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Example sentences for "judiciousness"

Lexicographically close words:
judiciaries; judiciary; judicio; judicious; judiciously; judicis; judicium; judische; judischen; judo
  1. We have already said that Prudence or Judiciousness is good counsel on human interests, with a view to action.

  2. Judiciousness is not an Art, admitting of better and worse; there are not good judicious men, and bad judicious men, as there are good and bad artists.

  3. Otherwise he might have a plunge for nothing, and so be discouraged; and evidently it should be your constant aim to avoid doing anything likely to shake his confidence in the judiciousness of your orders.

  4. He may be fully aware of the judiciousness of the system, and be sensible of its great advantages, but the many imperious calls upon his time would preclude his pursuing it in all its details.

  5. Alfonso the Wise was himself a poet, and cultivated his native tongue with judiciousness and care, affording it purity and precision of expression.

  6. Here the august Cirfea might with all judiciousness have written "Finis" with her golden pen to this amazing history.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "judiciousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.