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Example sentences for "bombing"

Lexicographically close words:
bombastic; bombazine; bombed; bomber; bombers; bombings; bombproof; bombs; bombshell; bombshells
  1. Day in and day out our forces are bombing the enemy and meeting him in combat on many different fronts in every part of the world.

  2. There is no mystery about the questions which must be answered before the bombing is stopped.

  3. We believe that any talks should follow the San Antonio formula that I stated last September, which said: --The bombing would stop immediately if talks would take place promptly and with reasonable hopes that they would be productive.

  4. The bombing of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania reminds us again of the risks faced every day by those who represent America to the world.

  5. He was seriously wounded by Nazi machine gun bullets while he was on a bombing mission over Europe in a Flying Fortress.

  6. We are bombing Japanese communications, supply dumps, and bases in China, in Indo-China, in Burma.

  7. A small bombing party was counter-attacked by six Germans, and the sergeant in command shot three and bayoneted one, while the other two escaped.

  8. The time spent at Blanc Pignon passed without special incident, except that one night there was a bombing raid by which the Germans obviously hoped to blow up the ammunition dump which was in close proximity to the billets.

  9. These helmets were called "bombing hats," and regarded as a nuisance.

  10. Great attention was paid to bombing posts, and the defence scheme always contained a plan for a counter attack by the bombers, who were organised as a separate section, working directly under the orders of the Commanding Officer.

  11. This road marks the left and northern boundary of the fighting with the exception of the bombing posts running down to Bellewaarde Beek.

  12. Wrightson gave the signal for the bombing parties to get out and come back.

  13. He and a small bombing party succeeded in getting to the edge of Crater 2 under a heavy fire, and in the blackness of the night crept up unobserved.

  14. Their left sloped down through a series of bombing posts to Bellewaarde Beek, where they linked with the 60th British Brigade.

  15. The evenings were enlivened by periodical bombing assaults from the higher ground.

  16. Two companies of the 29th were already up with the 27th in the original British trenches and the new Canadian line beyond, and a bombing party followed them into the former position.

  17. From this they launched on the night of the 14th four successive bombing attacks against the garrison.

  18. A bombing and rifle attack was the only way to deal with such intruders.

  19. At dawn on the 15th, the bombing assault on the Craters 6 and 7 began again, this time preluded by a hellish bombardment of trench mortars and heavy guns.

  20. While waiting immediately in front of the German trench for the best opportunity of bombing the enemy positions, a patrol of thirty or forty Germans stumbled across them from the flank.

  21. You mean that Professor Jinks is willing to have us believe that Mr. Garfield is shutting off the coal, not because it's necessary, but because it's the equivalence of us bombing our own cities and making ourselves feel sore?

  22. When the German planes started shooting and bombing those refugees I.

  23. We heard that the Germans were shooting and bombing the refugees.

  24. The Boche planes are also bombing the entire road.

  25. First, the bombing parties were felled, then the sappers as they came forward to repair the line for their infantry, and at last the infantry itself in wave after wave of field-gray.

  26. Field pieces firing at point-blank range were used to cut the barbed wire entanglements defending the enemy intrenchments, while howitzers and bombing airplanes were used to drop high explosives into the defenseless earthworks.

  27. In the summer of 1942 Von Schirach telegraphed Bormann urging that a bombing attack on an English cultural town be carried out in retaliation for the assassination of Heydrich which, he claimed, had been planned by the British.

  28. The other three 'planes were bombing the long stretch of carriages which had not leapt the chasm, and the hundreds of fugitives who were trying to escape from the half-telescoped vehicles, which had not gone over the precipice.

  29. Fill up with the twenty-pound bombs, as they're the handiest, for I expect it will be more of a bombing raid than anything else.

  30. Machines were rapidly run out, and got ready to mount up and meet the invaders, for it was evident that the perfidious Britishers had resolved to carry out another great bombing raid on railway communications, billets, and ammunition dumps.

  31. On one morning we were most unfortunate, a grenade killing our bombing sergeant and two men, and we started to retaliate with every variety of grenade we had.

  32. Incidentally, it kept the Hun from coming out and bombing us.

  33. For example, in 2001, three members of the Irish Republican Army were arrested in Colombia, suspected of training the FARC in how to conduct an urban bombing campaign.

  34. It was more likely that the flying man was seeking security in the air, for when bombing machines are about, the air is the safest place.

  35. There was an object for bombing that was worth while.

  36. Soon after our arrival at the front we saw a squadron of bombing aeroplanes.

  37. VII Bombing In Russia IN June we were suddenly ordered to entrain.

  38. It is encouraging to find that though these twin-engined machines were in operation in September, 1915, the first bombing squadron so composed only came into action against defenceless Bucharest a year later.

  39. The bombing party advanced under cover of these men, the smoke from the flame throwers acting as a screen.

  40. When our bombing or reconnaissance jobs behind the enemy lines were completed, instead of being able to glide back into safety, we had to fight our way home slowly against a head-wind exposed to Archies and Hun planes.

  41. I can fancy him bombing a Prime Minister merely to quiet his own doubts.

  42. Gas shelling and aeroplane bombing were at their height.

  43. For three hours after this, all other officers having been casualties, he remained with his company, refusing to go to the dressing station, and repeatedly repelled bombing attacks.

  44. Our bombing squads moved up and drove the enemy out.

  45. Next night they came again, two parties bombing their way up simultaneously from either side.

  46. There was still resistance in this veritable fortress, and some bombing of its dug-outs.

  47. Weary and sorely tried handfuls of men had made a most stout-hearted resistance to well-organized and determined attacks, and the bombing counter-offensives had been carried out with a dash that fresher troops could not have excelled.

  48. For four hours constant bombing attacks were launched on Foucard Trench.

  49. A party of three officers and seventy other ranks of the 13th Rifles entered the enemy's trenches at Peckham behind the barrage, and after a short bombing fight captured nineteen prisoners of the 2nd German Division.

  50. On the left, troops of the 56th Division, bombing up the Hindenburg Front System, captured Tadpole Copse.

  51. By his long-range bombing he kept off, single-handed, the German bombers moving up to the rescue, killing three.

  52. Bombing by aeroplanes was in its infancy; so was the use of gas shell.

  53. He had been beating off German bombing attacks all night, had rescued several wounded Ulstermen, and taken a number of prisoners.

  54. Aerial activity on this front was very persistent, and practically every day our bombing planes sailed over and bombed the railways and dumps behind the Bulgar lines.

  55. The Transport Section and Quartermaster’s stores moved to the village of Bonnay, which was visited nightly by enemy bombing planes.

  56. About this time enemy aeroplanes were active at night, bombing transport lines and billets at Warloy, and the Civil Service Rifles lost their Acting Quartermaster, Second Lieutenant A.

  57. During the evening a large British bombing squadron of some 30 planes flew over our heads and no doubt dropped their missiles with great effect on the columns of retreating Turks fleeing northwards.

  58. These two forces attempted, by joint bombing attacks, to dislodge the Bosches, but the attempt failed.

  59. The attack was most gallantly led by the Battalion Bombing Officer, 2nd Lieutenant A.

  60. The escort proved unnecessary, and as it was growing light when Albert was passed on the return journey, the ration column escaped the bombing that the others had undergone.

  61. Both parapet and parados were manned, and the attacks across the open were beaten off, but the bombing attacks continued all day, and, owing to scarcity of bombs, were with difficulty held up.

  62. He himself organised the bombing posts, not only of his own men, but also those of the 6th Battalion.

  63. At the same time, however, a German Taube was hovering overhead, and we anticipated a bombing raid that night.

  64. Nightly bombing raids by enemy aeroplanes added to the discomfort, and on the night of the 18th of May an intense bombardment was heard.

  65. The two new triplanes were to be used as a bombing machine and an observation machine respectively.

  66. Two days later, the flight commander received orders to carry out certain observation work and certain bombing work in the same sector of the enemy's territory.

  67. The chief was talking only yesterday about sending out a combined bombing and observing expedition to save hunters.

  68. The great wing spread of the triplanes, and the huge, ugly fuselage of the bombing machine, were in sharp contrast to the dainty, wasp-bodied hunters.

  69. He was sent up one morning in a late-type bombing machine, a huge three-seated biplane with great spreading wings and a powerful engine.

  70. Richardson's little major sat behind the machine-gun that was mounted on the front of the fuselage of the big bombing machine.

  71. The four other big bombing machines that were to go on this mission were to be sent from another air station nearby.

  72. Twice he took it on bombing expeditions and twice returned with reports of real damage to enemy supply stations and communications.

  73. With what a howl of righteous indignation the slaughter of our innocent women and children by the bombing of open towns was received!

  74. Could a poll have been taken a week before the Armistice as to the moral justification of the bombing of Berlin--for which we were ready--how we should have howled at the proposer of any doubt!

  75. But Crespes didn't know that the foxy old president of Guato had purchased a fleet of American bombing planes and had secured a bunch of former war pilots to fly them.

  76. In less than two minutes Tim had overhauled the bombing plane and Pat, sighting with a steady hand, pulled gently on the trigger of the light machine gun.

  77. They got away just before sunset and were well out to sea when the bombing planes swept down in search of them.

  78. I can fly and handle the bombing at the same time.

  79. A bombing post was constructed, and the work of consolidating craters carried out.

  80. We reached our objective and started digging in, but the enemy developed a bombing attack from a trench on our right, and Captain MacRae, along with Lieut.

  81. There is a story told of one instance where a man was seen chasing a Boche within 30/40 yards of him in order to try and get within easy bombing distance!

  82. Men, caught unprotected in the open by a bombing raid, threw themselves to the ground like that, while they waited for the bombs to fall.

  83. The first flight was bombing the battleship.

  84. We get into the trench and start bombing up the trench.

  85. About the same time my men came along and we started bombing the dugouts.

  86. There were signs of war; the windows and the fine carved doors were banked with sand bags as a measure of protection from bombing airplanes.

  87. John did so well in the bombing school that he was made an instructor and assigned, for a while, to teach others.

  88. Both scouting and bombing planes are protected by the fastest flyers of all--the battle planes, as they are called.

  89. It's a bombing school I'm going to now-a-days.

  90. Then come the swift, powerful bombing planes, which make raids, flying long distances to do so.

  91. The discussion about the bombing of hospitals had made us all think of air-raids.

  92. As we lay on the floor of the marquee, wrapped up in our blankets, we heard the sound of bombing and firing in the distance.

  93. Indeed, Marine aviation at Okinawa operated across the spectrum of missions, from supply drops to bombing an enemy battleship.

  94. Army Air Forces P-47 Thunderbolts flew long-range bombing and fighter missions for General Mulcahy’s TAF.

  95. Geiger flew combat missions in France in World War I in command of a squadron of the Northern Bombing Group.

  96. Like Roy Geiger, Mulcahy flew bombing missions in France during World War I.

  97. During the lull of the bombing activities my uncle, who stood high with the Pacifist Administration, had obtained permission to fly over Europe, and I, most fortunate of boys, accompanied him.

  98. Some traitorous spy reported his move to the enemy and a bombing squadron attacked the estates.

  99. The officer who guided our group explained this to us: these bombing raids were conducted only at times of particular cloud formations, when the veil of mist hung thick and low in an even stratum above which the air was clear.

  100. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bombing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bombing; cover; mission; reconnaissance; scramble; sortie; umbrella