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Example sentences for "already been"

  • Of the aborigines of Cape York I can say little more than has already been so often repeated in descriptions of the natives of other parts of the Australian continent.

  • The danger point for England has already been reached, and the situation of the western powers grows worse from day to day.

  • The robbery of Dutch tonnage, by which the Anglo-Saxons have incurred odium of the worst kind for decades to come, is the best proof of how far the shipping shortage has already been felt by our opponents.

  • The following table shows what has already been accomplished.

  • The growing disposition of Congress to assume control over interstate business had already been evinced in the passage of two Federal statutes.

  • The results for this period have already been given, classified in greater detail.

  • Daneff also spoke, and associated himself with what had already been said.

  • He was full of compliments for the work which had already been done.

  • This idea of his of gathering together the true Christians has already been referred to cursorily elsewhere,[466] but it is of such importance that it may well be dealt with somewhat more in detail.

  • Sufficient light has, however, already been thrown in this work on the value of this assertion of Luther’s.

  • Its properties and innumerable uses have already been tested in Pennsylvania.

  • The government of the United States had no lot or parcel in it except so far as the Secretary of the Treasury prepaid bonds that had already been called, a transaction which has been done a hundred times.

  • My respect and affection for him has already been stated.

  • It was said that this subject had already been decided, but he did not think so.

  • The powers of this House to control appropriations, had, however, already been settled.

  • It had, in fact, already been attended to at different times.

  • He then finds that the fighting has already been done by the enemy themselves, who, at the sound of that song of praise, have fallen upon and annihilated one another.

  • They raised against the assailants a series of objections, all of which, however, laboured more or less under the disadvantage that they rested upon the foundation which had already been shattered.

  • In reply to all this, one can only repeat what has already been said by De Wette.

  • There is now a stir made about Vanzy, and, so far as one may conjecture, he will obtain what he asks, for the prospect of money is pleasant and inviting: and the more headstrong spirits have already been tamed.

  • The Emperor was afterwards dissatisfied with what he had done: but the States ratified what had already been decreed.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "already been" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    allow him; already acquainted; already alluded; already cited; already described; already hinted; already know; already noted; already pointed; already referred; already remarked; already said; already seen; already shown; already stated; anatomical studies; barley bread; buttered mould; caustic potassa; contemporary literature; electronic equipment; green velvet; popular name; springing from; that ain; waiting maid