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Example sentences for "meat"

Lexicographically close words:
measurements; measurer; measurers; measures; measuring; meate; meates; meatless; meats; meatus
  1. Meat kept in storage becomes more tender due to the softening of the connective tissue.

  2. Meat placed in a stoppered bottle which is then filled with milk will be preserved.

  3. The products formed in the decomposition of meat and eggs are not only offensive but may also be injurious to the health of the consumer.

  4. Soap may blow bubbles of light and airy fancy, pills ricochet from one gay conceit to another, meat extracts gambol with the irresponsible exuberance of bulls in china cups, but cocoa relied upon sincerity and statistics.

  5. Their meat consists of a great quantity of tame pigs, some reddish, others black, white, or speckled.

  6. Some cut slices from our bacon and meat with knives made of cane, and wanted to take other things.

  7. It is a clean way, which gives the meat a good colour, and none of the substance is lost.

  8. He seated her on a box, and gave her meat and soup from a pot, which she ate without scruple; but she could not manage the hard biscuit.

  9. At this Sperver cried indignantly-- "Just fancy that old witch living on meat while so many honest folks in our villages have nothing better than potatoes to eat!

  10. Prove yourself The Muse of meat and drink.

  11. And now he hangs with dangling feet Over that dark abyss of sweet, Striving to reach such wild gold meat As none could buy for money: His left hand grips a swinging branch When--crack!

  12. Some of the portions are all bone, whereas the meat should be boned in the kitchen, according to the plan now proposed, and the portions there carved contain meat only.

  13. She pleads for knives and forks: "the men have to tear their meat like wild beasts.

  14. I find he has attended to almost everything I suggested--the ventilation of the ships, the diet of the troops; and they are to have fresh meat and vegetables during the whole voyage and while on the station when it is possible.

  15. Beyond the boiling en masse in the great coppers of the general kitchen the meat is not cooked, the water is not boiled except what is done in my subsidiary kitchens.

  16. Many and many there may be to whom the meat of your metaphysics is indigestible and unpalatable, but who find strength and cheer in the sincere milk of such words as I can give.

  17. But Your Excellency is like a person who smells the odor of meat but does not taste it.

  18. The emperor commanded the doctors to oversee her diet, and they ordered pheasant for dinner, which is gentle meat for the heart.

  19. And last, they teach him how to butcher, so that he will get used to cutting up meat and will not be afraid of spilling blood.

  20. I can assure you that in the Christian camp it was very helpful and timely since, because of all the fighting, they had no wheat or meat unless it came to them by sea.

  21. Bulls being the chief offerings to the gods, beef was probably the kind of meat most frequently eaten.

  22. Meat was either roasted on spits or cooked in pots.

  23. The meat will all be slaughtered at some great, conveniently organized centre, and distributed thence to shops that will necessarily be mere agencies for distributing meat.

  24. In America slaughtering and selling meat has grown into a trust, steel and iron are trustified, mineral oil is all gathered into a few hands.

  25. Miss Abigail, and, flinging the disputed meat on the table, she sank down into the chair, completely overcome by sorrow and indignation.

  26. Yop," said the boy, with one eye upon the stout matron, who was critically examining the meat that he had brought.

  27. Truth compels us to add that at the time to which we refer it was not only meat and vegetables that the mail guards carried.

  28. Such a thing as a joint of meat or a couple of fowls or any other article for their own family in moderation he does not wish to debar them from the privilege of carrying.

  29. At this point the old woman's baby is supposed to grow up at a great pace, to develop a huge appetite for meat and drink, and to clamour for a wife.

  30. In this tribe "the food belonged to the woman who cultivated the farm, and while she supplied her husband with the vegetable food, he had to supply the fish and meat and share them with his wife or wives.

  31. The meat of the beaver tail was much prized by explorers and trappers, and visitors, such as I, were often given this meat as a special treat.

  32. Upon this occasion I was handed a tin plate with some meat on it.

  33. Still chuckling he went outside to a little log meat house and returned with a whole beaver tail for my inspection.

  34. Fortunately for the trapper, the bear was not out for meat that day; so, after cleaning up the sweet, he went his way.

  35. In spite of the Parson's observations we always had wild game hanging in the log meat house; there was never any question about securing whatever we wanted in that line.

  36. They ate their meat raw, like the Querechos and the Teyas, and were clad in tanned bison-skins, not having any cotton; but they cultivated maize.

  37. The Spaniards closed upon them with their knives, and put them to flight, visited their camp, and feasted from the store of meat they found there.

  38. Meg changed her last half-crown, and spent sixpence of it lavishly in the purchase of some meat pies, upon which they feasted sumptuously, in the shelter of a doorway leading to the back of a house.

  39. They make a noise and demand meat and drink.

  40. She has now nearly twenty million sheep and six million cattle, and sends wool, tallow, hides, and frozen meat to England, while she supplies prime bullocks for the Melbourne Market.

  41. And here 'tis nought but dried meat as tough as leather.

  42. We will e'en eat our suppers while we may; there be great store of meat and drink in the mule-packs; then will we mount upon these beasts, so that we do not weary ourselves with overmuch marching.

  43. The poorer sort have but one room, where they eat, dress their meat and sleep.

  44. There is that about the men who ate their meat saltless for fifty years rather than humble themselves before the mighty despots of Mexico, that savors of the same material that defied the Persian host at Thermopylae.

  45. During this season of abstinence, they ate their meat unseasoned, which was considered severe discipline.

  46. Cogolludo states that meat was eaten at banquets only, and this may in some measure account for the frequency with which they occurred, and the etiquette that required the invitation to be returned.

  47. As an article of daily food, meat was comparatively little used; Cogolludo even goes so far as to say it was never eaten in Yucatan except at feasts.

  48. They began to till the ground in Hotzin's reign, but before that they roasted their meat and did not, as many claim, eat it raw.

  49. The numerous highly seasoned dishes of meat and fish having been duly discussed, the servants cleared the tables and feasted upon the remains of the banquet in company with the attendants of the guests.

  50. In Yucatan, Cogolludo states that no meat was eaten while cotton was growing, from fear that it would fail to mature.

  51. The service ships had been assigned to bring out what meat the hunting-parties could kill.

  52. Whatever it was, it didn't bring meat from Earth.

  53. One of the party had managed to secrete a small knife in his sleeve while being searched, and with this he whittled out rude keys from the bones of the meat given us, which readily unlocked our handcuffs.

  54. Nor were they all bare-handed; in many a grip flashed a knife, and directly fronting me, with a meat cleaver uplifted to strike, Sanchez yelled his orders.

  55. I stepped down one stair conscious of increasing movement below, the meat cleaver still gripped in my hands.

  56. For five or six days the party subsisted on boiled maize, no meat being obtainable.

  57. The food of the party consisted of soup and dried venison, to which squirrel and racoon meat added variety.

  58. The deep snow had facilitated the hunting, and, in happy contrast with the famine which had prevailed, meat was plentiful.

  59. Well supplied with fresh and smoked meat they went on nearly twenty leagues (about fifty miles) in one day, "as far as a long point which you will find marked in the map of Lake Erie.

  60. We touched at Madeira, and landed an English family that went there for the benefit of an invalid; got some fruit, fresh meat and vegetables, and sailed again.

  61. Those who supplied the ship could tell us nothing but the names of the Indiamen who had gone out and home for the last twelvemonth, and the prices of fresh meat and vegetables.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adultery; almond; aspic; ass; axiom; bag; balls; barbecue; basis; basket; beard; board; body; bread; breast; bulk; burden; care; case; center; cervix; cheer; climax; clitoris; cohabitation; coitus; comestibles; commerce; concern; connection; core; cornerstone; crisis; crux; cuisine; dine; distillate; distillation; edible; elixir; endowment; entertainment; essence; essential; fabric; fare; feast; feed; flesh; flower; focus; fodder; food; forage; forcemeat; fornication; fundamental; game; generality; genitals; gist; gonads; grass; gratify; gravamen; graze; hash; head; heading; heart; hypostasis; intercourse; intimacy; issue; jerky; joint; keep; kernel; keystone; landmark; lips; livelihood; living; lovemaking; maintenance; majority; manna; marrow; mass; material; mating; matter; meal; meat; medium; mess; milestone; mince; most; mothering; motif; motive; nourishment; nubbin; nucleus; nurture; nut; orgasm; ovary; pasture; peanut; penis; phallus; piece; pith; pivot; plurality; point; postulate; principle; problem; procreation; provender; provision; pudenda; purport; question; quid; quiddity; quintessence; recapitulation; refection; refreshment; regale; relations; resume; roast; rubric; satisfy; scrapple; scrotum; sense; sex; short; soul; sperm; spirit; spread; strength; stud; stuff; subject; subsidy; subsistence; substance; substratum; subvention; sum; summary; summation; support; sustain; sustenance; table; tenor; testes; testicles; text; theme; thrust; treat; tuck; upkeep; upshot; uterus; vagina; venery; venison; viands; victuals; vittles; vulva; womb

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    meat balls; meat offering; meat packing