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Example sentences for "purview"

Lexicographically close words:
purveyd; purveyed; purveying; purveyor; purveyors; pus; puscule; push; pushcart; pushed
  1. It is now being universally recognized that the pauper, the prostitute, and the criminal classes are primarily products of mental defect and degeneracy and as such must come within the purview of mental medicine.

  2. Anomalies of the sexual function are not crimes, but diseases, and as such should come under the purview of the physician, and not the agents of the law.

  3. Our company were noisy, gay, quarrelsome, full of facile theories, with glib explanations of everything, persuaded that there is nothing they could not understand and no human destiny outside the purview of their system.

  4. Your object is to subjugate the Southern States and the requisition made upon me for such an object--an object in my judgment not within the purview of the constitution or the act of 1795, will not be complied with.

  5. The amount limited was inadequate to pay all within the purview of the law the full rate of 50 cents per mile, and it would have been unjust and unwise to have given it to some and denied it to others.

  6. The Pets of History" would be a worthy theme for a Romanes Lecture at Oxford; and, if the purview were expanded so as to include the Pets of Literature, it would be a fit subject for the brilliant pen of Mr. Frederic Harrison.

  7. The conjunction of "Burial Grounds" with "Open Spaces" in the purview of the former Act has a rather lugubrious sound; but in reality it points to one of the happiest changes which recent years have brought to London.

  8. There comes into this purview the successive social organizations, their ideals, and the methods utilized in embodying these ideals in young lives.

  9. Still, apart from the question of historic value, many worthy objects may have lain within the purview of the composer; and to shew that righteous youths are better than unrighteous elders may very well have been one of these.

  10. Annunciation, but this will be regarded by many minds as a very fanciful theological discovery, and one surely not in the purview of the composer of the passage.

  11. The scientific purview of a universe in which there is no appreciable trace of any free will superior to that of man became, from the first months of 1846, the immovable anchor from which we never shifted.

  12. I felt that if these gentlemen came within the purview of the bill it was as to them a dead letter, and that none of them would ever take refuge under its provisions.

  13. It is only when the offense does not happen to be within the purview of Federal law that the Federal courts are to try and punish him under any other law.

  14. England, according to the purview of that statute; the words of which statute be, that all treasons, &c.

  15. The purview of this statute, was in the same spirit with the preamble; pray read it!

  16. The company was prosecuted because it had published the false and fraudulent claims in the trade package, thus bringing the claims within the purview of the federal Food and Drugs Act.

  17. If the claims for “K-Y” were limited strictly to such effects as result from the purely mechanical properties of a lubricant, it might be held that it would not come under the purview of the Council.

  18. In determining the extent of information required in the exercise of a particular authority, recourse then must be had to the objects within the purview of that authority.

  19. Helper, logic was to such extent replaced with vehemence as to transfer their writings from the proper purview of economics to that of sectional controversy.

  20. He uses this language: "Will it be said that the fundamental principles of the Confederation were not within the purview of the Convention, and ought not to have been varied?

  21. I contend that they do not come within the intention and purview of the statute against piracy.

  22. Only a prosecution which is technically criminal in its nature falls within the purview of Amendment VI.

  23. What constitutes a navigable river within the purview of the commerce clause often involves sharply disputed issues of fact and of law.

  24. For many years the Court hesitated to hold that party primaries were elections within the purview of the Constitution.

  25. In determining the extent of information required in the exercise of a particular authority, recourse must be had to the objects within the purview of that authority.

  26. The discussion at this conference appeared to have been mainly upon the Church prosecution, then in full sway, a matter not included within the purview of this work.

  27. If under that law the Government has received money for an act which really, if the statement of the gentleman be true, could scarcely be considered an offence within the purview of that law, will you not give it back to him?

  28. Any inquiries which were about his citizenship or his passport, anything that came within the purview of the Passport Office, should have a reply drafted by Miss Knight's office, or elsewhere in the office.

  29. Within the purview of the Executive order which established the Commission.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "purview" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    agency; ambit; assignment; authority; authorization; brevet; care; charge; commitment; compass; confine; consignment; cure; delegation; deputation; discernment; distance; embassy; errand; extension; extent; eye; eyesight; field; horizon; jurisdiction; ken; legation; length; license; mandate; mission; office; orbit; panorama; perception; perspicacity; perspicuity; proxy; purview; radius; range; reach; realm; regency; responsibility; scope; sight; stretch; sweep; task; trust; trusteeship; warrant