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Example sentences for "stimulus"

Lexicographically close words:
stimulating; stimulation; stimulations; stimulative; stimuli; stin; sting; stinger; stingers; stingeth
  1. It is the needed motive and stimulus to action, without which we should settle down often into a sluggish indifference and contentment with things as they are, instead of pressing forward to something worthier and better.

  2. The same principle operates also as a stimulus to exertion in the ordinary affairs of life.

  3. It is by no means intended to suppose that the stimulus of the will has any affinity with the galvanic fluid, because we are unable to prove it; although such opinion has been entertained.

  4. Strange to say, there was a certain stimulus in this which stirred his monotonous pulses and was not without a vague pleasure.

  5. The stimulus of the storm and chase had passed, but Julian kept driving them before him, himself driven along by the furious blast, yet trying to keep some vague course along the waste.

  6. It may pass on the stimulus to some other portion of the nervous system.

  7. It is remarkable that the influence of woman is so readily and universally recognized in leading the strongest men into sin, but so uniformly ignored as a stimulus to purity and perfection.

  8. To attribute all the myths, allegories, and parables to the interposition of Providence, ever working outside of his own inexorable laws, is to confuse and set at defiance human reason, and prevent all stimulus to investigation.

  9. This was a very real advantage; for the inspiration of the search and of the scenes themselves gave a keen stimulus to the ambition of the scholar and a glow to the imagination of the writer.

  10. First of all, the sight of his labour thus taking concrete form was a continual stimulus to him.

  11. The stimulus consists of a series of one hundred spoken words, to each of which the subject is directed to react by the first word which it makes him think of.

  12. The normal range of reaction in response to any of our stimulus words is largely confined within narrow limits.

  13. When such mental mobility is lacking the subject is liable to react not by a response adjusted to the stimulus word, but either by repeating a previous stimulus or reaction, or by giving a word associated to the preceding stimulus or reaction.

  14. If an untrained subject reacts by a sentence or phrase, a compound word, or a different grammatical form of the stimulus word, the reaction is left unrecorded, and the stimulus word is repeated at the close of the test.

  15. This type requires no explanation; the main difficulty is to decide what degree of sound similarity between stimulus and reaction should be deemed sufficient for placing a reaction under this heading.

  16. Note on test record states: "Understood what was expected, but could not be induced to give much attention to the stimulus words; sat facing a window, and showed a strong tendency to merely name objects in sight.

  17. The immense stimulus of such discussion to thought, to study, to readiness and power of argument, to widening the range of intellectual interests and literary judgment and appreciation, must be obvious to all.

  18. By Wilhelm von Humboldt the modern Prussian school system was created; while by Fichte, Arndt, and a galaxy of other writers there was imparted a stimulus by which the patriotism and aspiration of the Prussian people were raised to (p.

  19. And it was further, a mistake to believe that a more intimate acquaintance meant a keener pleasure; it was just the stimulus of strangeness, the piquancy of feeling one's way, that had made up half the fascination of the summer.

  20. The objection that Socialism, would destroy the stimulus to invention has been treated at what may seem disproportionate length on account of its extreme importance.

  21. Many an one has been crushed by just such difficulties as these; and indeed it may justly be said that more inventions are lost to us by the money difficulty than are secured to us by the stimulus of a money reward.

  22. A standard objection to Socialism is that it would remove all stimulus to invention.

  23. An inventor in pursuit of a solution needs no more stimulus than a stag in the rutting season in pursuit of his doe.

  24. But these few words beg the whole question: Need we abolish the competitive stimulus in the adoption of the Socialist cure?

  25. Is it possible that with the record of these men before us, we can maintain the theory that gain is the only stimulus to invention?

  26. And so even though he need no stimulus he will under Socialism have it; for his reward will be prompt and secure.

  27. The improvements due to invention would in a Socialist society differ, perhaps, in character but not in quantity, for invention obeys the particular stimulus which gives rise to it.

  28. No one who has worked with inventors would be guilty of the error that inventors need the stimulus of money reward.

  29. So long as humanity needs the stimulus of competition, it is essential that this element be fairly represented in the political organization of the state.

  30. A stimulus was given to the exertions of the free-traders in the failure of the potato crop in the autumn of 1845, both in England and Ireland.

  31. The reason of this is, that the road to me was shorter and surer, and the stimulus to traverse it greater, owing to the larger proportions of my body.

  32. Deprived of the stimulus that freedom and the habit of responsibility alone can give, the Roman world sank gradually into the morass of Routine.

  33. A further stimulus was soon to be found in scraps of anonymous writing which appeared on porches, walls and monuments, praying for his succour and entreating that the public land should be recovered for the poor.

  34. Again the stimulus to greater rapidity of decision was supplied by Memmius.

  35. The stimulus which moved Aulus to action is not known.

  36. It was plain that the stimulus must be supplied from without; and Memmius provided it by going straight to the people and embodying their floating suspicions in a bald and uncompromising form.

  37. Almost at the beginning of my experience I received a penciled note which I have kept on my desk as a stimulus to my energies and my watchfulness along the line of checkmating the work of the white slavers.

  38. From Sweden, came the word that the Princess Royal had accepted the Presidency of the National Committee and attended nearly every Committee meeting, which was a guarantee and stimulus to the success of the work.

  39. In Antigua and Bermuda, emancipation was unqualified; that is, the slaves at once received the stimulus of wages.

  40. Having no choice or volition, there is nothing for stimulus to act upon; they are in fact no part of society.

  41. The experience of all ages and nations proves that high wages are the most powerful stimulus to exertion, and the best means of attaching the people to the institutions under which they live.

  42. This new kind of stimulus had a most favorable effect on the slaves, and gave promise of complete success.

  43. The fear-thought, which makes my body tremble, my pupils grow wide, and whitens my cheeks, is a stimulus from within.

  44. The recognition of the stimulus as an odor and of that odor as "hot rolls" is consciousness in the form of thinking.

  45. Poor memory is the result of lack of attention, or divided attention at the time the particular attention-stimulus knocked.

  46. When we see the reaction of the body to the stimulus we know there is consciousness.

  47. Let the nurse remember that her way of giving a treatment, her expression, or her very presence becomes a potent stimulus on the second, one to which the patient's mind responds like a flash-light when the button is pressed.

  48. Melancholia is the inability of the mind to react to any stimulus with other than gloom and depression.

  49. An unexpected shot in the woods near-by, which changes the whole trend of my thinking and startles me into investigating its cause, is a stimulus from without causing a change within.

  50. We have no desire, no emotional stimulus to make us remember; or because some of the associations with the forgotten incident are undesirable.

  51. The mind can know nothing except as the stimulus is transmitted by sense-channels over the nerves of sense, and received by a conscious brain.

  52. The patient may be reacting normally to the stimulus her untrained and toxic brain received.

  53. So our recognition of the impression is merely the rising into consciousness of the subconscious material in response to a stimulus from the outside world which appeals through the sense of sight.

  54. It is as though the stimulus presses the trigger--instinct--and the muscle responds instantly with reflex action.

  55. But if none of the senses has ever developed, my brain can receive no impression whatever; it cannot have even the stimulus of memory.

  56. If he betrayed and debauched ideals, it was because he was utterly incapable of rising to them, nor felt the stimulus to make the attempt.

  57. The peacefully somnolent Social Era, he thought, might awaken to new things under the stimulus of such fresh writing as hers.

  58. Late that night, as he crossed the road from the church to his little home, his pulse beat rapidly under the stimulus of real joy.

  59. Ames was first an animal; there was no stimulus as yet sufficiently strong to arouse his latent spirituality.

  60. Jude, brightening under the stimulus of her wine.

  61. He found no stimulus to a search for his ancestral palace within the city, nor for a study of the Rincón records which lay moldering in the ancient city's archives.

  62. Already from the stimulus which his intercourse with the child had given his mental processes there had come a sudden liberation of thought.

  63. What is progress but the growing of the human mind out of itself under the influence of the divine stimulus of demonstrable truth?

  64. But had it ever occurred to such a Greek to ponder the general stimulus given to human faculty by war?

  65. It is clear, finally, that if we know the actual time at which the stimulus is presented, and the actual time at which the movement of response takes place, we can measure the interval between the two.

  66. A novel stimulus has the same power; it stands alone and unrelated; it startles or arrests us.

  67. Yet there is no sensation of distance, and there is no specific stimulus to distance.

  68. Indeed, an observer who is thus instructed will sometimes react prematurely, before the stimulus has appeared, and is also liable to accept as the stimulus any chance stimulus that intervenes, and so to react wrongly.

  69. Yet we need not be surprised; for we have already learned that the novel stimulus has power to compel the attention; it stands alone and unrelated; and for that reason it startles and arrests us (p.

  70. Blow out a match in the dark, and wave the glowing stem about; you see complete circles or figures of eight; the sensation persists, although the stimulus has passed from one part of the retina to another.

  71. In fact, publicity is often the stimulus to a kind of bravery which without it would hardly respond to the tests.

  72. If each of you will take this individually to himself he will find in it stimulus enough for all kinds of hard work.

  73. As I pointed out in my first article, it got its immediate stimulus out of the impudent interference of the state machine in unseating a mayor who had been elected by an opposing local faction, and setting up a "recorder" in his place.

  74. Therefore only those whose deeds will not stand the light of publicity need fear the operations of the bureau or expect anything but help and stimulus in the better performance of their service to the public.

  75. Discrimination between towns and cities and States has been hardly less serious; and while the railways were permitted to make high local rates and low through rates, a great stimulus was given to the city at the expense of the country.

  76. Under such stimulus is it wonderful that its growth has been phenomenal?

  77. Under the stimulus of this direct contact, the final shape was given by Hebrew writers to their cosmological speculations.

  78. Further discoveries and researches may show that distant India also felt at an early period the intellectual stimulus emanating from the Euphrates Valley.

  79. An amazing stimulus to man's powers has come in the discovery that he may penetrate and follow to an indefinite extent the actual procedure of the Universe.

  80. But that mystery is at once a stimulus to our inquiry and a prize set before our longing.

  81. The new philosophy has its chief bearing on conduct, not in abstract conceptions about fate, free will, and responsibility, but in the stimulus it gives to find new tools and weapons of moral achievement.

  82. Intellectually, his main achievement is to bring out clearly the problems to be faced, and to give an immense stimulus to the higher class of minds.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stimulus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggravation; agitation; animation; antecedent; arousal; arousing; bait; base; basis; bribe; call; determinant; determinative; element; encouragement; etiology; exacerbation; exasperation; excitement; exhilaration; factor; fillip; fomentation; fuel; ground; grounds; impetus; incentive; incitement; inducement; inflammation; inspiration; interest; invitation; irritation; life; lift; lure; motive; occasion; payment; percentage; persuasive; perturbation; premium; principle; prod; profit; prompt; provocation; restorative; reward; shot; signal; spring; spur; stimulant; stimulation; stimulus; sweetener; sweetening; tonic; whet