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Example sentences for "fodder"

Lexicographically close words:
focused; focuses; focusing; focussed; focussing; foddered; foddering; fode; foe; foedera
  1. They won't be lookin' for more fodder till they've picked the bones o' that 'ere moose.

  2. The sheep for fodder follow the shepherd, the shepherd for food follows not the sheep: thou for wages followest thy master, thy master for wages follows not thee; therefore, thou art a sheep.

  3. This being a tuberous-rooted plant, with leafy stems from four to six feet high, it is alleged that its tops will afford as much fodder per acre as a crop of oats, or more, and its roots half as many tubers as an ordinary crop of potatoes.

  4. With the money buy fodder and place it where you did before, and if you do this thing you will never regret it.

  5. He drove the mares and their foals to market, and sold them and bought fodder with the money.

  6. Store the fodder in yonder old ruined building and leave the door open, so that I can go in and out and eat at will, and by next year I will be better fit for riding.

  7. There he sold them as the dappled colt had bade him and bought fodder, and this fodder he stored in the old ruined building for the colt to feed upon at will.

  8. Besides being used as a human food, it is also a fodder for cattle, and a peculiarly excellent means of fattening swine.

  9. In these cold regions, where grass is scarce, the cod heads and herrings are used as fodder for cattle.

  10. Josiah Crawford, who had made Abraham pull fodder for three days for allowing a book that he had lent him to get wet one rainy night, was seated on a barrel.

  11. He said, long after this hard incident, that he did his work well, and that, although his feelings were injured, he did not leave so much as a strip of fodder in the field.

  12. The snow was nearly a foot deep, fodder was scarce, and the Indian disposition was uncertain.

  13. To this point the army marched in separate columns, far enough apart to secure for all the force sufficient water and fodder from the plains.

  14. These two birds since fall had been feeding regularly in the dried fodder corn that stood shocked over the field.

  15. Now, in the granary is the grain for sowing; also the hay and other fodder for the cattle, and in this drawer you see the cash to pay the hands.

  16. Their only hope lies in the introduction of fodder crops as a regular stage in the agricultural course.

  17. The leaves are good fodder for kine, to make them give more milk.

  18. Then I remembered it was time to cut the fodder and feed the beasts, which I can do as well as father now.

  19. So I took the fodder knife and stole out.

  20. The quantity of fodder was decreasing for this reason, almost imperceptibly, but none the less seriously.

  21. Usually self-sufficient in rice, Japan must import about 50% of its requirements of other grain and fodder crops.

  22. The beasts of burden, finding no fodder in the plains, had strayed to find pasturage elsewhere.

  23. The taxes are collected after the harvest and the inhabitants of the remotest parts of the kingdom are forced to bring a certain quantity of fodder for the King's elephants and horses to the store houses in the capital.

  24. It was decided to devote all the available fodder to the feeding of cattle, since these would be the most difficult to replace after the War.

  25. Owing to the growing stringency of the blockade fodder for the cattle began to give out, and then it was decided to fatten pigs.

  26. They were the more ready to do this, as the land round Boston was not fertile, and so many new settlers had come, and their cattle and flocks had increased so rapidly, that it was already difficult to find food and fodder for man and beast.

  27. Foragers quartered the country, sweeping it bare of cattle, poultry, fodder and corn.

  28. The whole country is one dry, barren plain, only occasionally producing a sort of thistle, the favourite fodder of the camels.

  29. Barley is nowhere of very good quality, and is made use of, either alone or mixed with Djugheri, as fodder for horses.

  30. Well, if that is the case," she answered, "you can take all the corn and fodder we have got.

  31. He had no fodder for the horse; for himself he had only a few dates left, and no water, for his waterskin was leaky and useless; and the farther south he went, the worse would be his chances of making a safe passage of the river.

  32. But it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep up the supply, especially of fodder for the horses.

  33. No scheme is too wild for the supposed benefit of the country in a fierce coming fight for commercial supremacy, as well as with due regard to the requirements in cannon fodder of another Great War twenty years hence.

  34. In executing that high mission we cannot have too much cannon-fodder in defending ourselves against the jealousy and aggression of other nations.

  35. At eleven miles there were two bales of fodder depôted, we were only 50 miles odd from our destination off Cape Armitage, and had one meal over three days' food.

  36. Poor Crean was to spend his spare time in bringing up loads from the Fodder Depôt to Safety Camp and, worse still from his point of view, dig a hole downwards into the Barrier for scientific observations!

  37. I saw the cairn had a fodder bale on the top, and later saw a note made fast to the wire.

  38. One of the main foods for the ponies which we had brought was compressed fodder in the shape of bales.

  39. They then dashed off, and after completing just over 12 miles we reached Pagoda Cairn where a bale of fodder had been left.

  40. Theoretically this fodder was excellent food value, and was made of wheat which was cut green and pressed.

  41. It was on a Saturday, January 28, that we took our first load a short half-mile on to the Barrier and left it at a place afterwards known as the Fodder Depôt.

  42. As it was I took it and left the fodder there for next year.

  43. It was no fault of his that this fodder was inadequate, nor that we had lost so many of the best ponies which we had.

  44. They crossed Glacier Tongue, finding upon it a depôt of compressed fodder and maize which had been left by Shackleton.

  45. His father heard him muttering inarticulately as he pulled down bundles of fodder from the loft, broke their bands, and threw ears of corn into the troughs.

  46. Now take a pen in hand tu once and let me know what it is that you want, and you can depend on me, fodder or no fodder; but keep dark about my having to ask about it.

  47. If I can't cut my own fodder I'll go hum agin.

  48. Besides, the village had already been called on to furnish grain and fodder for the army, and the harvest must be measured and declared at once.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fodder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    barley; bed; board; bran; break; bridle; brush; chop; corn; curry; dine; drench; ensilage; feed; fodder; forage; gentle; grain; grass; gratify; graze; groom; handle; harness; hay; hitch; litter; manage; mash; meal; mess; milk; oats; pasturage; pasture; provender; provision; regale; saddle; satisfy; scratch; silage; slops; straw; sustain; swill; tame; tend; train; water; wheat; yoke