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Example sentences for "unarmed"

Lexicographically close words:
unapproached; unappropriated; unapt; unaptly; unarm; unarmored; unarmoured; unarticulated; unartistic; unas
  1. For having intelligence of his coming, he had got into the town the night before, with a design to break forth upon them unexpectedly, while unarmed and marching without order.

  2. The expedition is, therefore, reduced to two unarmed persons.

  3. But somehow the old books, and the family life, and the sedate ways of the community he knew, had given him a fundamental and not unarmed faith in the things that were and had been.

  4. A few long, strong strokes and the swimmer was on the other side, holding his revolver holster high above water in one hand, for he of all people did not care to be unarmed in that locality.

  5. Tekana, as we have said, was no fool, also his conscience was not clear; moreover, he was quite unarmed except for a stick.

  6. Unarmed and foodless, how shall he ever succeed in finding his way back to safety?

  7. He was as cool as an iceberg, and squarely facing Cartwright said, "You wouldn't shoot an unarmed man would you, Jim?

  8. You must take care and not go unarmed so far from our Castle.

  9. The unarmed blacks immediately took to the water.

  10. She saw the unarmed horseman in grey stroking a very black moustache and looking about him coolly and with an interested air.

  11. An unarmed horseman in grey was receiving their close attention.

  12. These mild words were in full harmony with the mood of Pharaoh, who had had sufficient sorrow, and would have thought it wiser to venture unarmed into a lion's cage than to again defy the wrath of the terrible Hebrew.

  13. Spines and prickles may often disappear and give rise to unarmed and defenceless types.

  14. There were no more pomp and circumstance; no more of the reassuring thunder of gathering regiments, nor for that matter any more of that unarmed native helplessness that so stiffens the backs of the official English.

  15. The noise of that awoke Hyde, and King pretended to begin to wake, yawning and rolling on his back (that being much the safest position an unarmed man can take and much the most awkward for his enemy).

  16. No more was the warrior on carnage bent to be seen on the seaboards of Ulster or the western coast of Albania, as Scotland was then called; only unarmed men dressed in humble monastic garb trod those wave-beaten shores.

  17. But, although all were slaughtered promiscuously, a special ferocity was always displayed by the barbarous conqueror toward the unarmed and defenceless ministers of religion.

  18. The crowd was unarmed and ran into side alleys or open shops or made off down the rue de Lille.

  19. To gain the confidence of the natives was his first care; and to this end he ventured alone and unarmed into those isolated spots, whither not less than a hundred men had dared to go.

  20. Throughout the Roman world a general cry of indignation was heard, imploring vengeance on the common enemy of human kind; and at length, by an act of private oppression, a peaceful and unarmed province was driven into rebellion against him.

  21. Shame followed every offence towards the weak, and every aggression towards an unarmed man.

  22. They have been credited by history with the change from unarmed to armed trade on the part of the company; but as a matter of fact both of them were loth to quarrel with the Mogul.

  23. It was a wanton fire on an unarmed populace that was protected against; and the protest was by men who involuntarily shrank from mob-law as they would from the hell of anarchy.

  24. Usually the declaration took place in more practical fashion by the surprise and slaughter of an unarmed party of the enemy--women fishing on the reef, or a messenger returning home in his canoe.

  25. The fear being mutual, there was, in reality, scarcely any war; an occasional attack upon a woman or an unarmed man served to keep the hereditary feud alive.

  26. An unarmed man has ten chances to one over the armed man in keeping out of trouble!

  27. Unarmed men shout defiance and the troops are withdrawn to hush the turmoil.

  28. Sevier had not forgotten his weapons, but as Hester was unarmed he was quite willing to meet him barehanded and make him a prisoner.

  29. The Indians feared him as they had never feared white or red man, and, although he was unarmed and greatly outnumbered, they kept their distance and nervously covered him with their guns as if fearing some magic.

  30. Then those ten unarmed knights of the Queen and their attendants made them ready for battle.

  31. And when Sir Mellegrans perceived this chance, he straightway lashed a great blow at Sir Launcelot's unarmed side with all his might and main, and with full intent to put an end to the battle with that one blow.

  32. And for a long time those ten unarmed worthies fought against the armed men as one to ten, and for a long time no one could tell how that battle would end.

  33. So I entered with those two youths into the castle, and there came attendants and took my horse and there came others who unarmed me and led me to a bath of tepid water.

  34. But I will prove my faith to thee in this: I will come to thee unarmed as I am at this present, and I will admit thee into my castle, and I will lead thee to the Queen.

  35. Meantime all around on the ground were men groaning dolorously, for in that battle those ten unarmed knights of the Round Table had smitten down thirty of their enemies.

  36. Instead of receiving within its walls the innumerable armies that fame had announced, Ptolemaïs only had to welcome the arrival of a few unarmed pilgrims, who had nothing to relate but the deplorable quarrels of Christian monarchs and princes.

  37. Had not ample time passed for the whole British garrison to be coming with fixed bayonets and a whoop, to make short work of unarmed men who had not made up their minds?

  38. So they passed on to the wide northern parade ground, with that hollow square ready; three sides of it threatening weapons, the fourth of unarmed men, and in the center the eighty-five picked men of a picked regiment.

  39. The villain's eyes fairly popped from his head when he saw his four comrades coming, unarmed and prisoners, back to the little room.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unarmed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    clean; defenseless; disqualified; helpless; incapable; incompetent; unadapted; unarmed; unattended; uncovered; undefended; unequipped; unfit; unfortified; unguarded; unprotected; unprovided; unqualified; unsheltered; unsuited; unsuspecting; unwarned; unwatched