ever as he thought of Dick, his fury waxed against the woman who had enmeshed the boy in her plotting for vengeance on himself.

  29. Detective Crowley was enmeshed in a mystery which he could not solve just then.

  30. They were also voluble in regard to Lida Kennard, but Mern found himself more than ever enmeshed in his guesswork about that mysterious young lady.

  31. The child of my mother Has been enmeshed in a whirling fury, as his face is enmeshed by the soft and terrestrial flame of his hair; But now I, a better mother, I myself like a rigid son, shall give birth to a hairy soul!

  32. The number caught probably depends, at least partly, on the food habits of the species and is influenced by the enmeshed fish, which, serving as a food source, attract the turtles.

  33. Thompson, disclosed one of the colonial ciliate protozoans (resembling Opercularia) with enmeshed green or blue-green algae.

  34. Her fair hair was enmeshed in a network of golden threads so that what with this and that her beauty shone from afar with exceeding lustre.

  35. It is so closely enmeshed with the story of that abduction and mock-marriage that the one is scarce to be distinguished from the other.

  36. Wait until Caryll has enmeshed himself by frequent visits to Sir Richard's.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enmeshed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.