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Example sentences for "delegation"

Lexicographically close words:
delectation; delegate; delegated; delegates; delegating; delegations; delete; deleted; deleterious; deleting
  1. He was last year the prohibition candidate for governor of Wisconsin, and was recently elected head of the lay delegation of the Wisconsin churches at the general conference of the Methodist Church.

  2. A special delegation of BAC officials made it a point to journey from the hotel to the mountaintop airport to greet Stevens.

  3. Delegation to UN Conference at San Francisco, 1945; now Chairman, Finance Committee, General Electric Co.

  4. Dean, head of the United States Delegation to Geneva Disarmament Conference; Arthur M.

  5. Marion also sent a large delegation and the counties along the line were well represented.

  6. He is deceived by Hastings and I fear erroneously counts upon the delegation from Dubuque.

  7. Under this state of facts I cannot but regard Mr. Leffler as hostile to this road, in which case our delegation cannot support his claim.

  8. After serious deliberation and with considerable misgivings, we decided to send a delegation to spy out the land and be governed by circumstances.

  9. The Cook delegation promptly accepted the amendment, and amidst a perfect hurricane of hurrahs, the banner was duly altered to express the sentiment of the whole Republican party of the State, thus: 'Illinois for Abraham Lincoln.

  10. At Charleston there was a great delegation of men, women and children present which had come in a long procession from Indiana by farm wagons, afoot, on horseback, and in carriages.

  11. Thereon follow the provisions for delegation of the Royal authority, first to the Sovereign's personal Representative in Ireland, and then through him to the members of the Irish Executive.

  12. In regard to taxes on consumption the same difficulty has been met with in Australia since the federation of the Colonies and the delegation to the Commonwealth Government of exclusive control over Customs and Excise.

  13. He appointed no Senators to the delegation which went to Paris.

  14. Vice-Admiral Kato, not the head of the Japanese delegation but the second Kato, had enough English to remark it.

  15. One half of Mr. Harding's delegation to the Washington Conference was made up of Senators.

  16. The precious document in his pocket, Vice-President Adams on his arm, Aaron leads the Senate delegation to the President's house.

  17. Save that the audience chamber is less sumptuous, the ceremony might pass for King George receiving his ministers, instead of President George receiving a delegation from the Senate.

  18. The delegation that arrived on November 2nd was accompanied by St. Ann's Band, of Freeland, Pa.

  19. Meantime, good friends in Sangamon County saw to it that the county delegation was made up of men who were favorably disposed toward Douglas, and bound them by instructions to act as a unit in the convention.

  20. The entire Illinois delegation united to urge his appointment as Brigadier Major of the Illinois volunteers.

  21. On his way thither, he was met by a delegation which took him a willing captive and conducted him on a special train to his destination.

  22. At least fifteen representatives of what had hitherto been Democratic constituencies, had combined with the Whigs to embarrass the Democratic delegation at Washington.

  23. First he was made a member of the Sangamon County delegation to the State convention;[104] then chairman of the State Central Committee; and finally, virtual manager of the Democratic campaign in Illinois.

  24. Thereupon the chairman of the Alabama delegation protested and announced the formal withdrawal of his State from the convention.

  25. A portion of the Virginia delegation then withdrew, and their example was followed by nearly all the delegates from North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Maryland.

  26. On the second day, it was voted that where a delegation had not been instructed by a State convention how to give its vote, the individual delegates might vote as they pleased.

  27. The President was a good deal mystified by this unusual promptness, until three members of the Illinois delegation called some hours later, in a state of great excitement, saying that Douglas and Breese had taken advantage of them.

  28. Of all the factions, that headed by the South Carolina delegation possessed the greatest solidarity.

  29. The Sangamon County delegation alone, with the possible exception of that from Morgan County, knew exactly what it wanted.

  30. Inasmuch as Sangamon County usually sent a Whig delegation to the legislature, this declination could hardly have cost him many hours of painful deliberation.

  31. Free-Soilers, Whigs, and Northern Democrats with anti-slavery leanings had voted for the instructions; only the Democrats from the southern counties voted solidly to sustain the Illinois delegation in its opposition to the Proviso.

  32. It was at this juncture that Douglas telegraphed to his friend Richardson, who was chairman of the Illinois delegation and a prominent figure in the convention, instructing him to withdraw his name.

  33. The Sangamon County delegation was annoyingly aggressive in behalf of their county seat.

  34. Congress had thereupon declined to seat the Georgia delegation at Washington, and had renewed the probationary period until the legislature, humbled and browbeaten, had undone the expulsion, whereupon Georgia received her final recognition.

  35. The American delegation at the Second Hague Conference was led by Joseph H.

  36. The solid New York delegation shouting for Hill was an item in Cleveland's favor at the Democratic Convention in Chicago.

  37. He is determined to force a solid rebel delegation into Congress from the South, which, together with Northern Copperheads, could at once control Congress and elect all future Presidents.

  38. In 1824, a majority of her delegation was opposed to it.

  39. His face partially toward the plane, he turned smilingly as the noisy delegation of Sammies rushed up to him.

  40. If some German-American father whose son got in the draft and was sent over here gets word that his boy has been crucified or tortured by a delegation of Fatherland friends, he'll wake up in a hurry.

  41. How about her delegation in the lower house?

  42. Virginia's delegation in the Senate was thus made secure.

  43. The Jewish Delegation in the Vilna Commission of 1869," Yevr.

  44. Moorehead, who represented Pittsburgh, was another of the delegation in my interest.

  45. This "interview" wasn't exactly as satisfactory to me as it might have been, if I had been presented by the delegation that had called with me a few days sooner.

  46. In addition to the regular crowd, there seemed to be a delegation of some kind in an adjoining room, as I judged from the loud talking.

  47. When the Spaniards had arrived within three miles of Zempoalla, a delegation met them from the city, accompanied by a vast concourse of men and women.

  48. One of the ships of the delegation sent to Spain, of which we have previously spoken, had, contrary to the orders of Cortez, stopped at Cuba.

  49. They assembled, and appointed a delegation to wait upon their commander, and remonstrate against another attempt, with his broken battalions, to subjugate so powerful an empire.

  50. The natives immediately sent a delegation to him laden with presents.

  51. Urged by a delegation of music-loving consumers, the tubist raised his ravaged horn.

  52. Sir, a consumer's delegation wishes to speak with you about the new Birthday Quotas.

  53. A delegation of newsboys about the age of the dead now arrived.

  54. The pall bearers were selected from the delegation of newsboys, as I think Tom would have wished had he expressed himself upon this point.

  55. In January the New York delegation in Congress gave a dinner to Vice-President-elect Sherman at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington.

  56. The secretary called the counties of the State in alphabetical order, and the chairman of each delegation made his nomination.

  57. The following morning there was a delegation of several thousand people outside my hotel, who had come to express their gratitude.

  58. Sir Robert was an important member of the British Delegation and made some very helpful suggestions.

  59. White, who had been chairman of the American delegation at that conference.

  60. The Russian delegation were quite ready to leave all the arrangements for getting the goods to Archangel from wherever they were turned out in this country, to the C.

  61. But one encountered the greatest difficulty in inducing the delegation in this country to have anything to say to the Stokes mortar, because of its comparatively short range.

  62. In 1907 a delegation appeared before the State Federation of Labor asking for its endorsement of woman suffrage, which was refused.

  63. On January 15 a delegation headed by Mrs. George Bass, chairman of the Woman's Division of the National Democratic Committee, appealed to this committee to take some action toward ratification and it gave its endorsement.

  64. New York was thus enabled to continue its record of having the largest delegation each year in the national convention.

  65. Arrangements had been made for a delegation from the Boston Central Labor Union but when the time came the sole marcher to appear was the president, who courageously marched alone carrying the banner of the union.

  66. Miss Mary Garrett Hay, Miss Helen Varick Boswell and Mrs. Harry Hastings headed the large delegation from New York City for the hearing.

  67. After the Speakership contest was over he refused to receive a delegation of women and declined to allow any member of the Ratification Committee to approach him.

  68. Stanley (Democrat) used the full strength of the administration, even invoking the aid of the Kentucky delegation in Congress, to kill the measure in the House.

  69. When the Federal Amendment went to the last vote in Congress, the Iowa delegation maintained its record on each vote that had been taken, both Senators and ten of the eleven Representatives--all but Harry E.

  70. The delegation in Congress was divided on its submission, Senator Joseph I.

  71. Its chance was weakened by the fact that Mississippi's entire delegation in Congress, including Senators John Sharp Williams and "Pat" Harrison had voted against submitting the Federal Amendment.

  72. A delegation from the College League met it at the District line and a procession accompanied it into the city under police escort.

  73. A delegation came to me from the assembly and said: "Mr. Lee, your discourse has turned us upside down.

  74. I told the delegation I would preach if they gave general publicity to my appointment.

  75. Adolphus Young, the chairman of the delegation which had waited on me and requested me to remain with them and set them right, was walking to and fro across the room.

  76. Hunt sent a delegation to inform me that I was inciting the command to mutiny, and must stop or he would have me under arrest.

  77. Macdonald, with the ready courtesy characteristic of him, immediately arranged for a hearing of the delegation from British Columbia.

  78. A delegation composed entirely of those who were ready to leave the past of the Redax--a collection of Bucks and Jil-Lees--was outside the bounds of possibility.

  79. Also the Tatars were not to go to the rancheria, but would be met at a mid-point by a delegation of Apaches.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "delegation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accession; agency; anointment; appointment; assignment; assumption; authority; authorization; brevet; care; change; charge; commendation; commission; commitment; committee; commutation; consecration; consignment; coronation; cure; delegation; deputation; displacement; election; embassy; errand; exchange; jurisdiction; legation; license; mandate; mission; office; proxy; purview; regency; replacement; representation; responsibility; seizure; succession; supplanting; switch; task; trust; trusteeship; usurpation; warrant