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Example sentences for "barley bread"

  • Every three days, they threw me down a scone of barley bread and a draught of water; and every month or two the Knight came to the hermitage.

  • Badawi: "this is not the capital spent upon her, for she hath eaten with me barley bread to the value of ninety thousand gold pieces.

  • During ten years I never ate my fill of barley bread, for fullness hardeneth the heart and deadeneth the wit and induceth sleep and enfeebleth one from standing up to pray.

  • The ancients, also, in their lower stages of civilization, lived on barley bread by way of preference, and went over to wheat only at a later period; compare Plin.

  • Give me a slice of barley bread, for I must tell the north country that the spring has come.

  • Give me another slice of barley bread to keep me on my journey, and tell me what present I shall bring you at the twelve-month's end.

  • Give me another slice of barley bread to keep me on my journey, and tell me what present I shall bring you at the twelvemonth's end.

  • Give me another slice of barley bread to help me on my journey, and tell me what present I shall bring you at the twelvemonth's end.

  • But you must be hungry after that long sleep,--here is a slice of barley bread.

  • Give me a slice of barley bread, for I must tell the North Country that the spring has come.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barley bread" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    barley bread; barley meal; barley water; bear arms; but don; common resident; earth roads; ere long; fond kiss; just looked; kings and; looks down; modern money; most probably; private charity; regular siege; royal government; should advise; silver coins; social center; these matters; understand each; will speak; would move