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Example sentences for "garum"

Lexicographically close words:
garter; gartered; garters; garth; garths; gas; gasconading; gase; gaseous; gases
  1. The children were to pay an afternoon visit on the following day to Aunt Pullet at Garum Firs, where they would hear Uncle Pullet's musical-box.

  2. And this was only the beginning of beautiful sights at Garum Firs.

  3. The reader will doubtless remark, that the principal elements of garum are almost invariably the same: fish, salt, and a greater or less fermentation.

  4. The Greeks called the shrimp garos, the Romans garus: it may hence be supposed that garum had originally for basis the flesh of shrimps, if Pliny had not taken the trouble to inform us of the fact.

  5. The inn-keepers of Constantinople preserve in garum the cooked fish not consumed in the day.

  6. XXI-188] It is very probable that from mackerel was obtained one of the varieties of garum, known by the name of garum sociorum.

  7. XXIII-29] But Apicius attained at the first step the apogee of refinement of the most sensual gluttony, by inventing garum made from the liver of red mullet.

  8. It results from the different citations of which this chapter is composed, that recipes for the making of garum are to be obtained more easily than people seem to think at the present time.

  9. Garum was dearer, and we know much less of it.

  10. Muria-Garum The ancients extracted from fish two highly flavored seasonings, muria and garum.

  11. Still, the sight of the peacock opportunely spreading his tail on the stackyard wall, just as they reached Garum Firs, was enough to divert the mind temporarily from personal grievances.

  12. She is not here; she went to Garum the day before yesterday.

  13. Chapter XII A Family Party Maggie left her good aunt Gritty at the end of the week, and went to Garum Firs to pay her visit to aunt Pullet according to agreement.

  14. She did not live at St. Ogg's, but the road from Garum Firs lay by the Red Deeps, at the end opposite that by which Maggie entered.

  15. Sally, as you are aware, lost no time in presenting Lucy at the parlor door, for to have so dirty an object introduced into the house at Garum Firs was too great a weight to be sustained by a single mind.

  16. Chapter IX To Garum Firs While the possible troubles of Maggie's future were occupying her father's mind, she herself was tasting only the bitterness of the present.

  17. Garum played the part of a condiment at a period when the exciting array of Indian spices was unknown.

  18. This garum is spoken of by the traveller Pierre Belon, writing in the sixteenth century, as being held in great estimation at Constantinople in his time.

  19. With the Romans, in the time of Lucullus, great care was observed in their preparation; amongst others which they used, and the most celebrated, was the Garum and the Muria.

  20. The famous pickle Garum was made from the Thynnus or Tunny as well as from the Scomber, but that from the Scomber was counted the most delicate.

  21. Those who would be further informed about the Garum and the Scomber may consult Caelius Apicius de recogninaria, cum notis, variorum.

  22. Sally lost no time in presenting Lucy at the parlor door, for to have so dirty an object introduced into the house at Garum Firs was too great a weight to be sustained by a single mind.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "garum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.