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Example sentences for "parlay"

Lexicographically close words:
parlait; parlance; parlant; parlar; parlare; parle; parleament; parlement; parlementaire; parlements
  1. When we found out about it, he called a big parlay over what we ought to do.

  2. Up the companionway, on the quarterdeck, Winston was deep in a final parlay with Guy Bartholomew of the Swiftsure.

  3. You never expected Hovercraft to parlay it up, through their connections in the Category Military Department, to a divisional magnitude fracas which you simply aren't large enough to afford.

  4. Parlay that up on top of all the fracas fans gravitating into town and you'll have a wingding the likes of nothing you've seen before.

  5. Should Zweno by this parlay call you foorth, Upon intent injuriously to deal, This offereth too much opportunity.

  6. All but Demarch go shroud you out of sight; For I will go parlay with the Prince my self.

  7. And through the curious company moved Parlay himself, cackling and sneering, the withered wreck of what had once been a tall and powerful man.

  8. Parlay looked at the barometer, giggled, and leered around at his guests.

  9. There it is, right under our nose, and old Parlay is there with the pearls.

  10. Parlay skipped with astonishing nimbleness across the crowded room to the barometer on the wall.

  11. Old Parlay's selling out, and the buzzards are gathering--old Parlay who was a stronger man in his day than any of them and who will see most of them dead yet.

  12. Old Parlay shocked them with his abrupt cackle.

  13. Old Parlay arrived after that with his pearls.

  14. II The house of Parlay was a big two-story frame affair, built of California lumber, with a galvanized iron roof.

  15. And then old Parlay proceeded to eat things up," Grief went on.

  16. Old Parlay groaned, moved one arm impotently, and opened his eyes.

  17. The Peabls of Parlay A SON OF THE SUN Chapter One--A SON OF THE SUN I The Willi-Waw lay in the passage between the shore-reef and the outer-reef.

  18. Old Parlay lay oh his back on the floor, with closed eyes and without movement.

  19. Other men have already made that journey for them," old Parlay cackled.

  20. My brother dive for Parlay three, four month, and he make much talk about pearl.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parlay" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.