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Example sentences for "disposition"

Lexicographically close words:
disposicion; disposicioun; disposid; disposing; dispositio; dispositions; dispossess; dispossessed; dispossessing; dispossession
  1. If there is a decided change in the child's disposition it generally denotes illness.

  2. It is no easy matter to curb a fiery disposition or to quit worrying.

  3. The Report puts these two questions--among the numerous differences of the cerebral plicæ, in number, disposition and proportion.

  4. The Indians, hearing the cries of the children, ran up, and saw the jaguar, which bounded off without showing any disposition to defend itself.

  5. Paul Lindhorst, however, was of too earnest a nature to bear this new conduct from the dearest object of his heart with composure, neither was it his disposition to suffer in silence.

  6. The gold rim vanished also; still there appeared to be no disposition among the party to leave the scene.

  7. But the expense of maintaining order pressed heavily on the seneschal's resources, and his master showed little disposition to assist him.

  8. However, the Welsh prince paid, with fair regularity, the instalments of the indemnity to which he had been bound, and there was no disposition on the part of the English authorities to question the basis of the settlement.

  9. His disposition was magnanimous, but he was intolerant of injuries, and reckless of dangers when seeking revenge, though easily won over by a humble submission.

  10. In that year the primate summoned a council at Lambeth, wherein he sought to withdraw from the cognisance of the civil courts all suits concerning patronage and the disposition of the personal effects of ecclesiastics.

  11. Seeing this disposition of the hostile force, the Lancastrian army divided.

  12. Such a man, Frank, must have a disposition ungovernably bacchanalian.

  13. Another occasion of reconstruction was the strong disposition of the liberated negroes to withdraw themselves from the tutelage of the churches in which they had been held, in the days of slavery, in a lower-caste relation.

  14. Surrounded by such society, the governor was encouraged to indulge his natural disposition to bigotry and tyranny.

  15. The tendency, as in some parallel cases, is toward an absolute government administered on republican principles, the authoritative command being given with cautious consideration of the disposition of the subject.

  16. With such a disposition on both sides, terms of agreement could not fail in time to be found.

  17. When gentlemen were urged to produce a substitute for the system they opposed, a direct tax was mentioned with approbation; but no disposition was shown to incur the responsibility of becoming the patrons of such a measure.

  18. If there is not a good disposition in the far greater part of the cabinet and nation towards us, I am exceedingly mistaken.

  19. While a disposition friendly to the administration was a requisite not to be dispensed with, it was also desirable that the person employed should have given no umbrage to the French government.

  20. However, if they had not had this opportunity, I believe that they would not have gone on with the voyage because of the little disposition which the governor had for it.

  21. I mention it again only to say that since this was not only contrary to the fact, but is unsupported by the records, to accept it and to embody it in his official report certainly indicates no friendly disposition toward Burnside.

  22. Williams made his first disposition of his troops according to Hooker's suggestion, but the latter received a serious wound in the foot, as it would seem, before the attack by the Twelfth Corps had begun.

  23. Colonel Hayes referred him to me as the proper person to account for the disposition of the troops, and quietly said he thought the quartermaster's department could settle for the straw if the owner was loyal.

  24. Hill still showed a disposition to surround the detachment by manoeuvres, and Scammon retired toward Annandale in the night.

  25. About the 6th of October General Jones was reported to be showing a disposition to be aggressive, and Burnside determined to strike a blow at him again and with more force than that which had been interrupted a fortnight before.

  26. At last there came over me a disposition of sleep, so potent that I felt it would be resistless.

  27. Light of course,' he answered, 'but it is rather the disposition of light.

  28. And, despite all this, he had at his disposition as much money as those of his comrades whose parents had the reputation to be the most opulent and the most generous.

  29. Now, such was the disposition of the mirrors in the two rooms, that M.

  30. And he mistook for a disposition to yield the cold tone in which she answered: "I beg you to believe that this introduction is wholly unnecessary.

  31. The growth of the city had been slow and labored, the real estate being generally in the hands of a few old fogies who manifested no disposition to improve or to sell.

  32. Then seven States had seceded from the Union, and the President had taken the oath of office surrounded by enemies whose disposition to assassinate was stronger than their courage to execute.

  33. That smile was the reflection of a sunny disposition and a nature at rest with itself.

  34. An entry was made in a book of the brief on each letter, and the disposition of it if it was referred to a Department.

  35. If her disposition as a girl had been selfish, it was unconscious selfishness; for her mother, her elder sister, and her brother had never required anything from her save that she should be happy.

  36. One who hath a daughter of his own so happily bestowed in wedlock as thine, may judge of the relief I feel by this disposition of my ward.

  37. The most pressing affair, just now, is the disposition of the Bravo.

  38. Owing to a peculiar disposition of the soil in Venezuela the three zones of agricultural, pastoral and hunting-life succeed each other from north to south along the coast in the direction of the equator.

  39. No character is more commonplace than the one to which is ordinarily applied the word contradictory; but Akenside was a curiosity from the extravagance in which this form of "the commonplace" exhibited itself in his disposition and manners.

  40. A studious and a delicate lad, George, the eldest of the party, was designed for some pursuit more adapted to his disposition and physical powers than the avocations of working mechanics, or the hard duties of the marine service.

  41. A graduate of Andover, on approaching the Sacred Hill, feels a disposition to manifest a like deference.

  42. A boy, that by his disposition and taste, was too proud to fight could not always keep out of it as the active belligerent might be overbearing or might be, at the time, imposing on some helpless party.

  43. The reformers felt a disposition to criticize existing conditions.

  44. If they have a disposition to rise higher it is by the old way of climbing, step by step, making each rise count one.

  45. It can be found any time in children if one has the lamentable disposition to try to appeal to it.

  46. A Disposition to Build Tabernacles He lived close to the people.

  47. What the public wanted was a good "story," and provided it got that there would be little disposition in any quarter to censure an arithmetical generosity which had been invoked in the service of the public's well-known demands.

  48. I make this remark for the purpose of warning the divinity student against the disposition to overstrain particular proofs, or rest the credibility of the Gospel too exclusively on some one favourite point.

  49. An unselfish disposition is cultivated by performing little acts of kindness and self-denial whenever the opportunity offers.

  50. It is often found, however, that the character and disposition of the particular child demands, not general, but special treatment.

  51. Since there was no disposition to change the former we were no nearer an agreement than we were in January.

  52. In fact he showed a disposition to reject all peace proposals.

  53. With these two Powers disaffected and showing a disposition to refuse to accept membership in the proposed League of Nations the opposition of France to the Covenant would have been fatal.

  54. While other questions vital to a preliminary peace treaty were brought up in the Council of Ten, he showed a disposition to keep them open and to avoid their settlement until the Covenant had been reported to the Conference.

  55. But his manner of meeting criticism and his disposition to ignore opposition can hardly be interpreted in any other way.

  56. Does the League merely direct the disposition of the sovereignty without taking possession of it?

  57. She might enrage her mother, and there were family money matters yet to settle, in the disposition of which a mother's displeasure might cause permanent changes.

  58. Long or short life, health or disease, good luck or bad, are yet predicted by burning a lock of human hair; and the fire is frequently poked with much anxiety when testing the disposition of an absent lover.

  59. At no period in the history of Manchester was there a greater disposition to believe in witchcraft, demoniacal possession, and the occult sciences, than at the close of the sixteenth century.

  60. Both our wise men and maidens still whirl the tea-cup, in order that the disposition of the floating leaves may give them an intimation of their future destiny, or point out the direction in which an offending party must be sought.

  61. The gloom of the ancient monument is capitally rendered, the colouring is harmonious, and the disposition of the figures careful and dramatic.

  62. The young lady is in every sense formed to make one of your disposition really happy.

  63. But the effects produced by the vertigo of autocracy on a mean disposition are rapid as well as terrible.

  64. He knew too well the inflammable disposition of the youthful Cæsar, and the soaring ambition of his own unscrupulous consort.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disposition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abjuration; administration; affinity; alienation; allocation; allotment; amortization; animus; appetite; approach; aptitude; arrangement; array; assignation; assignment; attack; attitude; authority; barter; bent; bias; blueprint; brand; calculation; cast; cession; character; characteristic; cheer; choice; claws; clearance; clutches; collation; command; complexion; composition; conception; concord; consignment; constitution; contrivance; control; conveyance; decision; delight; deliverance; delivery; demise; deployment; deposit; deposition; design; desire; detachment; determination; device; diathesis; direction; discard; discipline; discretion; disjunction; dispensation; dispersion; disposal; disposition; distribution; dole; dominion; drift; eagerness; eccentricity; echelon; ejection; elimination; empire; emplacement; employment; enterprise; ethos; exchange; exile; expulsion; fancy; fate; favor; fiber; foresight; forethought; form; formation; formulation; frame; game; genius; giving; government; grain; grip; habit; hand; hands; harmony; hue; humor; idea; idiosyncrasy; ilk; inclination; individualism; instinct; intention; jettison; jurisdiction; kidney; kind; lading; layout; leaning; liability; liking; lineup; liquidation; loading; locating; location; love; lurch; lust; make; makeup; management; mentality; method; methodology; mettle; mind; mold; mood; morale; mould; moulder; mouldy; nature; objective; order; ordering; organization; ostracism; outlawry; oversight; packing; passion; peace; penchant; personality; physique; picture; placement; planning; pleasure; polity; position; positioning; posting; posture; power; prearrangement; predilection; predisposition; preference; prejudice; probability; procedure; proclivity; program; propensity; property; proportion; purge; quality; quiet; quietude; rationalization; readiness; recantation; regime; regimentation; regularity; regulation; reign; release; removal; renunciation; resignation; resolution; retraction; riddance; routine; rule; sacrifice; sale; schedule; schema; scheme; sentiment; sequence; settlement; setup; severance; side; situation; slant; sort; sovereignty; spirit; stamp; storage; stowage; strain; strategy; streak; stripe; structure; supervision; surrender; susceptibility; suspension; sway; symmetry; syntax; system; tactics; talons; taste; temper; temperament; tendency; tenor; tone; trading; tranquillity; transference; transmission; transmittal; tropism; turn; twist; type; uniformity; vein; volition; warp; way; weakness; whim; whimsy; will; willingness; withdrawal; yielding