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Example sentences for "scene"

Lexicographically close words:
scelerum; scelus; scena; scenario; scenarios; sceneries; scenery; scenes; scenic; scenical
  1. The scene does not remind the reader of slums on our side.

  2. A standard-wave transmitter to the home audience comes closer to revealing the domestic scene than would a global rebroadcast of ostensibly identical material.

  3. It had been associated on that scene with showy knickerbockers; at present it overflowed more splendidly into a fur-trimmed overcoat.

  4. I had the strangest saddest scene with her, and if it did me no other good it at least made me at last completely understand why insidiously, from the first, she had struck me as a creature of tragedy.

  5. I wanted to embrace them both, and while the opening bars of another scene rose from the orchestra I almost did embrace Dawling, whose first emotion on beholding me had visibly and ever so oddly been a consciousness of guilt.

  6. The scene of the battle was between Concise and Corcelles, north-east of the town, and is marked by several columns, perhaps ancient menhirs.

  7. But not long after his arrival in India the difficulties which led to the first Chinese war made the presence of an energetic general on the scene indispensable, and Gough was appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in China.

  8. A large go-ashore, or three-legged pot, of the size and shape of the cauldron usually introduced in the witch scene in Macbeth.

  9. Their outlines seen under a blazing sun are indistinct, and they give to the whole scene a curious effect of being `out of focus.

  10. For some time the district where the nut [bunya] abounds is a scene of feasting and corroboreeing.

  11. The scene forms the subject of the celebrated picture entitled "Black Thursday," by William Strutt, R.

  12. After the interview with the GHOST he would have had a private audience with the KING, and there would have ensued a scene somewhat like the following one.

  13. Finally he stood panting with exertion over the scene of slaughter.

  14. That was how he chanced on the scene of the tragedy, just a moment too late for service.

  15. Already he had forgotten the violent and discreditable scene with Spurrier, and presently he dropped himself inertly into the camp chair beside the table at the room's center and opened its drawer.

  16. There was a scene of unmeasured violence.

  17. His mother, who did not seem to herself to know or care anything about music, sometimes described a little scene which the music he had been playing called up to her, but he could never see things in that way.

  18. She turned rigid in an instant, and I should have had to go through the whole scene over again, if I had not had the cowardice to say, 'I promise that I will not see her.

  19. Then the meaning had to be explained to her, scene by scene, and she had to say the words over until she had found the right accent.

  20. Till the New England Confederation the chief scene of collision with the Spanish was the West Indies.

  21. Mount Pleasant was a scene of great gayety during the summer, and the Arnolds and the Shippens held grand court, almost like royalty.

  22. The scene affected him something as if he had been drinking wine, and yet the impression was delightful.

  23. And long afterward, when she was an old lady, she could recount the famous scene that ended, as one might say, the British possession of Philadelphia.

  24. On the presentation of it to the Rhode Island Congregational Consociation, a scene of great excitement ensued.

  25. I was summoned next morning to the scene of destruction and the terror-stricken family.

  26. Because it would be a dastardly proceeding, at our distance from the scene of danger, to utter sentiments hostile to slavery, with which the Southern Unitarian societies might be identified.

  27. I was then living in Brooklyn, the shire town of the county, six miles from the immediate scene of the violent conflict, and so was fully drawn into it.

  28. Scene changes, as Jim is kneeling and Araminta is closing the window to a plain room.

  29. After this explanation, I think I may venture to give a diagram of a scene plot.

  30. Making out a property plot is much the same as making a scene plot.

  31. When alone, his duty is to make out the scene and property plot, but when he has an assistant, it is THE DUTY OF THE CALL-BOY.

  32. The palace, when one comes close to it, is perceived to be built of painted wood, like a "practicable" scene in a theatre.

  33. Thereafter took place a scene incapable of description by mortal pen.

  34. The bo'sun's mahogany face broke up into a score of curving wrinkles, and his shoulders shook a little, as he watched the scene on deck.

  35. She could imagine the scene that would take place on board when they found themselves boatless.

  36. A few yards off Vaiti stood, regarding the whole scene with an expressionless countenance that covered a good deal of quiet enjoyment.

  37. The first rays of the morning sun fell upon another scene in the opposite wing of the chateau.

  38. Well, it is a French story, but the scene is laid in Germany," he replied, coolly.

  39. He gave the horses a vigorous blow from the whip, and they all rapidly approached the spot where a scene was taking place which excited to the highest pitch everybody's curiosity.

  40. Then she remembered everything, even the slightest details of the scene in the small parlor.

  41. The scene takes place in a little court in Germany--Eh!

  42. It is a scene for a drama that I have in my mind.

  43. Then he carried his hand to his pocket, and suddenly withdrew it, as he felt the workman's compass there, where it had been ever since the scene upon the rocks.

  44. At a stroke this miserable boy was able to sweep away the good results of two years' careful thought on the part of the Government and of their local officers, and to transform a peaceful state into the scene of a desperate struggle.

  45. Their motion, along with the streaming movement of rotation in the layer of white granular protoplasm that flows along the walls of the cell, under the high powers of the microscope "presents a wonderful scene of vital activity.

  46. Rossignol the Seigneur, and the Notary stood on the church steps viewing the scene and awaiting the approach of the soldier-citizens.

  47. He had, however, a hot impulse to follow and ask her if she would vanish from the scene if the medicine-man should sing of Rosette and a man of thirty, not ninety, years.

  48. Froissart tells a touching story of the scene between the royal couple, when Philippa held the hand of the husband who had so often been faithless to her, and asked this, her last boon.

  49. Shakespeare has made the scene of Henry the Fourth's death very familiar, and we remember the King's words when he recovered consciousness after his swoon.

  50. He went to hear Demarini, Italy's greatest tragedian, and was so affected by one scene that he could not sleep, and his emotion ultimately found expression in music.

  51. The Hamburg Opera House was the scene of this concert, and the art-loving public had flocked there so early, and in such numbers, that I only just succeeded in obtaining a little place in the orchestra.

  52. It was performed on a darkened stage and the solemn character of its music was emphasized by a beautiful scene representing a monastery with stained glass windows.

  53. He took the theme from a fantastic scene where the witches appear.

  54. Paganini went to Leghorn, the scene of his early triumphs.

  55. Now, I have never yet made a forced landing in strange country without having the mayor of the nearest village appear on the scene very soon afterward.

  56. The Oriental Wrecking Company," as the Annamites were called, were on the scene almost as quickly as our enemies the crows.

  57. The scene attendant upon this expose was a dramatic one, and it resulted in the virtual abandonment then of the measure by those who were responsible for it.

  58. The scene which followed has been thus described by an eyewitness: "This was the only time in an acquaintance of nearly thirty years that I ever saw Mr. Chandler abashed.

  59. Mr. Chandler's office was located in the basement, and has been the scene of many important consultations between famous men on questions of party policy and public concern.

  60. The scene changed when the raising of the embargo brought into the country a flood of manufactured articles representing cheap labor, cheap interest and cheap capital.

  61. On the mantle-shelf, with other ornaments, are two hyacinths in glasses, thus fixing January as the date of the scene depicted.

  62. The scene is laid in front of a "Society of Friends Meeting House," and numerous "Friends" of both sexes are busily engaged in exercising their hobbies.

  63. The scene round the grave was a most impressive one.

  64. With the year 1821 came the closing scene in the drama of Caroline's unhappy but singularly undignified career.

  65. The furniture, the fittings, the sombre hangings, the gloomy ancestral portraits, all are in keeping with the weird scene and its surroundings.

  66. The summer temple, then, was the scene of the year's biggest festival when the new crop was ripe.

  67. Our chief reminder of the presence of these early shell gatherers lies in the piles of shells which mark the scene of their activities.

  68. All who were witnesses of this brutal scene pitied her; but no one dared come to the poor child's assistance, for they were afraid of having anything to do with this violent madman.

  69. He then caused us to embrace, and there the scene ended.

  70. They were in another scene and place; a room, not very large or handsome, but full of comfort.

  71. But the whole scene passed off in the breath of the last word spoken by his nephew; and he and the Spirit were again upon their travels.

  72. Yarloo came on the scene almost as soon as the other black was out of sight, and was probably the cause of the first man's sudden disappearance, Yarloo was carrying a small bunch of parakelia leaves.

  73. The scene was one which we who revolve around the throne know so well.

  74. Then, realizing that the scene had become too tragic, I took her small hand, and, with a word of sympathy, led her out of the room and along the corridor.

  75. There had, I knew, occurred a violent scene between father and son, for to me it seemed as though "Willie" had again fallen beneath the influence of a pretty face.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    access; act; amphitheater; arena; asbestos; auditorium; back; backdrop; background; bit; border; bowl; burst; campus; canvas; chaser; circus; cloth; cockpit; counterweight; course; curtain; cyclorama; diorama; distance; divertissement; drop; episode; eruption; exodus; explosion; exterior; eye; field; finale; flat; flipper; floor; forum; ground; gymnasium; hall; hanging; hinterland; incident; interior; interlude; intermezzo; intermission; introduction; landscape; leer; locale; look; lookout; marketplace; mat; milieu; mount; number; outburst; outlook; palaestra; panorama; pastoral; performance; perspective; pit; place; platform; precinct; preview; prologue; prospect; purlieu; rag; range; rear; regard; ring; routine; scape; scene; scenery; screen; scrim; seascape; setting; shtick; sight; site; sketch; skit; sphere; spot; stadium; stage; storm; sweep; tableau; teaser; terrain; theater; theatre; tormentor; transformation; turn; view; vista; walk; wing; woodcut

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    scene from; scenes from; scenes from the life