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Example sentences for "provender"

Lexicographically close words:
proved; proveditore; proven; provenance; provenant; provenience; proverb; proverbe; proverbial; proverbially
  1. Presently, he said, there should be sent to the strand oxen and casks of mead as provender for the voyage, and Hakon was most welcome to take the ship if he would.

  2. Then he spoke to the fishers and told them that they had to do this, at the same time bidding some get provender and be ready to go with him instantly.

  3. Never wait for the provender unless it comes soon.

  4. Having as yet learnt nothing by habit or by atavistic transmission, since it was making a first beginning, the nurseling would bite into its provender at random.

  5. The young grub will pierce the skin of its provender at the very spot on which the egg was fixed; and, once an opening is made, it will go ahead without hesitation.

  6. Nothing but big luck will save Bourke's scanty supply of provender this muddy, rainy afternoon.

  7. Their provisions, axes, saws, and other necessary articles, together with provender for their cattle, are conveyed by oxen in heavy sledges.

  8. And thy oxen, and the ass colts that till the ground, shall eat mingled provender as it was winnowed in the floor.

  9. And he brought him into his house, and gave provender to his asses: and after they had washed their feet, he entertained them with a feast.

  10. And one of them opening his sack, to give his beast provender in the inn, saw the money in the sack's mouth, 42:28.

  11. We have straw and hay for provender of the asses, and bread and wine for the use of myself and of thy handmaid, and of the servant that is with me: we want nothing but lodging.

  12. And having brought them into the house, he fetched water, and they washed their feet, and he gave provender to their asses.

  13. It will be difficult to hide them and find provender for them at the same time; besides which, should they be discovered, they would betray that we were in the neighbourhood.

  14. Hast thou peace and provender for a wayfaring knight and horse?

  15. As an essential ingredient in the provender of herbivorous animals, it may, I think, be admitted as a fact, that its importance is in an inverse ratio with the nutritive powers of the food.

  16. The middle of November is the time at which this is usually done, but the season is anticipated or delayed according as the spring provender is expected to be early or late, plentiful or scarce.

  17. I paid my respects to the provender and claret; the hashed chicken was particularly good; bones rather large or so, but flesh white and delicate.

  18. Morgan was to have his breakfast and supper each day, and provender for his horse, at the rate of four dollars a week, payable in advance.

  19. But there was provender for thought, new thought, splendid and bright-colored.

  20. Bevern has his provender at Dresden, sadly far off; has to hold Bautzen garrisoned, and gets much trouble with his convoys.

  21. Lucky that greedy beggar Jack didn't know I had any more provender yesterday, or he would inevitably have cadged it.

  22. And the ghoul said: "Yea, for all others would be the natural provender of myself or of my kin in any event.

  23. And the ghoul awaited me on each occasion, and would begin to devour his provender in my presence, with small thanks and scant ceremony.

  24. But the season for the return of the birds arrived, and our stock of provender was getting low.

  25. The whole affair, however, occupied me from morning to evening for more than three weeks, by which time the major portion of my provender was piled up at the back of the cabin.

  26. On dark nights, at the edge of the Wild, Joseph met Stair always with a large parcel of provender and a small parcel of books.

  27. And you must careful fill your mows With good provender for your cows, And in the winter keep them warm, Protect them safe all time from harm, For cows do dearly love their ease, Which doth insure best grade of cheese.

  28. Their travelling expenses are next to nothing; as the Indians are under such entire subjection to the Spaniards, that they always find them in lodgings free, and provide them with provender for their mules.

  29. Of other provender supplied to the lord's household honey is the most common, both in combs and in a liquid form[624].

  30. These regularly recurring liberationes or liberaturae as they are called, that is, meals and provender delivered to the labourers, have their counterpart in the customary arrangement of the amount and kind of services.

  31. They find the necessary food and beverage for him and for his men, provender for his horses, and so forth.

  32. They open paper parcels to ascertain the contents; they will undo the knot on a napkin if it encloses anything eatable, and I have known a crow to extract the peg which fastened the lid of a basket in order to plunder the provender within.

  33. My name's Smith--one of the Smithses down to Salsbury, that's guaranteed to put away as much provender and carry as big a turkey as ever set on critters down in that deestrict.

  34. The latter at last, trusting to the lesson he had given the cock, wandered away for provender to a distant part of the yard.

  35. Placing them in his shed, he went back and carefully closed the door, and began at his ease to munch the provender he had so adroitly got possession of.

  36. The Bee revenging herself intensifies the virulence of her poison; the Sphex putting her grubs' provender to sleep weakens it, reduces it to what is strictly necessary.

  37. For a fortnight, consume your provender in peace, my child; then spin your cocoon: you are now safe from the Tachina!

  38. Our horses were to stand out all night, and a farmer, six miles distant, was to bring a load of provender on the day of our arrival.

  39. In order to provide sufficient drink and provender for a cargo of these huge animals, we purchased a large quantity of hay in New York.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "provender" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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