I finally got a man to push me to the nearest gas station.
The reek of fish was strong enough to make Rick wish for a gas mask.
It's loaded with liquid gas instead of gunpowder, and a shell that holds twelve pounds of an improved sort of dynamite--Vandelite he calls it.
Now, of course, you know that when liquid gas is allowed to become gasey gas, it makes things mighty cold round it.
It is all much the same to-day as it was when Bonfigli painted his primitive wars, except that the citizens no longer dress in scarlet and fur, and that there are fewer towers in the city, and none at all on the circuit of the walls.
The driver did not notice, but the horses quickened their pace with the lightened burden, and soon we were left to find our own way up the hillside.
A short mass was said, and the casket was placed on a table in the centre of the chapel for the people to pass one by one in front of it.
We walked there one evening towards the hour of sunset.
Matarazzo has told the story of this Ring, and how it was stolen from Chiusi, where it was held in great veneration, in the thirteenth century by a German priest, and brought by the intervention of the Holy Virgin to Perugia.
The Milky Way grew pale in the lake, and one great star which had twinkled like a will-o'-the-wisp among the reeds went out.
Is not that rose-red city on the crest of the wooded hill which bounds the southern horizon of Chiusi, Citta della Pieve, the town which gave him birth?
I think she loved him from the first, when he was still gay Cecco of the midnight revels, Lord of Love, the boon companion of her merry youths.
The scullery, though it had no range, was filled with a gas cooking-stove and used as a kitchen.
During the brief instant of opening, a vivacious murmur of conversation escaped like gas from the drawing-room into the hall.
Franklin's study of marsh gas and effect of oil on water, 390.
Franklin became deeply interested in the brilliant course of investigation pursued by Priestley with respect to gases, and several penetrating glances of his into the relations of carbonic acid gas to vegetation have come down to us.
The electric currents of Berzelius and Oersted, the crucible of Wohler, the closed furnaces and the hydrogen gas of the French manufacturers and the Bessemer converter apparatus of Thompson, all indicate one direction.
The summary of experiments in the following table appears to show that the water gas is a more powerful reducing agent than CO in proportion to the ratio of as 4.
The relative value of water gas and other gases as Iron-reducing Agents.
Topaz whitens to a milky glass--apparently decomposing, throwing out filmy threads of clear glass and bubbles of glass which break, liberating a gas (fluorine?
The air for producing the carbon monoxide (CO) gas was used at the temperature of the atmosphere.
The Third Canadian Brigade held its position in spite of being opposed by many times their numbers and almost overcome by the gas fumes.
The gas attacks had gained ground before the British had learned how to avoid the more severe effects of the poison.
This was followed by a gas cloud that was sent against the same extent of trenches.
When they believed the Belgians had been overcome by the gas the German infantry charged.
Projectiles filled with gas were hurled upon the British from three sides.
Asphyxiating gas also had been used in an attempt to break the British front on the left, on both the north and south sides of the Ypres-Roulers railroad.
Another gasattack was made between the Ypres-Menin road and the Ypres-Comines canal.
The East Surreys, who were holding the hill, were driven back by the gas, but as soon as the gas passed they charged the Germans who had followed the gas and had taken possession of the hill.
On both occasions they had followed their gas cloud expecting to find their foes writhing on the ground in choking agony--an easy prey for an attack.
They did not give warning of their coming as did the appearance of the comparatively slow-moving gas cloud.
After the Germans began to use their deadly gas in the spring of 1915 they again took possession of Hooge, and used the Menin road for a forward movement which threatened what was left of Ypres.
Illustration: A cloud of poisonous gas released by Italian troops from tanks concealed in the thicket.
This gas pipe descended upon the back of Ginsburg's skull, crushing through the derby hat he wore.
This being accomplished, the purified gas is conducted away out of the lime machine by means of the pipe G, into the perpendicular pipe H, which branches up through the bottom of the gasometer cistern.
When heated in close vessels much more gas is obtained than when burnt in the open air.
The gas which enters the hood W, meets with a shower of water delivered by the pipe V.
The gas being transmitted to the burners, c c, by means of the pipe, a.
If a number of minute holes are made in the end of a gas pipe, it forms as many jets de feu, which have a very brilliant appearance; these may sometimes be placed in the focus of a parabolic reflector.
The workman is not called upon to exercise his own judgment, because, when the fire is properly managed, the evolution of the gas goes on spontaneously, and without further care, till all the gas is extricated from the coal.
The gaspasses through the rod a, to the Argand burner, which is surrounded by a cylindrical chimney, c, swelling out at the lower extremity.
A burner consisting of two or more concentric Argand burners (the inner rising above the outer) and a central tube by which oxygen gas or common air is supplied.
Illuminating gas being also admitted at the bottom, a mixture of gasand air is formed which burns at the top with a feebly luminous but intensely hot flame.
A light in which high illuminating power is obtained by introducing a jet of oxygen gas or of common air into the center of a flame fed with coal gas or with oil.
A gasfixture or lamp holder projecting from the face of a wall, column, or the like.
The same gas plays an important part in the ocean; for more than three-quarters of water is oxygen.
This gas makes up nearly one-quarter by weight of the atmosphere round the whole earth.
A little gas was allowed into each tube, and then almost all the gas was taken out again, so that only a mere trace was left.
Nitrogen united to oxygen and to a small quantity of carbonic acid gas forms our atmosphere.
It will occasionally happen that grounds can be found for believing that a star which appears to be in the glowing gas does veritably lie therein, and is not merely seen in the same direction.
Chalk, in fact, is a compound of carbonic acid gas and lime; and when you make it very hot, the carbonic acid flies away and the lime is left.
Methane is a colourless gas of specific gravity 0.
MARSH GAS (methane), CH4, the first member of the series of paraffin hydrocarbons.
We recommend only medium light high-grade gas engine oil for use in the Model T motor.
Upon receipt of the car see that a supply of medium light, high-grade gas engine oil is poured into the crank case through the breather pipe at the front of the engine (a metal cap covers it).
On the downward stroke the suction of the piston draws the fresh gas from the carburetor, through the inlet pipe and valve, into the cylinder.
The former admits the fresh gas drawn from the carburetor through the inlet pipe--the latter permits the exploded gas to be driven out through the exhaust pipe.
On the next stroke upward the piston drives the exploded gas out through the exhaust valve and pipe to the muffler.
Electric light is so convenient on the stage that even gas light is imitated by it.
At each gas jet a magnet M is installed which, when energized, is capable of turning the gas on and at the same time producing a spark.
Electric gas lighting, unless it is the frictional system, must not be used on the same fixtures with the electric light.
In some quarters, however, it is believed that a fire in the scenery of a theater might create such an air pressure in the building as to overcome the low gas pressure and thus put out the gas at the very time when it is most needed.
The successful operation of enclosed arcs depends upon the confinement of the gas in the inner globe.
As the wiring is always used in connection with gas piping, grounds are of frequent occurrence, and in order to indicate a ground as soon as it comes on, the bell and battery shown are provided.
Must have the metal of molding permanently and effectually grounded to water piping, gas piping, or other suitable grounds, provided that when connections are made to gas piping, they must be on the street side of the meter.
It is because I forgot to stop for more gas when I went home the other day that we are in this fix now," Steve finally blurted out, finding relief in brutal confession.
Had not the workman who had replenished it Wednesday said quite plainly that there was only enough gas in it to get him home to Coventry?
The up-grade of the hill tipped the little gas you did have back in the tank so it would not run out, you see.
The roaring of the gas could be heard half a mile away from the works.
He had a gas expert, a Mr. Chamberlain, from Petrolia, who told him that it was the biggest well in the world.
Favourable indications of the presence of oil in the vicinity of the Athabaska are also afforded by the existence of the naturalgas springs.
On Peace river natural gas issues from the tar springs on Tar island, in small quantities.
It exploded with such force that not a hundredth part of the gashad a chance to be inflamed.
The natural gas springs there throw out small amounts of tar, and about thirty miles from the mouth, on the north shore, there is also a spring.
Mr. McConnell adds:—“The natural gas springs have less value in themselves at present than in the indications they afford of the existence of petroleum beneath.
Senate committee of 1907, stated that for miles along Athabaska river the natural gas is all the time escaping from the clay banks of the river and in the river itself, because all across the river you can see the bubbles rising.
They get the gas at all kinds of depths, and get several veins of it.
Natural gas over wide areas and under great pressure has been tapped, and there is every indication of a large oil field in the northern portion, at least, of Alberta.