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Example sentences for "mandate"

Lexicographically close words:
mandarin; mandarine; mandarines; mandarins; mandata; mandated; mandates; mandato; mandatories; mandatory
  1. The royal mandate of 1346 reiterated the stipulation that men of knowledge should inquire into suspected cases.

  2. Of this I was not aware; and, to dispel the mist that obscured my perceptions, a new light and a new mandate were necessary.

  3. So shall it be, when this vain guilty world Of woe, and sad necessity and tears, Sinks at the awful mandate of its Lord, As erst it rose to being at his word.

  4. Thus braved, the king of Prussia issued his mandate for war with the refractory states.

  5. This mandate was obeyed; and "all the talents" ministry was thus dissolved.

  6. The next wind, however, that blew from England brought the mandate which deprived him of office and recalled him from Ireland.

  7. While it is law, its penalties will be submitted to; but let me add as a matter of fact, that its mandate will most assuredly not be obeyed.

  8. The sovereignty of Persia had, however, been recognized at Versailles, and the League could not entrust a mandate for its government to any other State.

  9. He was succeeded as Prime Minister by Herr Bauer, and Herr Müller was sent to replace Brockdorff-Rantzau at Versailles with a mandate to sign the dictated peace.

  10. The committee on finance straightway negatived the land tax bill, and in the afternoon of the same day, December 16, when it came before the house, the chair read an imperial mandate suspending the diet for five days.

  11. Gotoba could count upon the support of seventeen hundred warriors, so in 1221 an imperial mandate circulated through all the provinces of the empire ordering the destruction of the Hojo family.

  12. When Yoritomo rose in 1180 at the mandate of the late Prince Mochihito, Yoshitsune's opportunity came.

  13. But Yoritomo addressed himself to the ex-emperor with such persuasion that an imperial mandate was issued to all the provincial authorities ordering them to arrest Yoshitsune and Yukiiye.

  14. Addressing himself to the dethroned Emperor Kogon, he obtained a mandate to raise an army.

  15. In the meantime the imperial mandate to organize a new cabinet lingered between Marquis Saionji, Count Inouye, and Viscount Katsura, until Katsura succeeded, a month after the fall of the last cabinet, in forming its successor.

  16. The lord of Choshu had been forbidden to enter Kyoto in consequence of his obdurate hostility to the policy of the Tokugawa, and the issue of such a mandate naturally caused great umbrage to his lieges.

  17. Thereupon an imperial mandate was issued, directing that the estates should be restored, to which Yoshitoki paid no attention.

  18. But on this occasion, the good cause prevailed, and the bold resistance of this small district compelled the Emperor disgracefully to recall his mandate of conversion.

  19. Fletcher's mandate gave him a grant of land running forty miles one way, and thirty another, on the west bank of the Hudson.

  20. The simple mandate of law was sufficient authorization for them to prey upon the whole world outside of their charmed circle.

  21. Accordingly the mandate of the Supreme Court was directed to the judges of the Virginia Court of Appeals, instructing them "to enter judgment for the appellant, Philip Martin [the Fairfax devisee].

  22. Georgia came to nothing; the mandate was never obeyed, never heeded.

  23. Georgia scoffed at Marshall's opinion, flouted the mandate of the Supreme Court.

  24. The Virginia judges unanimously declined to obey the mandate of the Supreme Court of the United States.

  25. When modified, Rowan's resolutions, one of which hinted at forcible resistance to the mandate of the Supreme Court, passed by heavy majorities.

  26. Governor "and every other officer of this state" be directed to "disregard any and every mandate and process .

  27. But, whatever its feelings or the state of public opinion, the court "must obey the mandate of the law.

  28. In the fifth century, when the Theodosian Code was promulgated, law was thought of chiefly as the mandate of a ruler.

  29. Theirs was the spiritual sword; secular power, the sword material, was to be exercised under the pope's mandate and permission.

  30. The reiterated mandate of the King was not long in following him, and this time coupled with an accusation of treason.

  31. The pope has enjoined secrecy; therefore Bacon cannot set up the papal mandate against the probable interference of his own superiors.

  32. Reveal the primal mandate still Which Chaos heard and ceased to be, Trace on mid-air th' Eternal Will In signs of fire: "Let man be free!

  33. It occurred in 1578, the time in which Duke Heinrich was suspended in his government by Imperial mandate and lived in Hainau on a fixed income under the sovereignty of his younger brother.

  34. They then went to the State District Court of Appeal, where they secured a writ of mandate directing Judge Lawlor to dismiss the indictments in the cases of the trolley-graft defendants.

  35. The statement was even contained in the opinion of the Appellate Court, granting the writ of mandate that preceded the dismissal of the graft cases.

  36. The Inquisition did not spare the Spanish Jews, who, flying from the mandate of expulsion issued by Ferdinand and Isabella, came to Rome and were presently caught in the meshes of the Holy Office.

  37. In other words, in order to constitute affirmative State action in violation of the Constitutional mandate against distinction and discrimination based on race or color, it is not necessary that the State should pass a law for that purpose.

  38. Gentlemen," said the man in the priestly garb, rising to his feet amidst applause, "I am proud once more to have been able to fulfil the mandate of our Club.

  39. Therefore he received the mandate of the club with something less than his usual urbanity.

  40. No explanation is needed as to the absence of the Great Seal, for that resulted from the mandate of your club.

  41. On the 27th of May, one week before the rendering of this decision by Judge Sullivan, the mandate of the United States Supreme Court had been filed in the Circuit Court at San Francisco, by which the decree of that court was affirmed.

  42. The mandate was issued on the fourth of July, and was served on the Judge on the sixteenth.

  43. That mandate of the will which objectifies itself in the species presents itself in the consciousness of the lover under the mask of the anticipation of an infinite happiness, which is to be found in his union with this particular woman.

  44. And the princes bowed unto him and received his blessings kind, By his mandate to Panchala went with pleased and joyful mind!

  45. Let the good and wise Vidura serve thy mandate and behest, Let a father's pride and gladness fill this old and cheerless breast.

  46. Karna silent heard this mandate but his birth could not proclaim, Like a raindrop-pelted lotus bent his humble head in shame!

  47. Krishna too in gentle accents to the doubting monarch said: "Vyasa speaketh word of wisdom and his mandate be obeyed!

  48. Karna by his warlike valour is of crownéd kings the peer, Karna shall be crownéd monarch, nations shall his mandate hear!

  49. And as a mother's mandate cannot be disregarded, Draupadi became the common wife of the five brothers.

  50. Heaven avert all future evils, and thy mandate is obeyed!

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mandate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.