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Example sentences for "then will"

  • Then will be the time to come back with me, that I may bring thee through the perils of the way to Wulstead, and Upmeads at the last, and the folk that love thee.

  • Then smiled the priest and said: "Then will I not ask thee of thine errand; for belike thou wouldest not tell me thereof.

  • But if she be dead, then will I slay myself, for as young as I am, that I may find thee and her out of the world, since from the world both ye are gone.

  • I must not yeeld to any rights of Loue, For my Profession's sacred from aboue: When I haue chased all thy Foes from hence, Then will I thinke vpon a recompence Dolph.

  • I, if a'haue no more mans blood in's belly, then will sup a Flea Brag.

  • Then will two at once wooe one, That must needs be sport alone: And those things doe best please me, That befall preposterously.

  • We men may say more, sweare more, but indeed Our shewes are more then will: for still we proue Much in our vowes, but little in our loue Du.

  • Then will I look kindly upon thee once again, and all will be well.

  • Then will I call the name aloud, each in his turn and hers, till all are called.

  • Then will we have the guns, you and I," Tyee whispered back.

  • Then will we hold the passes and the land, and perhaps our children and our children's children shall flourish and grow fat.

  • Then will I teach thee to forget, I, Canim, the Canoe!

  • For hard by here is one will overthrow And slay thee: then will I to court again, And shame the King for only yielding me My champion from the ashes of his hearth.

  • Then will I ask it of himself,' she said.

  • When I in prison strong, poor soul, shall live and die, Then will I make my loving song upon mine own pigsny.

  • Then will there be patience to bear it there also; that you may be sure of.

  • Then will he forgive, and endure, and pour out his soul for the beloved who yet grope their way in doubt and passion.

  • Then will he scarce think of praying, because God is in every thought and enters anew with every sensation.

  • If I should find him, then will be time enough to think of showing him.

  • Then will I seize them and eat them, after which I shall have the place and all that drops from the palm-tree, to suffice me.

  • I mean to take your clothes and clothe you with mine; then will I fill two vials with the lion's blood and go back to the King and tell him I have put you to death.

  • Then will I give a spring and as soon as I reach the ground, I will fetch thee what thou mayst lay hold of and make thine escape.

  • Then will I giue you the Seruing creature Peter.

  • Nor that is not Larke whose noates do beate The vaulty heauen so high aboue our heads, I haue more care to stay, then will to go: Come death and welcome, Iuliet wills it so.

  • Then will I lay the seruing Creatures Dagger on your pate.

  • Then will I go with thee, for I know neither father nor mother, and no one hath power over me, for I keep goats on the mountains for wages, and if thou wilt but give me bread to eat I will serve thee.

  • Nay, said the other, then will I begin, and tell thee first whatlike thou art, so that thou wilt know the better how to frame thy word concerning me.

  • And as to my bathing, I will take thee at thy word, and bid thee go aloof a while now at once; for I will go down to the water; and if thou spy upon me, then will it be thy shame and not mine.

  • Then will we find in the "worship of the saints" one great means whereby we can worship the God of the saints by the devout recognition of the greatness of His work in them, May God be praised and glorified in all His saints.

  • Then will, our conscience have that peace and joy, that neither tongue or pen of men or angels can express.

  • So David: "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with thy free Spirit; then will I teach transgressors thy ways, and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

  • Then when you shake in horrour of this Villainy, Then will I rise a Star in Heaven, and scorn ye.

  • Why, sir, I think when all do charmed and spellbound snore, Then will we shrewdly choke them that they wake no more!

  • Then will I watch beside thee till the day.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "then will" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    aromatic spirits; evil spirits; then answered; then applied; then brown; then carried; then commanded; then goes; then lift; then like; then make; then once; then paused; then presently; then removed; then rinse; then rode; then sent; then should; then spoke; then stood; then stopped; then take; then taken; then told; waste products