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Example sentences for "scenes"

Lexicographically close words:
scenario; scenarios; scene; sceneries; scenery; scenic; scenical; scenically; scent; scented
  1. In scenes like these an adverb is dangerous.

  2. But this is not a school story, although its preparatory scenes take place at school.

  3. Then the slaughter was renewed, and the scenes witnessed on every hand frightful to behold.

  4. These outlines, a little crude and unfinished, were mostly illustrative of the power of the Nayas, depicting scenes of battle, justice and execution.

  5. Some preparatory scenes must take place at school; but the drama generally terminates on the broader stage of the world.

  6. The scenes we witnessed there were so revolting, that I cannot now reflect upon them without a shudder.

  7. Sung now in their exile, they brought back to each heart some recollection of the happiest scenes and fondest ties of its existence.

  8. Exquisitely beautiful as are these scenes from Mr Creswick's pencil, we doubt if he has reached or knows his own power.

  9. His scenes are evidently from nature--great parts appear to have been painted out of doors, being fresh and true.

  10. How many trying scenes and bitter moments crowded on the mind of young Roswell Gardiner, as he recalled all that had passed in the ten months which intervened since he had come out from behind the shelter of those wild rocks!

  11. These sublime scenes are of frequent occurrence amid the solitudes of the earth; the occasional phenomena of nature often surpassing in sublimity and beauty her rarest continued efforts.

  12. I had and have a younger brother, One whom I loved and love to-day As never fond and doting mother Adored the babe who found its way From heavenly scenes into her day.

  13. Or didst thou tell to fish and frog and bird The raptured scenes that there occurred?

  14. The catalogue of Delacroix's works includes quite a number of paintings illustrative of scenes from "Faust," of which the one in the Wallace Collection is one of the most successful.

  15. Are these the scenes in which the Aspirant for the Serene Science thinks to escape the Ghastly Enemy?

  16. Fancy, whose music is not heard by men, whose scenes shift not by mortal hand, as the stage to the present world, art thou to the future and the past!

  17. Only in scenes of turbulent excitement was it absent!

  18. He was standing behind the scenes watching Viola, who was on the stage in one of her most brilliant parts.

  19. They would fly far from those scenes of violence and blood.

  20. It was in one of those half-frantic scenes of noise and revel, call it not gayety, which establish a heathen saturnalia in the midst of a Christian festival.

  21. One day suddenly emerging from a dark ravine, he came upon one of those Italian scenes of rural festivity and mirth in which the classic age appears to revive.

  22. But we, reader, we too escape from these scenes of false wisdom clothing godless crime.

  23. Those rugged and sombre Apennines, the cataract that dashed between, suited, more than the actual scenes would have done, the mood and temper of his mind.

  24. As she smoothed the luxuriant locks, the old nurse ran gossiping on about the little events of the night, the scandal and politics of the scenes and the tireroom.

  25. Vose Adams was unaccustomed to scenes like this.

  26. When I heard that rebel yell of yours," remarked the veteran who wore the blue, "it tingled through my veins as it did at Chancellorsville, Antietam and various other scenes of unpleasantness.

  27. It gave rise to those scenes of vulgar mirth for which occasions of this kind are used as an excuse for indulging in with impunity.

  28. The return of Mr. Osbaldiston gave rise to scenes of disturbance which interrupted the progress of the performance for several evenings.

  29. The scenes and feelings I enjoyed before I left your roof are dearer and stronger here in Spain than I can express, or you imagine.

  30. But such scenes make ever the deepest impression, whether the mind be cultivated or no.

  31. I began to speak of the scenes he had witnessed in Spain, when his mother inquired what he considered his most unlooked-for escape.

  32. I am now much more a lover of such scenes than before my sister joined me.

  33. I continued my visits, and often witnessed scenes similar to those I described.

  34. And, with this preface, Geordie proceeded to unfold a tale of crime that made his auditors stand aghast, accustomed as they were, from the nature of their duties and peculiar situation, to scenes of bloodshed and rapine.

  35. She gave a rapid and graphic sketch of the voyage, and ended with an account of the immediately preceding scenes of its fatal termination.

  36. It is a good plan to have a chorus of voices behind the scenes help with the singing of both songs, to give more force to them.

  37. Still o'er these scenes my memory wakes, And fondly broods with miser care!

  38. Does the sober bed of marriage Witness brighter scenes of love?

  39. To take the reader into such a haunt and have him pass the evening in such company, not with disgust and nausea but with relish and joy, is an achievement that stands beside the creation of the scenes in the Boar's Head Tavern in Eastcheap.

  40. Farewell, old Coila's hills and dales, Her heathy moors and winding vales; The scenes where wretched fancy roves, Pursuing past unhappy loves!

  41. There is not a neighborhood, where these heart-rending scenes are not displayed.

  42. An officer of the United States' army, who was in the expedition from fortress Monroe, against the Southampton slaves in 1831, speaks with constant horror of the scenes which he was compelled to witness.

  43. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Duck, by saying very little to eachother, managed to avoid those scenes of wordy warfare which are considered part and parcel of English domestic institutions.

  44. Some time ago a ragged, half-starved fellow turned up in London, after a long absence from the scenes of his youth, and came cadging to a friend of mine.

  45. We talk’d of scenes where this is real found, And love subsists without a dart or wound; But there intruded thoughts not all serene, And wishes not so calm would intervene.

  46. Agreed, my daughter; what my heart has known Of love’s strange power shall be with frankness shown: But let me warn you, that experience finds Few of the scenes that lively hope designs.

  47. Then could these scenes the former joys renew?

  48. The open street for ever presents the spectator with the most loathsome scenes of beastliness, cruelty, and all manner of vice.

  49. The seeing of his mother's photograph brought before Willem the recollection of scenes in which she had played a part; scenes that had been crowded from his mind by later events.

  50. Similar scenes were observed all over France, even in the early days of the Revolution, although the foreign war did not excuse them then, nor any other pretext.

  51. A gentleman from France, who will talk to you in our beautiful language, and tell you of scenes and places you have not looked upon for nearly seventy years.

  52. For the moment we were back in the centuries, picturing scenes of the past.

  53. Here we returned to scenes and influences of the Middle Ages.

  54. I thought of the fate of Herculaneum and Pompeii, scenes I had visited with my parents only a few years before.

  55. Near it is a building now used as a powder magazine, but in the Middle Ages was a palace given up to the rude scenes of splendour of which those days were typical, and before that it had been a Moorish castle and a Christian temple.

  56. I have a good memory and it carries me back to the earliest scenes of childhood: scenes full of fairy visions and sweet remembrances.

  57. And before that happens I trust a merciful Creator will remove me to scenes where there is neither age nor infirmity nor sick poor in need of consolation.

  58. The very name conjured up a thousand scenes and pictures, every one of them a delightful recollection.

  59. For the moment you were lost in the scenes he portrayed so vividly.

  60. In our dreams we lived over again all the scenes Delormais had so graphically described, but more highly-coloured, full of impossible adventures.

  61. To us, who were to some extent behind the scenes of the singer's life, it was difficult to listen without emotion.

  62. It is certainly one of the most remarkable scenes in all Spain: and from this point Zaragoza possesses few rivals.

  63. Had he been an experienced artist he would have left out at least a third of the thoughts and scenes he inserted.

  64. We touch in these last scenes the sacred love beyond the world in which forgiveness is forgotten.

  65. The scenes between Strafford and Pym in which their ancient friendship is introduced are over-sentimentalised, not only for their characters, but for the great destinies at stake.

  66. This introduces the description of a walk of twenty-four hours through various scenes of natural beauty.

  67. Lippo Lippi was forced to paint the worn religious subjects: Jerome knocking his breast, the choirs of angels and martyrs, the scenes of the Gospel; but out of all he did the eager modern life began to glance!

  68. We must not, any more than the travellers, loiter on the road, therefore we pass over the scenes at the Convent of Hirschau, as also that in the neighbouring nunnery.

  69. The scenes represented are principally taken from the Apocryphal Gospels, attributed to St Thomas, of the Infancy of our Saviour--which gospels were long read in some of the Nestorian churches.

  70. Then follow several scenes of much beauty, which conduct us through Switzerland into Italy.

  71. In the latter there are, unquestionably, isolated scenes of singular power and magnificence.

  72. We might even extend this observation to details; for there are several scenes evidently suggested by passages in the German drama.

  73. In his more laboured scenes there is generally an appearance of effort, beside the imitative propensity, to which we have already sufficiently alluded.

  74. The story of her early betrothal and of the wild love romance that breaks it is told in "The Garland" in scenes of intense dramatic effect, and the characters of the heroine, her lovers, and her parents are developed with extraordinary power.

  75. It was difficult to get a clear idea of the situation, for the various scenes seemed contradictory.

  76. In the present church of Locminé is a chapel dedicated to St. Colomban, containing a painting representing scenes from the life of the saint; others are carried out in the coloured glass of the windows.

  77. The scenes which greet the dazzled eyes of the visitor are of such extreme beauty that he might well believe himself to have been miraculously transported to ancient Hellas.

  78. Spectacular cavalry charges on the road, marching soldiers, batteries of artillery, a pathetic procession of cripples and nurses, and other scenes too numerous to describe, made up that part of the pageant devoted to the war.

  79. Thereafter came one of the most moving scenes in the drama.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scenes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    scenes from; scenes from the life