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Example sentences for "marched"

Lexicographically close words:
marchant; marchantes; marchants; marchaunt; marchauntes; marchen; marcher; marchers; marches; marcheth
  1. The banner of the Prophet waved over every one of the ancient and famous cities in Andalusia, and the turbaned army had marched through the stubborn north as far as the Spanish border.

  2. It was a motley and dangerous crew that at last marched silently out into the night.

  3. We marched five miles bare-legged in shorts, with the snow blowing across the field!

  4. Swinging into the regulation thirty-inch stride, Lieutenant Warren marched out of the hall with her recruit and along the snow-lined path.

  5. Certainly exploring a city of friendly people, many of whom smiled at her in a kindly way as she marched along in her spick-and-span uniform, could not be dangerous.

  6. She told Norma more, much more, as they marched along.

  7. It’s an awful little island,” Patsy said as they marched along.

  8. Hatless, the man with the fife wearing a bandage on his head; and the other two lined up behind their leader, Norma, and behind them marched the khaki-clad company.

  9. You’re rather a perfect thirty-six yourself,” she said over her shoulder as she marched toward the door.

  10. Turning about, the girl marched back into the hotel.

  11. The steady swinging stride of the taller of the two girls, as they marched on before her, suggested that she might be a WAC.

  12. Led by these three, the khaki host marched with perfect rhythm halfway down the field and back again.

  13. On bright, warm days, she had been told, the whole school, six thousand strong, assembled on the parade ground and marched down the field.

  14. That Interceptor Control sounds intriguing,” Norma said as they marched over the crusted snow.

  15. Behind him marched a mannish figure carrying a fife, and after him came a boy, also with a drum.

  16. Leaving their bags to be brought in by the truck driver and his assistants, they paired off and marched soldierwise up the broad sloping path to the wide veranda of the hotel.

  17. But no horse nor pair of horses ever foaled could go the length of England at a gallop, and there were none worth the having to be obtained along the way: the army had swept the country clean of them as it marched Southward.

  18. With banners to the fore, they marched across the open space to the barbican and the herald blew the parley.

  19. But as the royal army advanced into the disaffected districts, the revolt faded away like fog before the sun; and without striking a blow or laying lance in rest, it marched into Salisbury.

  20. Buckingham with all his force marched from Brecknock and set out, by way of Weobley and through the forest of Dean, to Gloucester, there to cross the Severn.

  21. An army could have marched by with trumpets sounding and you never lift an eye.

  22. The Jews marched to the Far East to assist Russia in making the province of Manchuria part of Siberia in which they were forbidden to reside.

  23. The demonstration of the striking workingmen of St. Petersburg, who marched in immense numbers to the Winter Palace to present a petition to the Tzar for economic and political reforms, ended in a tragedy.

  24. In the midst my two conductors marched in a contented silence that I could not but admire.

  25. My toilet concluded, I marched on to fresh surprises.

  26. The Sheriff was not slow to do the monk's bidding, and, calling his men to follow him, he marched to the church.

  27. The friar said nothing, but hoisted Robin on his broad back and marched into the river.

  28. Then he went to the third troop and marched with them to the rock, where he gave the golden key to one of the men, and ordered him to try it.

  29. Shortly after noon of the second day the Lieutenant marched for the peak with Miller, Brown, and myself.

  30. At last, after we had marched downward for twelve or fourteen miles, a sudden turn unmasked to our gaze a view that brought us up short in our tracks, with cries of astonishment and delight.

  31. Again we marched for the great mountain, in the fond expectation of encamping that night upon its summit.

  32. Toward noon of the next day, which was the last of November, our entire party marched on up the main stream, in the thick of a heavy snowstorm.

  33. Sergeant Ballenger marched along as stiff as his ramrod.

  34. After this we marched steadily upstream, along the trace, for over two weeks, despite the hindrance and annoyance resulting from the weakness of the greater number of our horses, three or four of which had finally to be abandoned.

  35. At the same time Baroney and I marched down the river, our mission being to kill game for the others, who were to follow us in a day or two.

  36. I have not seen my senora since I marched north, last year.

  37. On the afternoon of the next day we marched down to where the mountains closed in on the river valley.

  38. We did so, while Wilkinson marched the party on across the river to a strong position on a hill.

  39. For four days we had marched over broken ground and through the snowdrifts in this midwinter cold--four days without food!

  40. Here, while our wretched, famished beasts were recruiting themselves upon a favorable bit of pasture land, the Lieutenant marched with a small party to explore upstream.

  41. Making hasty preparation, I marched in the opposite direction at sunrise of the same day.

  42. There is reason to believe that he killed two or three of his guards with his bare hands--at least I saw the burial party carrying bodies with them as they marched the rest of the way back to the city.

  43. The governor of the Tyrol took part in it; the nobles and dignitaries of the land swelled the train; long columns of imperial troops slowly marched to the solemn strains of music that befit a soldier's funeral.

  44. Nearly the whole of Taxis's corps deserted him, and quietly marched to Hofer, deaf to threats and entreaties.

  45. At nine o'clock Hofer marched in at the head of the men of Passeyr; and with Father Joachim at his right hand.

  46. The prisoners thus made, were marched to Schwatz, and thence to Salzburg, under the escort of women; as men could not be spared for the occasion.

  47. Then George spoke some bitter words and marched out of his father's presence, vowing that he should see his face no more.

  48. The wall of faith was weak to-night--it gave way, and love marched in a conqueror.

  49. When all his commissions were executed--though not without considerable puzzling over quantities--George marched home in triumph.

  50. Then, locking up the house, and taking Miss Jackson with her, Miss Duck marched off at once to Grigg and Limpet's, to inform Jabez of the affair and to give him a bit of her mind.

  51. In the afternoon we set out again, and marched along the bed of the Kurram River, which we had to ford six times, so that before we reached our night camp it had become quite dark.

  52. Finally, he was marched off to Kabul under very painful conditions.

  53. Before long, however, the police appeared and dispersed the crowd, and marched off Seronai to the lock-up.

  54. He was marched off to the levy post all the same, and, on turning out the contents of his wallet, eighty-one Lee-Metford cartridges were disclosed.

  55. A regiment had marched into Bannu, and, there being no quarters available, were encamped on the parade ground.

  56. Half a minute remained when the two men surrendered to the guard, and were marched back to the cells.

  57. Even at the Junction the spell of unreality was so potent that the man forgot things so trivial as tickets, and marched into the car with head erect and eyes fixed straight ahead.

  58. As the carriage stopped, Reuben marched boldly up the broad steps and entered the palatial office, with Emily close at his heels.

  59. Phineas's lips were dry, and his hands and knees were shaking; but his pride marched boldly to the front.

  60. And he marched solemnly upstairs to the big east chamber, meekly followed by his wife.

  61. He and four of his mates broke into a place where we were having a bit of play, three weeks since, marched us all away to Bow Street, and shut the place up.

  62. The officers in command, seeing that but a fraction had escaped, ordered one company to pursue, and marched the rest into the prison yard.

  63. This man may have hidden them away somewhere during the time they have marched through the country.

  64. He marched against it at the head of his banditti, but found himself vigorously opposed, lost part of his force, and was obliged to save himself and the rest by flight.

  65. After the prisoner had delivered up his weapons, they marched back to the place where they had left the beef, and then started for the vessel.

  66. But he had that risk to run; so, summoning up all his fortitude, he marched with his companions by the guards, apparently as unconcerned as though he was entering a friendly camp.

  67. Early on the fifth morning they reached their destination, and were immediately marched on board a small steamer which lay alongside of the naval wharf-boat, and carried to the receiving-ship, which lay anchored in the middle of the river.

  68. In a few minutes the company was formed on deck, and Frank marched them out on the bank and then up to the house.

  69. She turned on her heel and marched out, not waiting for him to open the door.

  70. This we did, though some of the boys said we would surely be marched back and scalped.

  71. We met an American almost the first man, and when we asked about a suitable camping place, he pointed out the way and we marched on.

  72. I was with this party and we marched south and kept close watch for a bit of clothing, a foot print or even bones, or anything which would indicate that he had been destroyed by some wild animal.

  73. We were here, as before badly deceived as to the distance, and we marched steadily and swiftly till nearly night before we reached the foot of the mountain.

  74. The driver was generally an Indian, armed with a small pole six or eight feet long, who marched on before, the oxen following after.

  75. Thus we marched all day with no success, and the next went north in the same careful manner, but with no better result.

  76. The new direction in which they marched gave them an up-hill route for thirty or forty miles, rough and barren, with no water or grass.

  77. Here's your fresh meat," said Rogers as he put it into his knapsack to cook for supper, and marched on.

  78. We marched toward camp like two Indians, silent and alert, looking out for dead bodies and live Indians, for really we more expected to find the camp devastated by those rascals than to find that it still contained our friends.

  79. Your father a Josselin, and me a Pocock, with lands of my own--if right was law in this world; and now to be stripped naked and marched through the streets!

  80. She could have distinguished that tread had it marched among a thousand.

  81. My lady seized the opportunity to discourse of the proceedings of the day, of how Lord Camden had marched round William's statue with all his peers, and of how the scum had looked stupidly at the pageant with angry scowls.

  82. I marched by the sang-i-nawishta defile, where Major White met me and explained to me his part in the victory of the previous day.

  83. We started on the 21st May, and marched to Habibula-Ki-Ghari.

  84. We crossed the Kabul river at Nowshera, which place was then being made into a station for troops, and marched about the Yusafzai plain for three weeks.

  85. The next morning we marched fifteen miles farther up the valley to Hazir Pir, where we halted for one day to improve the road (in some places impracticable for guns and transport) and to allow of the rear part of the column closing up.

  86. I marched to Cawnpore with Army Head-Quarters.

  87. We marched along the Fyzabad road, the two Rifle Brigade battalions leading the way in skirmishing order, with the Cavalry well away to the right.

  88. I marched back to Matun the next morning with 1,000 men (Cavalry and Infantry) and four Mountain guns.

  89. On the 3rd we marched fifteen miles to Zahidabad, where we first came in sight of the fortified hill above Kabul.

  90. Accordingly he broke up his camp, and marched six miles along the Kalpi road, on the same day that the Gwalior force moved some distance nearer to Cawnpore.

  91. Lord Canning's tour was now nearly over, and we marched without any halt of importance from Sialkot to Kalka at the foot of the hills, where, on the 9th April, the camp was broken up.

  92. Now, he marched onward with a warrior's step, keeping time to the military music.

  93. Terry and Sim, with none of the reluctance Arden was sure she would have experienced, marched around to the door.

  94. We marched straight through with fixed bayonets; then we saw the portion that had remained of the runaway shoemaker-Ensign's troop in their uniform, with their cartridge boxes, peeping out of the windows.

  95. Hereupon I marched forth again with the good councillor to the Schlundhouse, where the other councillors were sitting.

  96. In a moment both gates were hewn down, and the whole detachment marched with trumpets, drums, and fifes, into the city.

  97. We marched on, and when we came to the gate the officer and all the troops had fled, and there to not a single man to make resistance.

  98. The citizens quarrelled with the soldiers, and asked why they had not marched away yesterday or early to-day, and whither we had intended to go?

  99. Thus these gentlemen marched round the table, fired a salvo, went in good order to the citadel, and there fired off the pieces many times.

  100. He simply marched by the left flank, and Lee marching by the right flank to head him, flung himself upon him again at Spottsylvania Court-House.

  101. She made out that they were trying to reach the big river by a certain road, and marched in the night as well as in the day.

  102. She heard them talking over the appearance that they had made; the speech of the captain; the cheers that went up as they marched off--the enthusiasm of the crowd.

  103. Nebuchadnezzar at once marched against him in person.

  104. Ochus marched on against Egypt and effected its reconquest.

  105. Having taken Apamea and Antioch, he marched into Phoenicia, ravaged the open country, and compelled all the towns, except Tyre, to surrender.

  106. The garrison marched out with the honours of war, and Phoenicia became an appendage of the empire (for such it was) of Antigonus.

  107. I will undertake to do what we have marched south from Boston to do, and what General Howe has marched north from New York to do: effect a junction at Albany and wipe out the rebel army with our united forces.

  108. These were the dispatches instructing Sir William Howe, who was in New York, to effect a junction at Albany with Burgoyne, who had marched from Boston for that purpose.

  109. They are marched out by the four soldiers: the sergeant, very sulky, walking between Swindon and Richard, whom he watches as if he were a dangerous animal.

  110. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marched" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    marched against; marched back; marched from; marched through