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Example sentences for "call"

Lexicographically close words:
calkers; calkilate; calkilated; calking; calks; calla; callant; callants; callate; callated
  1. This will save Alces gigas, the giant moose of Alaska, from extermination; and New Brunswick and the Minnesota preserve will save Alces americanus.

  2. My informer told me he participated in the slaughter, and while he would not take fifty dollars for what he saw, and the experience he went through, yet he would not go through it again for $1,000.

  3. From Mr. Gray I learned that there were some 600 ducks of various kinds on the pond at that time, though it was then early for them to seek winter quarters.

  4. It is the cold winters that kill them off!

  5. I have long advocated the introduction in the southern states, wherever deer can be protected, of this great, hulking, animated venison-factory.

  6. I have, therefore, ventured to call your attention to a particular part of the above article, and to correct what I presume to be a misstatement.

  7. Beard has stood alone for all these things, and whisker has in its time signified what we now call moustache, as in the case of Robinson Crusoe's great pair of "Turkish whiskers.

  8. His judgments may be held with greater confidence, which is an intellectual advantage; and, standing in his mind not so much an edifice as a natural growth, they cannot be so readily abandoned at the call of ease or self-interest.

  9. Rice and cocoanuts are the two staples of the district, and steamers trading round the island call regularly at the port.

  10. Meanwhile the prime minister would be seen, and Lord Derby's visitor might call next day to hear the reply from Cairo.

  11. The Loon made no objection, so the new-made conjurer balanced himself upon the crest of a wave and gave his loudest call before he dove down, down into the blue water!

  12. Just then he heard the call plainly, but in a very thin voice, "Bring a knife!

  13. When the second call came, Red Fox started in the direction of the sound.

  14. We shall each go different ways in the world, doing all the good we can; but if either is ever in need of help let him call upon the other and he will come instantly to his aid!

  15. You know we call the Sun our Grandfather and the Moon Grandmother, and we also believe that the Stars are their children.

  16. He went out alone on the sandy beach and began to call in his piping voice: "Laugh-maker, we are come to laugh!

  17. A second Raccoon heard the call and went to meet it.

  18. In answer to the alarm bell, the watchman on the tower, whose duty it was to call the citizens from their beds in case of fire, struck the great bell, and its deep sounds rang out over the town.

  19. In truth, I am waiting to call upon the Earl of Marlborough until Master Haliford has fashioned me a suit of clothes fitted for such an occasion; he has promised them for this evening.

  20. Mistress Holliday said, furiously, "I have a mind to call the lackeys in and bid them beat you.

  21. I brought orders from him to his steward in Paris, that two of his best horses were to be sent this morning to a stable in Versailles, and left there, and that a person with an order from him would call for them.

  22. He will not know who you are, I have told him that a friend of mine will call for the horse, which I had promised to send him.

  23. I will call you if they gain much upon us.

  24. At any rate I may call and say 'Goodbye' to mademoiselle, may I not?

  25. Call up the burgomaster, or whoever leads the burghers, and let us consult.

  26. At seven in the evening Gerald should call upon his cousin, and on leaving, accompany Rupert to the river bank, where Hugh would be already in waiting.

  27. Call your man, and bid him bring out quickly the things I have named," Rupert said.

  28. The trumpet call which summoned Rupert and his friends to horse was, as he suspected, an indication that there was a general movement of the troops in front.

  29. The savages now learned the superiority of the Long Knife, as they call the Virginians, by experience; being out-generalled in almost every battle.

  30. These acts of hostility on the part of the Indians led to the adoption of measures for the defense of the Colony, to which we shall presently call the reader's attention.

  31. The state of society which exists in every country at an early period of its settlements, is well calculated to call into action every native mechanical genius.

  32. The reputation of Clark caused the call to be responded to with great readiness.

  33. There was no formidable invasion, such as to call for the exertions of Boone, Kenton and the other warriors of the border, but there were several occurrences which occasioned considerable alarm.

  34. VI There is no point of light or color, no contour, no line, no depth, that does not contribute to the infinite complex which gives the maximum of experience with the minimum of effort and which we call beauty of form.

  35. The positive toning of the experience--what we call aesthetic pleasure--is due not only to the favorable stimulation, but also to the fact that the very antagonism of impulses which constitutes repose heightens tone while it inhibits action.

  36. What we now call romantic or expressive art can certainly be made the more fruitful in moral suggestions; but this fact bears not at all on the question of what belongs fundamentally to the nature of beauty.

  37. A large object and an "interesting" object are "heavy" for the same reason, because they call out the attention.

  38. Aristotle is dealing with the whole effect of the dramatic representation of what we should call a tragic occurrence.

  39. Thus what we are wont to call the inspired madness of the Delphic priestesses was less the expression of ecstasy than the means of its excitation.

  40. This is no less true of the pictures we may call "Adorations," in which, indeed, the contemplative attitude is still more marked.

  41. The second answer to our assertion that the "sense of life" is not the beauty of literature might call attention to the fact that SENSE of life may be taken as understanding of life.

  42. But in so far as it is an addition, its effect may be in conflict with what we may call the feeling-tone produced by sympathetic reproduction.

  43. German Gerry' the girls call her, don't they?

  44. Nobody would ever be able to call her a coward again.

  45. I wish you wouldn't call me that," she said one evening during preparation, when Phyllis Tressider addressed her by the title with a request for the loan of a book.

  46. We thought if you would call a meeting of the whole school that we'd ask Gerry to come down, and then we'd tell her how frightfully sorry we are about having been so mean, and each of us would apologise to her in front of everybody.

  47. Reaching Number Twelve, she tumbled her coat and hat and handbag unceremoniously on to the bed, and flung back the curtain of the next-door cubicle with a gay call of greeting.

  48. Now, that is what we call directing the intention.

  49. The image that we, reading, call Montaigne, is really ourselves.

  50. Paulina becomes a Christian, but remains pagan enough to call her father "barbarous," in acrimoniously bidding him finish his work by putting his daughter also to death.

  51. But Madame de Stael in her day seemed more than a writer, more even than a writer of what the Germans would call world-importance; she was, or she seemed, a prodigious living personal force.

  52. The end of a production should always call to mind its beginning.

  53. Everything important surviving from his pen exists in the form of what the French call pensees.

  54. The disagreeable preponderates in his fiction--the disagreeable one must call it, rather than the tragic.

  55. It would still be possible to confront one who should call this in question with thirty thousand surviving verses from the chronicler's pen.

  56. She went out of the room to call the servant, but in a few minutes she came back discomfited, a little pout on her lips.

  57. One was that the young minister had ceased to call frequently upon Miss Torrance; the other, that Trilium, the cow, was giving her milk.

  58. Eliz had more than once to call the other two to account for talking privately adown the long table.

  59. If you ask me what I think, I think the greater part of what you call mind is part of your body.

  60. Summon ye the people to God and call the souls to the manners and conduct of the Supreme Concourse.

  61. This composite association of the elements in the form of a human body is therefore subject to disintegration which we call death, but after disintegration the elements themselves persist unchanged.

  62. Every limited area which we call our native country we regard as our mother-land, whereas the terrestrial globe is the mother-land of all, and not any restricted area.

  63. Notwithstanding this great oppression, they call themselves oppressed.

  64. It behoveth you to call to mind with tenderness the trials of His Holiness, the Exalted One and show your fidelity to the Ever-Blest Beauty.

  65. The angelic company of the celestial Concourse have joined in a call that hath rung throughout the universe, all loudly and mightily acclaiming: “Hail, O City of God!

  66. Will the despotism of former governments answer the call for freedom which has risen from the heart of humanity in this cycle of illumination?

  67. But do not call his prayers hypocritical, because these angry, revengeful thoughts had taken such root in him so soon.

  68. Do you mean to call me a liar and a coward?

  69. He hadn't thought there was any call for him to go round the village.

  70. And he rushed from the room, leaving the doctor far too affected and moved to attempt to stop him or call him back.

  71. No, I won't own him for yours or mine either--call him Raby.

  72. Whenever this sort of thing occurs in any civilized country, up starts that pioneer judge we call Judge Lynch; in other words, private men combine, and make their own laws, to cure the folly of legislatures.

  73. I call it mean to read another body's letter.

  74. Such a lump of human dirt as that--for you can't call him a man--must be capable of any thing.

  75. I don't know who you are, but I call you witness that I have done all I can for this idiot.

  76. Meantime the history of Raby House was the history of what French dramatists call "a pious lie.

  77. He will call on you at twelve to-morrow morning.

  78. Call her slippery, if you don't like her; call her unhappy and wavering, if you do like her.

  79. Miss Carden--Grace--may I call you Grace?

  80. Then Mr. James Little found another security that looked very plausible, and primed his wife with arguments, and she implored Guy to call and talk it over with them both.

  81. Mr. Bayne, I wonder you should call me from my forge to examine 'prentice-work.

  82. And you call yourself a scholar of the good doctor's.

  83. As often as he asks you to be his mistress; for, call it what you like, that is all he has to offer you.

  84. Sometimes they lie in wait in these dark streets, and fracture his skull with life-preservers; or break his arm, or cut the sinew of his wrist; and that they call DOING him.

  85. Imagination carries one to the hills, and shows something of that truth which lies behind what we call truth.

  86. He has also been to the house to call for him sometimes.

  87. He was expecting his wife to call for him that night in a taxi.

  88. Call for me to-morrow morning; we are going to pay a visit together.

  89. It is also possible, Wigan, that Seligmann expected his wife to call for him that night.

  90. The call must have been a deliberate one and would take time.

  91. A pit I call it, but it was as much a cave as a pit, part of it running deeply into the earth, and only about a third of it being open to the sky.

  92. The doctor, by flattery, by pandering to his love of secrecy, suggested to his patient that he should call himself Dr.

  93. Of course you may keep watch, and I shall be within call should you want help.

  94. He wasn't what you would call a lovable character, but I loved him, and he liked me.

  95. Don't you remember his saying once that we ought to strive toward the heights, and see the truth which lies behind what we call truth?

  96. I will call at Mrs. Barrymore's to-morrow," I said as I rose to go.

  97. It was clear that the idea of the woman going suddenly to the telephone to call for help was absurd, and, therefore, it was at least possible that she had spoken that message under compulsion.

  98. I would here call the attention of the medical world to the way in which the spirits are acting towards that body.

  99. The calling up of one spirit seems to call up or raise another spirit, and as Dr.

  100. Only it shows a little bright with the sun on it, and I am not going to call you that.

  101. They call me 'Brick' Hamlin--a subtle reference to this crown of glory.

  102. What did they call you before you went into the army?

  103. Squads of troopers fired the tepees, and gathering their prisoners under guard, hastened back to the ranks again at the call of the bugle.

  104. It was for such experiences as this that he remained in the service--his whole nature responding almost joyously to the bugle-call of action, of imminent danger, his nerves steadying into rock.

  105. We ain't got no call to quarrel so fur as I kin see.

  106. Some of the boys call me that--yes," he confessed apologetically.

  107. They are a tough lot, Major; that's a fact, when you stop to call the roll.

  108. Those who have had occasion to refer to the construction and the uses of the globe more or less in detail, make mention of what they call its threefold position.

  109. Such attempts as were made in the nineteenth century with a good measure of success do not here call for consideration.

  110. Further, the majority of his globes which have been located bear dates subsequent to the year 1800, and therefore do not properly call for reference here.

  111. As soon as breakfast was over and the things cleared away, I got an observation for the longitude, and then went below to have a nap, desiring Bob to call me at seven-bells, that I might take a meridian altitude.

  112. Very cleverly managed, I call that, Harry," said Bob, as soon as we found ourselves once more out of range.

  113. This was good advice, and I at once proceeded to adopt it, cautioning Bob to be sure to call me without delay in the event of any further complication arising.

  114. What shall I call him, so please your ladyship?

  115. I cheerfully promised to do all I could for the dying man; and the doctor took his leave, promising to call again the last thing in the evening.

  116. Bob; "why, what should I call him then, missie?

  117. But he did not want to go out in the car, he did not want to run to town, he did not want to call on the Thirlbys.

  118. Why do they call you Pussum, because you're like a cat?

  119. What does she work out to, in the end, with all her social passion, as you call it.

  120. But you can't call it HIGH art,' said Gerald.

  121. If only he could call a world into being, that should be their own world!

  122. Oh do call this one Lady Winifred, if she turns out perfect, will you?

  123. Do tell Marshall to call it Lady Winifred.

  124. Could we call our knowledge of the laws of gravitation for instance, knowledge of the past?

  125. So they talked gaily and lightly, till they heard the man below lead out the horse, and call it to 'back-back!

  126. Call it a horse if you like, or say it is not a horse.

  127. That dead face was beautiful, no one could call it cold, mute, material.

  128. Them steamfitters you got rehearsin' up there has got to call it a day!

  129. Call up police headquarters in about an hour and you'll prob'ly be able to get all the details, right off the blotter.

  130. Look as if you like it and the minute the door opens call me dear.

  131. I had looked forward to this here expedition for thirty years, like a guy looks forward to eight o'clock the night he's gonna call on his first girl.

  132. Why if I ever asked her that, she wouldn't even let me call on her any more!

  133. Get them overcoats ready and in about a hour I'll call there for you.

  134. Call the usher," puts in a dame with him.

  135. Now call up Miss Evans and ask her to marry you!

  136. When that poor simp buries himself in Jersey with all the food in the world, do you call that makin' good?

  137. I'll call down and tell Mrs. Simmons to get ready--they may have an engagement themselves!

  138. But my reverie is cut short by a groan from my dragoman; he sank back trembling and said, "Call Haleel!

  139. I call to him, "Watchman, what of the night?

  140. What is the patrol ship's number and call letters?

  141. While O'Toole was studying the diagram, Swenson placed a call to Moulton Trust.

  142. Without delay the order was given to call the sea merchants into the halls of the palace.

  143. One day he decided to call upon his wealthy brother for aid.

  144. Who tells you that I don't believe in such things, as you call them?

  145. I could not tell which; but I was aware of an imperious inner call to avert some dreadful evil, to exert myself, to explain, to interpose.

  146. She may have felt that she had a right to rid herself of him, and to call upon her husband to help her to do so.

  147. I am angry at the custom of forbidding children to call their father by the name of father, and to enjoin them another, as more full of respect and reverence, as if nature had not sufficiently provided for our authority.

  148. We call Almighty God Father, and disdain to have our children call us so; I have reformed this error in my family.

  149. There is no recompense becomes virtue, how great soever, that is once passed into a custom; and I know not withal whether we can ever call it great, being common.

  150. Two other señeros, or signalmen, are told off to keep all boats in port during bad weather, and to call together the crews when circumstances appear favorable for sailing.

  151. Call this the first infinite number, because its left-hand portion consists of a series of figures repeating itself indefinitely toward the left.

  152. Call the result the current multiplier.

  153. There are other points connected with fittings to which I would call your attention.

  154. Call this figure the extraneous multiplier.

  155. Call the sum the modified dividend, and treat this in the same way.

  156. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "call" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alarm; allurement; ante; antecedent; appeal; appraise; appreciate; approach; approximate; ask; assess; attraction; back; baptize; bark; base; basis; bawl; bay; beck; beckon; bellow; bet; bid; bidding; bill; blackmail; blare; blat; bleat; buzz; cackle; cackle; call; calling; cause; challenge; chatter; cheep; cheer; chirp; christen; chuck; church; cite; clack; claim; clamor; clang; class; cluck; conjure; conscription; contribution; convene; convocation; cover; croak; crow; cry; cuckoo; defiance; define; demand; designate; determinant; determinative; dial; draft; drafting; drain; draught; draughtsman; draughty; draw; drum; dub; dun; duty; element; enlistment; enrollment; entitle; entreaty; estimate; etiology; evaluate; evocation; evoke; exaction; exclamation; extortion; factor; fade; fetch; figure; foretell; foundation; gabble; gamble; game; gauge; gobble; ground; grounds; grunt; guess; hail; hazard; hold; holler; honk; hoot; howl; howling; hurrah; identify; imploring; imposition; impost; imprecation; impressment; indent; induction; invitation; invite; invocation; invoice; invoke; judge; label; lay; levy; lot; low; lure; mark; market; measure; meow; mobilization; muster; name; necessity; need; neigh; nickname; nod; nominate; note; notice; obligation; occasion; option; order; page; parlay; pass; pastorate; peep; phone; pipe; place; play; plea; plunge; portend; postulate; prayer; predict; press; priesthood; principle; prize; pule; pull; pulpit; punt; put; quack; rabbinate; raffle; raise; rank; rate; reason; recall; reckon; recruitment; request; require; requirement; requisition; reveille; right; ring; roar; rouse; rush; scold; scream; screech; seduction; see; serve; shout; shriek; sing; solicit; specify; speculate; sport; spread; squall; squawk; squeak; squeal; stake; stimulus; straddle; strap; stridulation; strip; style; subpoena; substance; suit; summon; summons; supplication; taps; tax; taxing; telephone; term; title; toss; tribute; trill; twit; twitter; ultimatum; value; visit; visitation; vocation; wager; wail; warble; warning; warrant; whine; whinny; whistle; whoop; yammer; yawp; yell; yelp; yowl

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    call forth; call from; call him; call upon; call you; called after; called again; called also; called attention; called forth; called her; called him; called holy; called natural; called out; called reformation; called religious; called spontaneous; called the; called them; called together; called upon; caller herrin; calling attention; calling themselves; calls upon