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Example sentences for "fart"

Lexicographically close words:
farrowing; farsakhs; farseeing; farsi; farsighted; farther; farthermost; farthest; farthing; farthingale
  1. Oftentimes did he spit in the basin, and fart for fatness, piss against the sun, and hide himself in the water for fear of rain.

  2. But all the countenance that Gargantua kept was, that he fell to crying like a cow, and cast down his face, hiding it with his cap, nor could they possibly draw one word from him, no more than a fart from a dead ass.

  3. One day by a sudden whim I let a fart as loud as I could, and heard a suppressed titter, they I think never knew I could hear, for usually I tried to be as silent as possible.

  4. Now and then a woman shit down the grating, we used to watch the turds squeeze out with a fart or two, with great amusement.

  5. I pushed open the door suddenly, one was pushing her clothes against her quim to dry it, the other on the pot, she let a loud fart just as I opened the door.

  6. One of L'Estrange's opponents nicknamed him the "Crack-fart of the Nation" and the epithet stuck to him for years.

  7. In the meanwhile he would fart like a horse, and the women would laugh and say, How now, do you fart, Panurge?

  8. This done, Pantagruel enforcing himself to vomit, very easily brought them out, and they made no more show in his mouth than a fart in yours.

  9. By my beard, they are competently scurvy for such a city as this is; for a cow with one fart would go near to overthrow above six fathoms of them.

  10. I'le make you fart fire Captain, by this hand, And ye provoke, do not provoke I'de wish you.

  11. Know me, a pudding, You juggle, and ye riddle; fart upon ye; I am abused.

  12. A fart for the money, said Panurge; have I not had above fifty thousand pounds' worth of sport?

  13. The First Part the prosecutor has thought it most proper to let alone; and from the Second Fart he has selected a few short paragraphs, making in the whole not quite two pages of the same printing as in the cheap edition.

  14. The work, Rights of Man, consists of Part the First, and Fart the Second.

  15. So after they had danced a while, a fart was let; whereupon says one, this fart was full charged, for it yielded a large vent; meaning his shirt.

  16. I vow, by the burden of Saint Christopher, that I had rather undertake the fetching of a fart forth of the belly of a dead ass than to draw out of you a positive and determinate resolution.

  17. Look ye, it is a folly to make a rout for a fart and ado; one word is as good as twenty.

  18. They were never worth a roasted fart to Ireland.

  19. Hath it come to pass yt a fart shall fart itself?

  20. Ther nis no capul, drawinge in a cart, 2150 That mighte have lete a fart of swich a soun.

  21. He must fart fire then: Take you no care for me.

  22. Fart for your reverence, keep it till then; and somewhat high of stature?

  23. I wonder what fart blew them hither to-night.

  24. A fart fill thy sail, captain of a galley foist.

  25. Twil never be: He has been three days practising to drink, Yet still he sips like to a waiting woman, And looks as he were murdering of a fart Among wild Irish swaggerers.

  26. Yes, Sir, And in her sleep, that makes my Master mad too, And turn and fart for anger.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fart" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bastard; bugger; creep; fart; flatulence; gas; heel; hood; jerk; louse; mother; pill; rat; shit; turd; wind

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    farther away; farther north; farther south; farther west; farthest south