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Example sentences for "defenseless"

Lexicographically close words:
defendre; defends; defens; defensa; defense; defenses; defensible; defensionem; defensive; defensively
  1. The submarines were remaining hidden behind pacific sailing ships in order to rise up suddenly near defenseless vessels.

  2. Suddenly she began to cry, modifying her purpose upon finding herself as weak and defenseless as an abandoned creature.

  3. These valorous muleteers of the sea defied the enemy in defenseless boats without wireless and without cannons.

  4. There was no danger of their attacking defenseless barks as in the northern seas.

  5. After a long enumeration of crimes Freya was condemned to be shot:--she had given information to the enemy that represented the loss of thousands of men and boats, torpedoed because of her reports, on which had perished defenseless families.

  6. He was seeing the defenseless and peaceable throng crowding to the boats that were capsizing; the women throwing themselves into the sea with children in their arms; all the deadly confusion of a catastrophe.

  7. And Ferragut laughed in his turn at poor Science, ignorant and defenseless before the mysterious immensity of the ocean, and having scarcely achieved the measurement of its great depth.

  8. The torpedoing of defenseless steamers was only made on the coast of England.

  9. You might, instead of living here in a perfectly defenseless way, surround yourself by a thousand safeguards; you might have as many sentries as the Kaiser himself, but your life would not be worth a pin's purchase.

  10. Could anything be more devilish than to bombard those defenseless towns up north?

  11. This led to a general conversation about the war, and about the cruelty and baseness of the Germans in attacking defenseless ships and murdering women and children.

  12. It had been lying alone and defenseless beside the road.

  13. He was safe game for Cyril, because Lad's mighty heart and soul were miles above the possibility of resenting anything from so pitifully weak and defenseless a creature as this child.

  14. There was no sound of an alarm yet, no cries to suggest that the fiends had rushed up the stairs to wreak their savagery on a defenseless woman.

  15. You would leave a defenseless woman in the hands of her enemies?

  16. He will be rid of me so that a defenseless woman may be altogether in his power.

  17. In such a debate we can often judge who has won the dialectical victory, but we are virtually defenseless against a false premise that none of the debaters has challenged, or a neglected aspect that none of them has brought into the argument.

  18. He gently laid the defenseless woman down.

  19. Frank, simple natures have a deep hatred of all duplicity, perhaps because they feel instinctively how defenseless they stand before such an enemy.

  20. That you truckled to the mean prejudices of your neighbors and kept that poor, defenseless girl from the only honest roof she could find refuge under?

  21. Then names amazingly leaped from it to sear his defenseless eyes.

  22. He felt that he had struck some defenseless child a cruel blow.

  23. This strange crusade to make the richest nation of the world defenseless was no accident.

  24. The facility would have been defenseless had not six of the Dutch demi- culverin been hauled out of the fort and hidden in a palm grove up the hill just prior to the attack.

  25. We'd be leaving ourselves defenseless if we mustered every able-bodied man and horse down onto the shore.

  26. But your prayers, the prayers of the poor and defenseless that he helped, will go as a sacred cry to the throne of God and will not be resisted, for God will hear it and take him to the bosom of his fathers.

  27. Then seeing the camp of the maidens he approached, and finding them innocently eating his melons, he poured forth the vials of his wrath upon their defenseless heads.

  28. We are not quite so defenseless as you might think.

  29. It has become such an outrage upon justice and common decency that the eyes of the civilized world are upon the United States to see how long a democratic government will tolerate such an outrage upon common justice and a defenseless people.

  30. Shame that in a democratic government like ours a free people should be slaves to such tricksters whose only object is to create discord among a poor and defenseless people!

  31. Of all the hobgoblins abroad in the night, in fact or fancy or in song or story, there is none so hideous as the stealthy form of the lecherous brute that leaps forth out of darkness and drags defenseless woman to her ruin.

  32. Two minutes, or even a minute more would break the track and the road and bridges would be defenseless before the Union raiders.

  33. At last when Winter had fallen, some treacherous coward thrust a spear into Hereward's defenseless back.

  34. With the news of this success Grant promptly ordered an assault against the intrenchments and his troops tore through the almost defenseless lines in several places, encountering little or no resistance.

  35. It finds him, literally and exactly, what his training has left him, in the presence of any temptation small or great--a defenseless man.

  36. In the languor into which the soul falls after great moral efforts, it is all the more defenseless against a fresh assault.

  37. Deep are the minds of Wales, but far more deep The horror, gulfed out by McCreedy, firing On men defenseless and, through want, expiring.

  38. He well knew the softening effect upon romantic womanhood of a long sea voyage where the willing winds sway the softer emotions of the breast, and the trembling woman is defenseless against the perfidious darts of Cupid.

  39. It was some old curse come down upon the defenseless man in his old age!

  40. The treason of some callous lover is repaid with vengeance meted out to some defenseless man who comes all unguarded "into the arid desert of Phryne's life, where all is parched and hot.

  41. She never knew how near the dark angel's wing had swooped over her own defenseless head.

  42. Powerful and impregnable as it was, however, in ancient days, it would be helpless and defenseless on a modern battle-field.

  43. Now cavalry, though very terrible as an enemy on the field of battle by day, are peculiarly exposed and defenseless in an encampment by night.

  44. It seems almost unaccountable that Darius should have brought such a helpless and defenseless charge with him into camps and fields of battle.

  45. Ants do not seize and kill aphids as they do when they encounter other sedentary defenseless insects.

  46. A collection of prayers for the use of the Catholic German soldiers includes this incredible text: "Shame and malediction on him who wishes to act like the Belgian and French, perfidious and cruel, who have even attacked defenseless wounded.

  47. We were only a crowd of old men and defenseless women and children, but we were all that was left of France in our French town.

  48. Taking the child with them, they went up the stairs to the defenseless home.

  49. He towers above me, gaunt, powerful, as pitiably defenseless as any little child.

  50. And then some miraculous wind of high-hearted courage swept through that train-load of weak, doomed, and defenseless human beings.

  51. Never dreaming of such an attack, his capital was quite defenseless in that quarter.

  52. Ascending the valley of the Save, where they encountered no opposition, they traversed Styria, that they might penetrate to the seat of war through a defenseless frontier.

  53. They shall fall defenseless at the hands of their destroyers.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defenseless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandoned; defenseless; deserted; desolate; fatherless; forlorn; forsaken; friendless; helpless; homeless; motherless; outcast; unarmed; unattended; uncovered; undefended; unfortified; unguarded; unprotected; unsheltered; unsuspecting; untenable; unwarned; unwatched