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Example sentences for "venison"

Lexicographically close words:
venin; venio; venir; venire; venis; venisse; venit; veniunt; venne; venoit
  1. The Indian took some slices of venison from his wallet, and they made a slender meal, then set themselves patiently to await the night and the time for action.

  2. They say that she is a white witch; and the Indians, who reverence the mad, lay maize and venison at her door.

  3. The fire was still burning, and several half-cooked pieces of venison and bear's flesh lay about, also several broken utensils and a pair of cast-off moccasins.

  4. Wife, bid these gentlemen welcome: come, we haue a hot Venison pasty to dinner; Come gentlemen, I hope we shall drinke downe all vnkindnesse Slen.

  5. I am glad to see your Worships well: I thanke you for my Venison Master Shallow Shal.

  6. But though scores of Indians went down, with venison and maize cakes in baskets, no women went at all, and if the Spaniards had not been three fourths drunk, that would have warned them.

  7. The Spaniards sat about the fires where the venison was roasting, and talked openly of pearls.

  8. We steered our course due westward for forty miles, then through a sinuous, island-studded passage called Rocky Strait, stopping one day to lay in a supply of venison before sailing on to the village of the Kake Indians.

  9. That night I baked a good batch of camp bread, boiled a fresh kettle of beans and roasted a leg of venison ready for Muir's breakfast, fixed the coffee-pot and prepared dry kindling for the fire.

  10. Hot coffee and fried venison emphasized their welcome, and we in return could give them a little news from the outside world, from which they had been shut off completely for months.

  11. With three such good archers game was easily shot and a merry meal was quickly prepared in the greenwood, and all joyfully partook of venison and other dainties.

  12. Robin Converses with the Knight There was abundance of good things--venison and game of all kinds, swans and river-fowl and fish, with bread and good wine.

  13. Haunches of venison were dried on the branches of trees above the reach of prowling wolves, and fires were kindled beneath them which it was believed would last throughout the coming night.

  14. When they returned to the camp the jerked venison which had provided the diet for the past twenty-four hours was all the food in the possession of the trappers.

  15. We never objected much about it for we were willing to trade venison for a cat almost any time, for deer were very plentiful.

  16. The lunch usually consisted of a good big hunk of boiled venison and a couple of doughnuts and a few crackers, occasionally the breast of a partridge, fried in coon or bear oil.

  17. They tried to have me join in the draw, but I told them that I did not see where I came in as I had no venison to spoil.

  18. The men said that we had meat in plenty now and that we would not watch the licks any more that time, so they put in their time jerking the venison and also some of the bear meat.

  19. He had paraphernalia enough to equip a fair-sized army, so we hired a team to take the outfit to camp and also bring out the saddles of a bear and what venison we had on hand.

  20. I now made a rack or gridiron by driving four crotched stakes in the ground about the embers and then laid small poles across in the crotches to form a rack to spread the venison on over the coals.

  21. I sliced some strips of venison from the fore-quarters, or rather what was left of the fore-quarters, of the deer Charley had killed the first day out.

  22. Well, I was pleased to find them still in camp for they volunteered to go with me the next day and help me get the deer and bear out to the road in return for venison and bear meat.

  23. Having our work completed at the camp, the next morning after we had got the horses fed and the venison prepared, we drove back onto Baleys Run.

  24. We killed some thirty odd deer, and Mr. Moshier having some friends living down close to the Indiana line, he shipped our venison down to his friend and he sold it for us.

  25. Bill, as my partner was familiarly called, used to say that if we could not get fat on venison and bear meat we would take a wood job, but we found plenty to do without the wood job.

  26. After we had gathered up the venison and had gone the rounds of the traps that had not been tended while hunting, we went to Kane.

  27. There was cold venison and good wheaten bread and one flask of red wine, if the platters were wooden and the cups of pewter, and it was no bad meal for one who was hungry with a forest hunger.

  28. After he had gone, I got my venison to my cave, and cooked some for my supper.

  29. The venison was waiting, the sight and smell of it making him suddenly ravenous.

  30. He transferred the fresh venison from the canoe to a small raft hitched inside the window.

  31. We must now go back to the moment when Gilbert and Fenton, anxious to obtain some venison for themselves and their hungry companions, were creeping along in the hopes of getting a shot at the deer they had seen from the fort.

  32. Much to Gilbert and Fenton's disappointment, however, the cunning natives placed them apart, one on each side of the fire, though they gave them to eat some of the venison and dried fish which they carried in their wallets.

  33. A shout of triumph raised by Oliver brought several from the camp to the spot, who dashing across the river, the deer were soon cut up, and several pieces of venison were quickly roasting before the fire.

  34. Gilbert looked in the direction Fenton pointed, and he too seeing the deer, agreed that the opportunity of obtaining a supply of venison was not to be lost.

  35. As they had cooked the remainder of their venison at their last halting-place, they judged it wise not to light a fire lest they might attract Indians to their camp at night, who might at all events disturb their rest.

  36. Their last piece of venison was consumed, and they were growing very hungry.

  37. There are deer in the king's forest, and yet a lack of venison in the king's larder!

  38. Buchanan, his back towards the incomers, his brawny hands on the table, leaning forward, was shouting to the company, commanding his guests to seat themselves and fall to while the venison was hot.

  39. The supply of food and drink was lavish in the extreme; fish from the river and the loch, game from the moors and venison from the hills.

  40. John Buchanan then happened to need venison as you passed?

  41. Say that the foreigners are anxious to taste the venison of the hills, and that nothing could be better than to give us a dinner under the trees.

  42. Among the great number of venison hams they bring to our trading houses I do not remember to have observed one without it" (History of the American Indians, pp.

  43. In the meantime, as the feathers were supposed to be hungry after their journey, a dish of venison and corn was set upon the ground below them and they were invited to eat.

  44. He who feeds on venison is, according to their physical system, swifter and more sagacious than the man who lives on the flesh of the clumsy bear or helpless dunghill fowls, the slow-footed tame cattle, or the heavy wallowing swine.

  45. The elk is a monster of the venison sort.

  46. So without ado we went with him, and were shown into a comfortable room in a wing of the castle, where we found a great fire blazing, and a joint of venison with wheaten loaves on the table.

  47. Bige had put in a strenuous day, had carried his meat from the valley west of Wild Cat Mountain, a distance of about seven miles and he had a good appetite for supper, which I had ready by the time he had put the venison in the cooler.

  48. In the smoke-house we hung strips of venison--the venison having first been packed in salt over night.

  49. Illustration: Basting a Venison Roast] Bige allowed that it was a great pity that there were no holes in that brook with water deep enough for trout to live in as the water was ideal for that purpose.

  50. There was a venison steak done to a turn, for the doctor had hung a deer in his ice house at the end of the open season.

  51. By the way, Alec, I hope there's some of that venison left for the big feast.

  52. There was venison stew with dumplings, and a rich thick gravy.

  53. She taught them some of the arts of civilized life, and made garments not only for the family to which she belonged, but for those in the neighborhood, who sent corn and venison in return.

  54. Frances caused her brothers to enter into a formal covenant of recognition and affection, by lifting a snow-white cloth from a piece of venison she had placed beneath it.

  55. The venison will not last long, and we must find an outlet or die.

  56. The venison was then cut in slices and hung up to dry, so that it would be on hand if the game should become scarce around them.

  57. Seeing the action he cautiously raised his slice to his lips; but as soon as he had tasted it all doubt seemed to vanish, for the venison disappeared rapidly.

  58. Sit here, we will leave the venison with you, that we need not be encumbered.

  59. The room being cleansed, the fruit and dried venison were removed from the warm room, and the next day they began to gather in their store of nuts.

  60. That we will not, chief; you stay with the woman and I will take a load of venison home and return with the colt for the woman to ride on, for she is too weak to travel.

  61. Wrap her in that skin from the venison while I build a fire to warm her by and cook her some meat.

  62. There is a cold haunch of venison in the store room; perhaps he will eat that," said Jane.

  63. They are never so fat and tender as now, and I intend to have the plumpest, nicest venison steak for supper there is in this forest, if I have to work for it.

  64. The Virginian squire had often a barefooted valet, and a cobbled saddle; but there was plenty of corn for the horses, and abundance of drink and venison for the master within the tumble-down fences, and behind the cracked windows of the hall.

  65. Harry may come back and share all these: there is a nag in the stable for him, a piece of venison on the table, a little ready money to keep his pocket warm, and a coat or two every year.

  66. There's some fresh venison to-day as an extra course, so you'd better wait and eat some of that!

  67. The trio then pressed round the fire; and P'ing Erh wanted to be the first to roast three pieces of venison to regale themselves with.

  68. So be quick and make pieces of dried venison of her.

  69. Let them keep," she therefore cried, "that venison for their evening repast!

  70. Or wilt thou incline thine heart to our venison which truly is cooling?

  71. He stopped on one occasion to claim Lord Fitzwater's hospitality, and made most princely havoc among his venison and brawn.

  72. Robin Hood extracted from his venison pasty a similar intimation of the evil destiny of his cousin, whom he determined, if possible, to rescue from the jaws of Cerberus.

  73. He will strike as much venison as ever, and more of other game.

  74. Do I not excommunicate our enemies from venison and brawn, and by 'r Lady, when need calls, beat them down under my feet?

  75. The foresters quickly erected tents, and prepared an abundant breakfast of venison and ale.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "venison" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aspic; barbecue; flesh; forcemeat; game; hash; jerky; joint; meat; mince; roast; scrapple; venison