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Example sentences for "picture"

Lexicographically close words:
pictography; pictorial; pictorially; pictur; pictura; pictured; pictures; picturesque; picturesquely; picturesqueness
  1. He could picture Winifred biting her lip.

  2. I'll send you a picture post-card announcing my safe arrival.

  3. After sitting uncomfortably in his chair, half expecting it to play some goblin trick upon him, he got up and began to look at a picture hanging above the mantelpiece.

  4. The picture suggested by Koeppel's treatise was of Chapman collating a number of contemporary French historical works, and choosing from each of them such portions as suited his dramatic purposes.

  5. Here the picture is that of the Holy Spirit attacking the citadel of the soul of man, who violently resists the gracious attempts of the Spirit to win him.

  6. The picture is that of a banquet which was usually held at night.

  7. A picture of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, which is to be the final and eternal abode of the people of God.

  8. Here is a picture of ages tumbling upon ages in eternal succession.

  9. Ezekiel teaches a lesson by his vivid picture of the activity of God portrayed in the wheels within wheels.

  10. He never could have made the impression upon the disciples that He did, if He had presented the picture of a sick, half-dead man.

  11. This thought is illustrated by the picture of the Jews waiting outside the temple for the coming out of the high priest (Luke 1:21), thereby indicating that their sacrifice had been accepted.

  12. The whole matter stood, as it were, on a picture before me.

  13. I believe he who pictured King Pharaoh had never seen a king in his life; for all the majesty he was represented with was goggle eyes, that his picture might be answerable to the verse.

  14. The picture was paid for, and put into the fire!

  15. He was so beloved that men use his picture for their signes.

  16. Abject as this picture appears, it is the portrait of an accomplished woman, according to the received opinion of female excellence, separated by specious reasoners from human excellence.

  17. The fine ideal picture of an exalted imagination might be superior to the materials which the painter found in nature, and thus it might with propriety be termed rather the model of mankind than of a man.

  18. As a worshipper at the shrine of beauty however he needed explaining, especially when I found he had no acquaintance with my brilliant model; had on the mere evidence of my picture taken, as he said, a tremendous fancy to her face.

  19. They gave Ralph time to block in another picture as well as to let me know after a while that he had the happy prospect of becoming a father.

  20. As my imagination filled it out the picture held me fast.

  21. He was such a picture of inspired intervention as I had never yet encountered: he would exist henceforth for the sole purpose of rendering unnecessary, or rather impossible, any reference even on her own part to his wife's infirmity.

  22. There were many small shops on either side of the street and moving picture places with great glaring signs already lit.

  23. Even a little boy could appreciate the picture the tall skyscrapers made, some buildings white, some gray, with here and there a gleaming gold dome against the fleecy September clouds.

  24. Finally, by Mother's advice, he settled on a quaint little painted music box for Ruth that played four different tunes, and a picture puzzle game for Nelson, who liked to put things together.

  25. It reminded Sunny Boy of the fairy tale he had seen in the motion picture where the Wishing Girl who wanted to fly was suddenly granted her wish.

  26. It's as you throw a picture on a screen: The meaning of it all is out of you; The voices give you what you wish to hear.

  27. And the picture of it held her fascinated.

  28. And the picture of superlative beauty she made in her animation.

  29. The picture of Nancy, radiantly beautiful, seated at dinner with Bull Sternford had lit a fire of bitter hatred in his Teutonic heart.

  30. He presented a picture of inflamed wrath.

  31. Up till now she had seen no reverse to the picture of life as youth had painted it for her.

  32. At that moment he beheld more clearly than ever the picture of this man with his great arms about the body of the woman he coveted, and feeling lent sharpness to his tone.

  33. She only had eyes for the splendid picture of Nature.

  34. Bat swung about in his chair to discover a picture not easily to be forgotten.

  35. He had fallen for the girl, and she doubtless had--The picture he had witnessed at the Chateau had left him without any doubt.

  36. And as she gazed upon this mental picture there were moments when it seemed to her there was grave trouble in the clear depths which so appealed to her.

  37. Certainly, when put together, they already yield a very wonderful, very true, and very sufficient picture of it.

  38. That flux itself, therefore, which he could picture so vividly, was the fundamental existence.

  39. Then the artist made a picture of him in this condition, all curled and rich in ringlets, like a dandy.

  40. The little vignette in the opening lines finely symbolises the brilliant Greek decadence, as does the closing picture in Karshish the mystic dawn of the Earth.

  41. Compared with the Men and Women or the Dramatis Personæ, the Jocoseria as a whole are indeed "Framework which waits for a picture to frame, .

  42. The beautiful fantasia In a Gondola was directly inspired by a picture of his friend Maclise.

  43. Such is the magnificent picture of the coming of Herakles.

  44. With a view to making the work more attractive, her godmother gave her a new work-box with a shiny picture of the Cathedral on the lid.

  45. Ambrose one afternoon as he carefully put the last touches to a picture he was drawing for Dickie; it was a fancy portrait of Pennie learning to dance, with her dress held out very wide, and an immense toe pointed in the air.

  46. Miss Barnicroft had got her head all bound up in linen," pursued Ambrose, "like the picture of Lazarus in the big Bible.

  47. She saw the picture of that flying man more vividly than all that was going on round her, and would have given worlds to be acquainted with his history.

  48. Master Owen had a swollen cheek, and had cried and said he did not want his picture done, but he had been promised a pop-gun if he stood still, and had then submitted.

  49. She scuttled inside her hut and then reappeared in some hasty finery, in which she trotted anxiously about with conciliatory grimaces and pleadings in guttural Aymará that her picture be taken.

  50. I think it's because I've been in the picture so long.

  51. It's very trying on the vocal organs to hang in a picture for a hundred years or so.

  52. From the top of the door he leaped to the big picture frame between the front windows.

  53. It's so long since I took a ride in the fresh air, and I've staid such a time in the picture and become so stiff, that the motion makes me dizzy.

  54. Now, here is a nice postage-stamp with a picture of the queen upon it.

  55. Now, I hope that you will live and love in such a true way that when you get into a picture and stay a hundred years, and then step down and out for a little while, people will say just as noble things about you.

  56. And the picture seemed to nod as much as to say "Yes.

  57. Their descent from the picture had been so noiseless and unexpected that Ruth was the only one to observe it.

  58. He had a large sensual mouth and when he laughed, which he did very often, he showed decayed and discoloured teeth; when he laughed his little blue eyes wrinkled in a curious fashion and then he looked the very picture of malice.

  59. It was a picture of some early dynasty of mountains seen through fleecy clouds, and with smiling eyes he watched my pleasure as I looked.

  60. He had all the look of one of those sages whom you may see in an old picture seated by a bamboo grove at the foot of a great rocky mountain contemplating the Eternal Way.

  61. The picture was set aside and he showed me another and yet another.

  62. From a picture rail hung scrolls on which were writings by the great masters of the past, and to vary these, in bright gold frames, were oil paintings which in the nineties might very well have been exhibited in the Royal Academy.

  63. He sighed, he shook his head, he threw up his elegant hands; he looked the picture of dejection.

  64. His eyes collected in one picture all those crowded graves and he smiled scornfully.

  65. The city wall, crumbling, old and crenellated, looks like the city wall in an old picture of some Palestinish town of the Crusaders.

  66. The picture told in graphic form how came the name of Shewish to be famed among the hunters of the whale.

  67. Above the wolf is a killer whale surmounted by a second picture of the Thunder Bird, and in the left top corner of the pictograph is seen the face of a young klootsmah or Indian girl.

  68. Such is the picture of many a salt sea creek found in the regions round fair Barkley Sound.

  69. A picture from an illustrated weekly was upon the log walls, and three rifles were paralleled on pegs.

  70. He saw that this somber picture was not a fact of the present, but a mere prophecy.

  71. He was the picture of an exhausted soldier after a feast of war.

  72. The youth, in his leapings, saw, as through a mist, a picture of four or five men stretched upon the ground or writhing upon their knees with bowed heads as if they had been stricken by bolts from the sky.

  73. A picture flooded with light, standing forth in radiant relief against the darkness of the heavy, majestic forms surrounding it in a wide circle.

  74. The picture which we reproduce, and the authenticity of which is certain, proves then that in the time of Louis XIV.

  75. Very pretty variations of the process may be made by using gold or silver paper, and dusting-on with different colors; or a picture may be taken in gold bronze powder on a white ground.

  76. The Sheikh bowed reverently and took his place, while to Frank the scene in the gloomy, tent-like room resembled some great picture of Eastern life that he had once seen.

  77. For a few moments the picture was at its best, actors and spectator looking as rigid as if carved in wood or stone.

  78. She took the sheet down from the music-rest and looked at the picture of the lithographed title.

  79. It was her picture I sent you," said Miss Simpson.

  80. You know how it is, when we think about a person or a place before we've seen them: we make some sort of picture of them, and expect them to be like it.

  81. He rent himself from the spell, but the last picture remained so real with him that he went to the window and looked out, saying, "Is there a moon?

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "picture" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstract; abstraction; ally; altarpiece; analogue; associate; badge; banner; beam; blips; bloom; bounce; brother; cameo; cartoon; catalog; chalk; character; characteristic; characterization; characterize; chart; chiller; cinema; cognate; collage; color; companion; complement; concept; conception; coordinate; copy; correlate; correspondent; counterfeit; counterpart; cyclorama; daub; definition; delineate; delineation; depict; depiction; descent; describe; description; design; details; device; diagram; diptych; display; documentary; doodle; double; draft; draw; drawing; duplicate; earmark; echo; effigy; engraving; envisage; envision; equivalent; etch; evocation; evoke; express; fake; fancy; feature; fellow; figure; film; flare; flick; flicker; foresee; forgery; fresco; ghost; grid; hallmark; hatch; icon; idea; idiosyncrasy; idol; illumination; illustrate; illustration; image; imagery; imagine; imitation; impression; index; indicator; insignia; interpret; keynote; like; likeness; limn; map; mark; match; mate; measure; miniature; mirror; mirroring; model; mosaic; movie; mug; mural; noise; note; objectify; obverse; outline; paint; panorama; parallel; peculiarity; pencil; pendant; phony; photo; photograph; photoplay; picture; picturing; plate; poem; portrait; portraiture; portray; portrayal; presentment; preview; print; profile; property; rain; reading; realize; reciprocal; reflection; register; render; rendering; rendition; represent; representation; representative; reproduction; resemblance; return; ringer; rolling; rub; rubbing; scene; scintillation; scratch; seal; see; semblance; shade; shading; shadow; short; shot; show; sign; signal; signature; similitude; simulacrum; sister; situation; sketch; slide; snap; snapshot; snow; snowstorm; specification; spit; spot; stamp; stencil; still; such; suchlike; symbolize; symptom; tableau; talkie; tally; tapestry; thriller; tint; trace; tracing; trailer; trait; transparency; triptych; twin; view; vignette; vision; visualization; visualize; write

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    picture book; picture books; picture camera; picture gallery; picture machine; picture writing; picturesquely situated