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Example sentences for "care"

Lexicographically close words:
carding; cardiovascular; cardoon; cardoons; cards; cared; careen; careened; careening; career
  1. It always seemed to me that he did not care for praise of it, or wish much that it should be alluded to.

  2. Throughout his reign Tiberius strove to do his duty to the Empire at large, and maintained with great care the constitutional forms which had been established by Augustus.

  3. The Aediles were four officers who had the general superintendence of the police of the city, and the care of the public games and buildings.

  4. Temporal evils or felicities being regarded by heaven as things merely in themselves trifling and unworthy its care in the distribution 29.

  5. You may remember, my love, how good she was, and how charming; till this vile moment all her care was to make us happy.

  6. In this agreeable interval, my wife had the most lucky dreams in the world, which she took care to tell us every morning, with great solemnity and exactness.

  7. You shall have more than half my bed-cloaths to night, and I'll take care to stand your friend in the prison, where I think I have some influence.

  8. When he was gone, my first care was to carry his recommendatory letter to his uncle, a man whose character for every virtue was universal, yet just.

  9. Name then your day, let it be as distant as you think proper, and in the mean time take care to let Mr Thornhill know the exact time on which I design delivering you up to another.

  10. Upon my arrival in town, Sir, my first care was to deliver your letter of recommendation to our cousin, who was himself in little better circumstances than I.

  11. He asked me if I had taken care to provide myself with a bed, which was a circumstance I had never once attended to.

  12. My next care was to send my son to procure a room or two to lodge the family in, as near the prison as conveniently could be found.

  13. No, Sir, let it be your care now to fit me for that vile death I must shortly suffer, to arm me with hope and resolution, to give me courage to drink of that bitterness which must shortly be my portion.

  14. To tell you a truth, Master Thornhill, I never either loved you or liked you, and I don't care if I tell you now a piece of my mind.

  15. I hardly suppose we can speak of a woman who was the mother of thirteen children before she was forty, and taking care of them all without a servant, as highly cultivated.

  16. His wife supplied him the mothering care that gave his spirit wing.

  17. The Wollstonecraft boys who had no money went to work, and in taking care of themselves became strong, sturdy and prosperous men.

  18. The undisguised and romantic passion with which he regarded it amounted almost to superstition; and when the portrait was now taken down, in clearing for action, he desired the men who removed it to "take care of his guardian angel.

  19. She had met the wits and thinkers of London and had learned to take care of herself.

  20. He told me, no, and that I should take great care not to confess them except as passed, and that in confession the utmost sincerity was needed.

  21. Her room is a jumble of disorder, a fantasy of dirty clothes, a sequinarium of unmentionables--that is, if the care of it is left to herself.

  22. To ease the pain he traveled for six months through Southern France and Italy, but care rode on the crupper.

  23. She took care to watch every day she thought I communicated.

  24. The members of the municipality are elected by the people, and they are entrusted with the care of the municipal interests.

  25. The police under the care of the Political and Police Chief (jefe politico y de policia) of each department and depending on the Executive power employs a great many persons, the wages of which are relatively very small.

  26. This important establishment is actually under the care of the "National Charity and Public Beneficence Commission.

  27. The Montevideo municipality has a very great importance, being entrusted with the care of all the municipal services except that of the police.

  28. This Register is entrusted to the care of the Justice of the Peace, who performs the functions of Civil State Register Officer, and in it are inscribed all the births, marriages, deaths, recognizance and legitimation of the sons.

  29. There exist also, under the care of private beneficence, the English Hospital, the Italian Hospital, and soon there will be a Spanish Hospital.

  30. In the Republic there are a great many schools and colleges under the care of religious communities, in which more than 4,200 children are taught.

  31. This establishment is under the care of the Ministry of War and Navy, and works according to the latest improvements of military science.

  32. He will accompany them until they be put into possession of their luggage, taking good care lest any one should ask them any retribution in the "Immigrants' Hotel.

  33. My mother had read the Scriptures with great care and was not fully persuaded that infant baptism was therein taught, and although a Methodist, she hesitated to give her children to God and the church in this ordinance.

  34. On the 11th of May, Mrs. Felts went home and took charge of her work, while she gave her time fully to the care of the sick.

  35. I am thankful to hear that Cethe is better and hope he will take good care of himself and get quite well.

  36. Neither did Tim, while regretting the loss of his slave, know or care that one of his occasional visitors was now a mortal enemy of the other, and that a tragedy, dark and grewsome, would be its outcome.

  37. Not even the unusual event of a caller could hinder him from the one duty he most enjoyed,--the care of his beloved swine.

  38. I feel that you will not care to hear from me, and yet I must write.

  39. If you can take care of me until morning, any payment you will accept shall be yours.

  40. This burden of care also began to haunt his sleep, and in it he saw the open cave, and himself watched by vicious, leering faces.

  41. Uncle Jud found me and took care of me until you came, and that's all I want to tell.

  42. We should hardly care to accept hospitalities which we could not return.

  43. They felt pity for me, I guess, and took care of me.

  44. One course only seems plain to me,--to take care of and educate this unfortunate.

  45. Just the book for the busy man or woman who wants the most direct practical information as to just how to plant, prune, train and to care for all the common fruits, flowers, vegetables, or ornamental bushes and trees.

  46. Would you care to know how I made this bit of capital?

  47. And you don't care to see much of Mrs. Abbott?

  48. It's the old fighting-ground of French and English--interesting to any one pedantic enough to care for such things.

  49. In any case, we could never endure each other; and how can I be expected to make any sacrifice for a mother who never gave me an hour of motherly care from the day of my birth?

  50. Oh, you know that I don't care to ask people.

  51. On going upstairs, instead of straightway entering his own room, he passed it with soft step and paused by another door, that of the chamber in which Hughie slept under the care of Miss Smith.

  52. She was alone, and evidently quite able to take care of herself.

  53. I know you don't care to hear from me, but I'll just say that I'm going out to New Zealand.

  54. I have another mood (less frequent) in which I try to persuade myself that I don't care much about the child; that his future doesn't really concern me at all.

  55. What do I care so long as you are out of the vile business?

  56. Perhaps Mr. Redgrave doesn't care to have it known.

  57. Mr. Carnaby, you're a great blundering thickhead--if you care for my opinion of you.

  58. But I've got to the point that I don't care what I do, if only it'll bring me a steady income in an honest way.

  59. That person there, who finds her altogether delightful, will declare that he does not care whether she sings or not, and such a dainty creature is she that her frank artificiality is a positive delight.

  60. As for the biographical data in the book, they are as complete and as accurate as diligence and care can make them.

  61. You don't care much about the rabbits, do you, Danna?

  62. I care not for Melvina Lyon, if she be a minister's daughter," Anna responded bravely.

  63. Well, good luck to you, and take care of yourself.

  64. Why, of course not; he does n't care for women in that way at all.

  65. They care nothing whatever for it in the abstract, and have no use for any minister, unless it may be to marry their children or bury their dead.

  66. Mrs. Guffy smiled happily from an open window as she observed the square set of his shoulders, the easy, devil-may-care smile upon his lips.

  67. She--sort of fell to my care when none of her own people were left to look after her.

  68. I don't care what you say, you and those others who do not know him, but I believe in him; I think he is a man.

  69. That, for the present at least, you confide this girl into the care of some worthy woman.

  70. Now, you do not care very much for the opinion of others, while from every other standpoint you feel perfectly safe.

  71. She would say I did right in giving you up into the care of a good woman.

  72. Don't care quite as much about it as you did, do you?

  73. How could I venture to believe you would ever really care in that way for such a waif as I?

  74. I don't care to have you, revise it, Mr. Bob Hampton.

  75. This certainty once established, I care little for mere compliments, from which a certain degree of puerility and ridicule is inseparable; sympathy without affected words has alone a true and desirable charm.

  76. Let our first care be to obtain universal respect for the Charter which the King has granted to us.

  77. Let us take care not to diminish their force or to enervate our expressions; let them be respectful and even gentle, but let them at the same time be neither timid nor ambiguous.

  78. By a mild and active administration, by studied care of its partisans, by frequent and always favourably received appeals to the royal clemency in behalf of the exiles still excepted from amnesty, even including the old regicides, M.

  79. With more care even than in 1821, I kept my lectures free of politics.

  80. These short tables clearly exhibit the spirit of improvement and the rational care of public interests which animated the Cabinet.

  81. There are certain defections which skilful egotism takes care to avoid; but the existing state of public affairs, and his own particular position, pressed conjointly and weightily upon him at this juncture.

  82. But it had more brilliancy than strength; and neither its care of individual interests, nor its successes in the tribune, were sufficient to rally round it the great Government party which its formation had divided.

  83. I care little for mistake or invective; either is the natural condition of public life: but I do not feel called upon to enter into useless controversies in my own defence; I know how to wait for justice without demanding it.

  84. To secure these is an inseparable care of Government, but they do not comprise the only need of humanity.

  85. Even the ministers most subservient to the extreme royalist party endeavoured to check while supporting them, and took care to contribute less assistance than they had promised.

  86. He was quite a small boy, only eight years old, but country boys learn to take care of themselves sooner than city children.

  87. No accident happened to the young naturalist in his care of the hawk, and gradually his mother ceased to think of it.

  88. Lifted up so high are your topmost boughs that no indolent birds care to seek you, and only those of nimble wings, and they with unwonted beat, that love exertion and aspire to sing where none sing higher.

  89. Taffy had wakened, changed his position, and looked as if he felt very proud, being left to take care of his small brother.

  90. It grows in the most arid countries, and is another proof of the tender care of our Heavenly Father in supplying all His creatures' wants.

  91. About this time, Cromwell, urged by solicitous friends of the outlaw, sent word to him to return to England, that he might employ him in foreign service, if he did not care to serve in England itself.

  92. Mistress Felicity he had sent to an upper room in the care of her aunt.

  93. She had told the Princess then that she was the daughter of an exiled English gentleman, and was in the care of her aunt, one Mistress Falkingham, while her father was gone on an expedition to Italy.

  94. Drake took her into Torbay, and there left her in the care of the Brixham fishermen, and taking with him Valdez and the other officers sailed away to join Lord Howard.

  95. But I care not now that I am home again and have found my friend Geoffrey.

  96. The operation was a long one, as it had to be conducted with the greatest care and caution.

  97. The Moorish wounded and the dead were then lowered into boats and taken on shore for care or burial.

  98. I care not for life; a few days of this work will kill me, and the sooner the better.

  99. I care nothing about sleeping in the open air, Gerald, and it would be folly to risk the success of our enterprise upon the chance of no one happening to come through the wood, and finding the animals before you return in the morning.

  100. Oh, we don't care how small she is if we can only go in her; and you would be able to show us London, and we might even see the queen.

  101. That's what she is, you see; and he is going to show us London, and will take great care of us if you will let us go with him.

  102. It is a narrow channel, and I never care about going into it after dark until there is water enough for a craft of our draught over the sands.

  103. That I will assuredly," Captain Heraugiere said, "and will take care that if it should turn out successful your share in the enterprise shall be known.

  104. I don't care how hard it comes down so that there is not wind at the tail of it.

  105. Although he had little fear of being heard owing to the din kept up by the wind, he moved along with extreme care until he reached the spot whence the light proceeded.

  106. And even the impatient modern may care to remember that in Chapter V.

  107. Towards the end of June, he left Hetty and Susan in the care of a certain Mme.

  108. He would have taken care you should not part with it [Cecilia] so much below par.

  109. I reckon I can take care o' myself, masters.

  110. I cannot abandon my old faith and trust in the God-Man for an unknown power who does not care for my suffering and cannot hear my prayers.

  111. Under their care a bevy of bright young creatures were brought up as in the chaste seclusion of a convent.

  112. It will relieve me of a great deal of care and anxiety.

  113. Oh, I don't care now how far we have to walk.

  114. Have you not cast me off for a woman who does not even care for you--for another man's wife?

  115. You had better let me go about with the young ladies--if you can trust them to the care of an old fellow like me.

  116. Yes--I don't care what you think of my weakness--I was not a free agent.

  117. Do you think I don't care for you except to be something to you?

  118. Yes, I even tried to make you care for me--falsely, cruelly, treacherously.

  119. No; but if you didn't mention it, no one else would think of it or care for it.

  120. Besides, I don't care to interfere with you to that degree.

  121. I knew from the very first that you did not really care for her, that you were playing with yourself, as you were playing with her, and I ought to have warned her.

  122. I shall never care for it," he said, and this was true enough.

  123. Oh, do you think I care for the world, or what it will think or say?

  124. If you care for him--if you think you care for him--then I leave you perfectly free.

  125. I wanted to show you that I disdained to be suspicious, that I was ashamed to suppose that a girl of your age could care for the admiration of a man of his.

  126. As long as he's pleasant to you, you don't care what he does to me.

  127. The citizen negro does not vote, and takes good care not to do so.

  128. What care they for the slavery question, when they have seen this foreign immigration, according to the plan concerted in England, settling in the non-slaveholding States, and every year increasing the Abolition power?

  129. If we can secure the West and South, we will take care of New England.

  130. It may not set well upon your stomach, that being a "Minister of the Gospel, and having the care of souls," I should seem not to place implicit confidence in your denial of any participation in this unprovoked war upon me.

  131. Care not for it; but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather.

  132. Those politicians who are exciting the whole country, and fanning society into a livid consuming flame, particularly at the North, have no sympathies for the black man, and care nothing for his comfort.

  133. It was upon this theatre that he displayed the judgment and tact which brought him prominently before the country as a man that understood the public interests, and knew how to take care of them.

  134. What care they for the Protestant religion, if the Catholics can only give them the numerical strength at the ballot-box?

  135. I have never been able to care for any game that ever was invented.

  136. I don't believe Aunt Alison will care so much how we are dressed.

  137. I really and truly would not like to go; I shouldn't care about it in the least, and I am very glad I'm not asked.

  138. And if I were you, I'd take care to show Miss Mildmay that it doesn't unsettle you, and I'd just put out of my mind about having any young ladies to come to you.

  139. I do not care for making friends as you do.

  140. She is pleased and delighted at Lady Myrtle being so kind, but she does care about the Harpers too.

  141. It isn't laziness that makes me not care for them.

  142. You will just have been one year with her, and I do thank her for her care of you.

  143. But she did not understand or care for children, and the charge of her nieces and nephew she only accepted as a duty.

  144. Under Phebe's care the two younger ones were left free to run about as they chose during such parts of the day as Jacinth found that their hostess liked to have her with herself.

  145. Perhaps she does not care so much about games and romping as you do?

  146. Hence the necessity for care in providing articles for psychometrists in a public meeting.

  147. A certain degree of care and caution, and the employment of honest powers of discrimination, is necessary on the part of the sitters in cases of spirit impersonation.

  148. In the latter cases, the medium must take care of himself.

  149. The crystal should not be used soon after taking a meal, and care should be taken in matters of diet to partake only of digestible foods, and to avoid alcoholic beverages.

  150. In addressing the spirit one should pursue the same general course employed in addressing questions to a friend in the flesh; and care should be taken to address the spirit politely and in a kindly tone.

  151. Because, in their sublime eagerness to serve others, they forget to care for themselves.

  152. And as both the one and the other are forever choking the streams of income which should supply the means of paying his own notes, his no less constant care is to provide such other conduits as shall insure him always a full basin at the bank.

  153. Her care was for the existing generation, rather than for a future one, which would have its own friends.

  154. Aunt Mimy used to sell herbs, and she rose from that to taking care of the sick, and so on, till once Dr.

  155. John was a student, and a lover of Science, as well as a man of trade; and, in the first moments of our intercourse, I took care to let drop words that I knew would attract his curiosity and interest.

  156. Who's took care o' them things that was on the hoss?

  157. We have been wrecked at sea only once in our many voyages, and, so far as we know our own tastes, do not care to solicit aid again to be thrown into the same awkward situation.

  158. Brahma, why, he can take care of himself, and won't bite us at any rate.

  159. And he said, he didn't care for anybody's kisses but mine, and he believed he wouldn't.

  160. We will find our way to Kief, and there uncle will take care of us.

  161. I do not care for him," replied the girl, quietly but with decision.

  162. Nonsense; we will take care of that," replied Hirsch.

  163. In spite of the care that was lavished upon him, he steadily grew worse.

  164. His first care was to restore Kathinka to consciousness, and he soon had the satisfaction of bringing her back to life.

  165. What care I for your property or your wretched lives?

  166. Taken from home when they most needed their parents' care and love, what would become of these poor waifs?

  167. The trials and humiliations of a week of care are followed by a day of peace and security.

  168. His wife, when she was not occupied with the care of her rapidly growing family, cheerfully assisted in swelling the family fund by peddling vegetables and fruit from door to door.

  169. The stranger and the homeless are made welcome at every table, that they, too, may enjoy, free from care and sorrow, the advent of the Pesach.

  170. But she does not want truth--what does woman care for truth?

  171. If any one were to say to them "A lofty spirituality is beyond all comparison with the honesty and respectability of a merely moral man"--it would make them furious, I shall take care not to say so.

  172. We men desire that woman should not continue to compromise herself by enlightening us; just as it was man's care and the consideration for woman, when the church decreed: mulier taceat in ecclesia.

  173. He did not care to publish a purpose that lay so near to his heart.

  174. Out in the country where the winds of winter had piled the snow into long heaps, the beaten track was getting soft, and it was necessary to exercise some care in order to prevent the horses from slumping through the drifts to the road-bed.

  175. What do I care for my country or for you.

  176. He would do the obvious and manly thing and let the consequences take care of themselves.

  177. He had therefore an opportunity, unseen and unquestioned, to change his wet clothing for dry, and to bathe and anoint and otherwise care for his cuts and bruises.

  178. The man was evidently making weak and ineffectual attempts to care for his own wounds.

  179. By the favour of the Lord we must strive with all our strength, and take care lest by one poisonous sentence the living members of Christ's body be destroyed.

  180. And inasmuch as the care of all belonged to him on account of the rank of his See, he restored to each his Church.

  181. Lo he hath received the keys of the kingdom of heaven, the power of binding and loosing is given to him, the care of the whole Church is committed to him, and the Primacy, and yet he is not called Universal Apostle.

  182. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "care" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accordance; acquittal; adherence; administration; advocacy; aegis; affair; affliction; agency; aggravation; agitation; agony; anguish; annoyance; anticipation; apprehension; assiduity; assignment; attempt; attention; auspices; austerity; authority; authorization; awareness; backing; blight; bread; brevet; bummer; burden; calculation; care; carefulness; caution; championship; charge; charity; clarity; commitment; compliance; concentration; concern; conduct; conformity; consciousness; conservation; consider; consideration; consignment; countenance; cross; cure; curse; custody; damn; delegation; deliberateness; deliberation; deputation; difficulties; difficulty; diligence; discharge; discomfort; discretion; disquiet; distress; disturbance; dole; dread; ear; earnestness; embassy; encouragement; encumbrance; endowment; errand; execution; eye; favor; fear; foreboding; foresight; forethought; fosterage; frugality; fulfillment; gall; goodwill; government; grief; grievance; guardianship; guarding; guidance; hand; handling; hardship; heartache; heartbreak; hedge; hedging; heed; heeding; hesitation; hold; husbandry; infliction; inquietude; intentness; interest; irritation; judiciousness; jurisdiction; keep; keeping; lamentation; legation; license; livelihood; living; load; love; maintenance; malaise; management; mandate; manna; meat; mind; ministry; misery; misgiving; mission; mothering; nervousness; note; notice; nourishment; nurture; observance; observation; office; oppression; oversight; parsimony; pastorate; patronage; performance; perturbation; pining; plight; possession; practice; precaution; precision; predicament; preparedness; preservation; pressure; prostration; protection; provision; proxy; prudence; pucker; purview; regard; regency; regret; remark; respect; responsibility; rigor; running; safekeeping; satisfaction; security; service; solicitude; sorrow; sponsorship; stew; stewardship; strain; stress; subsidy; subsistence; subvention; supervision; support; surveillance; suspense; sustenance; sympathy; tact; task; tension; think; thorn; thoroughness; thought; thoughtfulness; thrift; thriftiness; treatment; trial; tribulation; trouble; trust; trusteeship; tutelage; uneasiness; upkeep; upset; usage; vexation; vicissitude; ward; wardship; warrant; weight; wing; woe; worry; zeal

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    care about; care being; care being taken not; care for; care must; care not; care should; care what; care whether; cared for; careful attention; careful consideration; careful examination; careful not; careful selection; careful study; carefully avoided; carefully considered; carefully removed; carefully studied; carefully watched