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Example sentences for "would break"

  • She catches her breath; her heart beats as if it would break; black misty clouds float before her eyes; there is a sound in her ears as of the rushing of a far-distant stream.

  • Her heart beat as though it would break; no longer able to control her distress, she called, "Papa!

  • The staircase, a narrow crooked flight of steps with slippery sloping stairs, creaked beneath my feet; I was afraid it would break down as I mounted to the Meinecks' appartement.

  • If I had a daughter who refused to obey me, I would break her; I would break her.

  • Yes, by God, I would break her if I had to kill her," and the old man brought his clenched hand down upon the oak table with a crash.

  • Sir Samuel, if I was to lose my little savings, it would break my heart.

  • If he thought of you, he would see that he was too poor to make you happy, and he would break it off.

  • I'm an old man, and so is he--it would break me up, it would indeed.

  • His body was emaciated with age and excessive asceticism, and bound round with veins, as if for fear that it would break.

  • I cannot tell whether I shall ever be proved innocent or not, if not what will become of me; it would break my mother's heart to know I was even suspected of such a crime.

  • Time, with his noiseless step, glided on, till but a few weeks remained before the school would break up for the midsummer vacation.

  • Ma wanted to come up too, but we told her if she come in it would break up the lodge, cause a woman couldn't keep a secret, and we didn't have any side saddle for the goat.

  • If you did it would break up your grocery business.

  • It hurt me to see Ma cry, and I told her I would break Pa of drinking if she would let me, and she said if I would promise not to hurt Pa to go ahead, and I promised not to.

  • Although I knew it would break my heart, I dismissed my lover, bidding him return to his old love, who had cruelly wounded me by hinting that it was grandpa's money he wanted, not me.

  • Why, it would break my heart to lose him, and if he married Cissy I should hate her till my dying day!

  • For what, if I were married to my darling Harry, and Death took him--oh, it would break my heart!

  • Joe clasped her hands to her side in a sudden pain; her heart beat as though it would break, and the scene swam round before her in the hot air.

  • She, too, trembled, and her heart beat as though it would break; but she said nothing.

  • He swore that he would break me to his will, and thus he tried to do it.

  • Often have you sworn that you would break my courage.

  • He would break in red ruin at the base of it if he could but dash forever the life of this man, who claimed mastery over that which had never found its master yet.

  • Magnus, it would break my heart if you joined Mr. Annixter and Mr. Osterman.

  • He was not right in his mind or he would have known it would break my heart.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "would break" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    only that; round and; seems necessary; whosoever believeth; would accompany; would agree; would also; would continue; would ever; would fain; would find; would form; would happen; would haue; would have been better; would have been more; would keep; would prove; would rise; would seek; would serve; would shoot; would sooner; would start; would vote; would wish