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Example sentences for "would have been more"

  • He would have been more hurt by this rupture but for that other and abiding pain.

  • Four weeks ago he would have been more interested in Antimachus than Miss Roots herself, he would have talked about him by the hour together.

  • When he remarked to Rickman that it would have been more to the purpose if Jewdwine had devoted his six columns to the Art of S.

  • He would have been more intelligible if he had been more distinctly reactionary.

  • The answer is not very clear; and Malthus, I think, would have been more logical if he had stuck to his first theory, and regarded vice as simply one form of imprudence.

  • Still the ultimate and decisive criterion is the tendency of conduct to produce misery; and if Malthus had carried this through as rigorously as Bentham, he would have been more consistent.

  • Yet it would have been more excellent if she had perceived the angel himself in his substance by her intellectual vision.

  • But it would have been more profitable to the world if He had taught for a longer time, beginning at the age of twenty, or even before.

  • Therefore it would have been more becoming to the Father than to the Son to become incarnate.

  • It would have been more accurate to have said that I wanted to see them go up.

  • It would have been more chivalrous to have shielded him.

  • Perhaps it would have been more in accordance with etiquette had I approached your mother first.

  • It would have been more interesting, and more generally valuable, had Mr. Christie written an affirmative history relegating to appendices or footnotes the polemical discussions which different points demanded.

  • I think it would have been more respectful, Elinor, if he had been here.

  • But then had he had a wife at home he would have been more indifferent to Phil, and might not have cared to criticise him at all.

  • Had she been asking the gardener about the slugs that eat the young plants it would have been more disturbed.

  • I do not pretend that I recovered all I had lost with Mamie; it would have been more than I had merited; and I had certainly been more uncommunicative than became either the partner or the friend.

  • I take the liberty to say it would have been more decent.

  • It would have been more honest if we had," said I.

  • I do not pretend that I recovered all I had lost with Mamie, it would have been more than I had merited; and I had certainly been more uncommunicative than became either the partner or the friend.

  • In nobody's state of mind, there was nothing Clennam would have desired less, or would have been more at a loss how to avoid.

  • Little Mother The morning light was in no hurry to climb the prison wall and look in at the Snuggery windows; and when it did come, it would have been more welcome if it had come alone, instead of bringing a rush of rain with it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "would have been more" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    artesian well; colonial expansion; inversely proportional; last week; would agree; would also; would answer; would cause; would endeavor; would fain; would grant; would have been better; would have told you; would hold; would keep; would listen; would lose; would often; would read; would recommend; would return; would seek; would speak; would submit; would suffice; would suit