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Example sentences for "gaseous state"

  • It is evident from this that the elastic gaseous state of hydrogen fixes the limit of its energy: prevents it from entering into those combinations of which it is capable.

  • In the nascent state we have hydrogen which is not in a gaseous state, and its action is then much more energetic.

  • In this condition it is capable of reacting on substances on which it does not act in a gaseous state.

  • If we assume the former condition, then the colliding of these masses would account not only for the ultra-gaseous state, but also for its inconceivably high temperature.

  • To this group our sun belongs; and they are all characterised like it by dark lines due to absorption, and by the presence of metals, especially iron, in a gaseous state.

  • The combination of enormous gravitative force with an amount of heat which turns all the elements into the liquid or gaseous state, leads to consequences which it is difficult for us to follow or comprehend.

  • But as this view is more hypothetical than my first position, which makes the earth a liquid mass, and as nothing would be gained to the argument by supposing it in a gaseous state, I shall not press that point.

  • I should be sustained by many probabilities, were I to go farther, and maintain that the time was when the globe existed in a gaseous state--an opinion very widely adopted by able philosophers of the present day.

  • Now, who gave to matter, in a gaseous state, such wonderful laws that this fair world should be the result of their operation?

  • Because it is in a gaseous state, and has a greater attraction for its electricity than for the hydrogen of our bodies.

  • Are these acids always in a gaseous state?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gaseous state" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    black fellow; cannot hope; caustic potassa; clear case; each stage; eyes right; faithful saying; gaseous state; had received from the; increasing number; know your; lovest thou; much comfort; much treasure; save those; seemed best; short stories; stir all well together; taught them; write poetry; wrote back; you would