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Example sentences for "pulses"

Lexicographically close words:
pulsations; pulsatory; pulse; pulsed; pulseless; pulsing; pulsus; pulvere; pulverised; pulverization
  1. The pulses in the right upper extremity and in the right carotid and its branches are diminished and delayed.

  2. Aneurysm of the profunda femoris is distinguished from that of the main trunk by the fact that the pulses beyond are, in the former, unaffected, and by the normal artery being felt pulsating over or alongside the sac.

  3. There is sudden pain at the site of impaction of the embolus, and the pulses beyond are lost.

  4. Through the half-curtained window stole An Autumn sunset's glow, As languid on my couch I lay With pulses weak and low.

  5. Margery looked straight before her, trying to hide the tumult of her pulses as she heard her name without the prefix for the first time from Robert's lips, and guessed his meaning--as she easily might do.

  6. I can be the Pied Piper when I will, and set your pulses throbbing beyond the possibility of doing anything else but frolic.

  7. The cereals and pulses can only with difficulty be eaten raw.

  8. Certain foods which in the raw state contain very little water, such as the pulses and cereals when cooked absorb a very large quantity; this is particularly the case in making porridge.

  9. The sun with resting pulses seems to brood, And slacken its command upon my unurged blood.

  10. Stretched on the margin of the cruel sea Whence they had rescued me, With faint and painful pulses was I lying; Not yet discerning well If I had 'scaped, or were an icicle, Whose thawing is its dying.

  11. In Her Portrait a constant interchange of symbol between earthly and heavenly beauty pulses like day and night.

  12. Again there was a silence fraught with such intensity that Selwyn thought the very beating of his pulses could be heard.

  13. For a moment his pulses beat furiously with hope; but the realisation of what it meant for the old groom killed it like a sudden frost.

  14. A weakness came over him, and his pulses were fluttering and unsteady.

  15. His pulses were throbbing with double fever: that of the world and his own hot love for her.

  16. With hot breath and pulses on fire, he led his unknown men through the choking ruins to where one small, insignificant life was imprisoned.

  17. It was a thrilling sight, watching the sky-blue jacket forging ahead, and Glen Leigh's pulses beat rapidly.

  18. The whole being of the great city basked in the summer glory of the day; all its mighty pulses beat high, and all its myriad voices whispered of hope!

  19. Sixteen long years--such years of sorrow, such years of suffering, such years of change, counted by the pulses of the living heart!

  20. He wondered how it was that he could have waited so long for her since the first night of their meeting, and he just distinguished the fact that he lived with the pulses of the minutes, much as she did, only more fierily.

  21. She looked on it as her gate of promise, and it set her throbbing with a revived belief in radiant things which she had once dreamed of to surround her life, but her accelerated pulses narrowed her thoughts upon the machinery of her project.

  22. Every drop of blood in his heart now throbbed through his pulses in an eager unrest.

  23. The pulses of the young man were vaguely thrilled with the coming of spring, and so he complacently took in the never-ceasing tide of eager women, on the street's shady side, with one comprehensive and kindly glance.

  24. The blood bounded in his pulses under the unaccustomed stimulant.

  25. Strange, swift pulses were beating in temple and throat; strange tumults and confusion were threatening his common sense, paralyzing will-power.

  26. The pulses which had beat hard so often lately began to beat hard again.

  27. The great pulses in his throat leaped in quick alarm.

  28. All the little pulses in his head began to beat heavily.

  29. The pulses in Harry's temple beat so hard that they hurt.

  30. Again the great pulses leaped, but with a different emotion.

  31. All his pulses began to beat hard, not with nervousness, but with intense eagerness to know what was afoot.

  32. He saw down the road puffs of smoke and heard the lashing fire of rifles, but it did not make his pulses beat any faster now.

  33. The hoofbeats of nearly two hundred horses rang hard on the frozen road, but with increased speed pulses throbbed faster and spirits rose.

  34. As the cool puffs blew upon him and filled his lungs his chest expanded and his strong pulses beat more strongly.

  35. The pulses in Harry's temples were beating hard.

  36. Once a glimpse of something lying across the track caused his pulses to beat quicker.

  37. They also amplify the weak electron disturbances into electrical pulses to operate meters that record each scintillation and count the total.

  38. The current pulses from each of the 18 blocks can be fed individually into the pulse sorter, counter, and recorder.

  39. There he stood till her return, his pulses throbbing.

  40. His pulses beat fast, he leaned towards her, till his mustaches touched her soft perfumy hair.

  41. And the burning touch of his lips made her pulses thrill and her heart beat with what she knew to be delight,--exultation.

  42. Throbbing against her cheek, its pulses seemed to keep rhythm with the mournful booming of the surf on the shore.

  43. The forces that moved in the wind, in the waving broomsedge, and in the call of the whip-poor-will, stirred in his pulses as they stirred in the objects around him.

  44. On the ground by the brook he saw the spray of last year's golden-rod, and the sight brought her back to him with a vividness that set his pulses drumming.

  45. No, I haven't heard," he answered indifferently, though his pulses throbbed at the words.

  46. His pulses hammered in his ears, yet he heard around him still the mellow murmuring of bees, and saw the butterflies whirling deliriously together.

  47. They also take with them the bride-price, known as Suk, which is made up of cash, husked or unhusked rice, pulses and oil.

  48. Wheat, rice and pulses are served, but not meat or vegetables.

  49. The quiet authority of that voice set her pulses beating rapidly, till the thudding of her heart sounded loudly in her ears.

  50. She felt the quick beating of his heart against her breast while he held her close, and she knew that her own heart was beating as rapidly; the pulses in her throat were going like tiny hammers.

  51. Neither the chilly water nor the old brother's terror had power to reach the numbed pulses of her life.

  52. Then on his return, as he stepped out on the beach with singing pulses and the happy tang of the salt spray on his lips, a telegram was put in his hands: “We’re at war with Germany.

  53. If you had met him as he returned from a holiday afternoon spent on snow-shoes, your pulses would have throbbed in sympathy with his happy, tingling vigor.

  54. When night came his muscles ached but his pulses sang.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pulses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.