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Example sentences for "would leave"

  • I called it the Thumb-print that I would leave on the map, that should be emblematic of the old trail-making Puritan.

  • He would leave no stone unturned to see that it served his own ranch's needs as he saw them.

  • She was so clear and cool, yet so in earnest that I decided that I would leave my party at Cabillo and come on up for a talk with you, incognito, as it were, before they got here.

  • Why, in your place, I would leave all I had to the Foundling Hospital sooner than give them one farthing!

  • He would leave me alone on condition of being head-clerk.

  • What a pity it does not see the path that would leave it with more than Revolutionary honors!

  • From the first Miss Dickinson, Mr. Tilton and myself felt that any reconstruction at the South leaving the freedmen without the ballot, would leave them in the absolute power of the old master-class.

  • It was an agony to know he would leave her, but it was almost an agony to have him near her.

  • He thought it would leave you in such a state in the morning.

  • So that at last he had portioned out or engaged almost all the royal property; which giving Perdiccas an occasion to ask him what he would leave himself, he replied, his hopes.

  • I told him, and he insisted upon my coming with him in the gondola saying that he would leave me at my house.

  • Bragadin, he told him coldly that he would leave him in my hands; he was taken at his word, he went away, and behold!

  • He is very rich and very generous, for he promises me a dowry of a million if I become a widow without children; and if I had a son he would leave me all his property.

  • Of all that he would leave, he would miss this most--the right to come and play here in the darkening Church, to release emotional sound in this dim empty space growing ever more beautiful.

  • If she were there, he would speak to her; if she were not, he would leave a note.

  • And now that poor Tryst's dead he would leave it alone.

  • The audience was composed chiefly of negro women, who, if they had work, would leave it to attend the meetings.

  • I shall not write many more from London; for the Captain said this morning, that he would leave town on Tuesday next.

  • I assured him I was perfectly safe, and free from injury; and desired he would leave me, and return to the rest of the party, for I was very uneasy to know whether they had been equally fortunate.

  • Whether this was or was not a trick he would leave it to the house to determine.

  • How such proceedings were brought about, he said, he would leave to any one to form an opinion.

  • He might attain great fame and make much money out of his adopted profession, but some day in all likelihood he would leave it and return to art.

  • If she communicated with Mrs. Dale, or said anything to Suzanne, or attempted to injure him commercially, he would leave her.

  • It looked that way, and yet surely Suzanne, when she knew, when she understood, would leave him.

  • Do you think so ill of me as to believe I would leave my father in the loneliness of de Wick?

  • You are here, and I would leave you to answer that question for me.

  • I am sure he would leave England, if the Protector died.

  • I kept it, and when I did not hear from you, I thought I would leave it to be posted when all was over with me.

  • It was very unfortunate, for unless he had any other relations the child must be heiress to his immense wealth, though it was as likely as not that he would leave it all to hospitals out of pure vindictiveness.

  • If I thought so, I would leave it at once.

  • I do not think I would leave my home in any such way.

  • If Cramer would only go to the other side of the earth," he whispered, "it would leave a vacuum in Marion's life.

  • De clay on dat hillside were so soft if you'd put your hand down it would leave a track, but dey warn't a sign of a track whar I seed dem men walk up dar and disappear.

  • We got so much in de share of de cropping but dey would not share with me so I would leave.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "would leave" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    hundred thousand; recent months; short note; uninhabited island; volatile liquid; would allow; would always; would become; would break; would consider; would desire; would hardly; would haue; would have been better; would have been difficult; would have been hard; would like; would never; would often; would read; would result; would speak; would stop; would suffice; would think; wouldst thou