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Example sentences for "night came"

  • Night came on rapidly and still he did not make his appearance.

  • Alarmed at what he saw, the captain halted as soon as night came on, and sent out his scouts to the trappers' rendezvous at Horse Creek, where he expected to meet a party.

  • As night came on, the trappers drew out of the swamp, and remained about the skirts of the wood.

  • The sun went down, night came on, and still we marched on.

  • As night came on every thing was in readiness, and the rest of us were directed to take our departure without delay.

  • Night came on, dark and gloomy, the rain continued to fall, and the soldiers lay down on the water-soaked earth to take what rest they could.

  • As night came on, we retired some distance into the woods, built a fire, and made ourselves comfortable.

  • Night came on, and he was obliged to stop, for his horse could go no farther.

  • All the day was spent, night came on, and still Troloo was unsuccessful.

  • As night came on, General Seymour formed his column of three brigades for the assault.

  • Night came on, and the brigades of McLaws were put on the hill along the positions gained by the battle.

  • Night came on and it was unusually dark, so that the active fighting ceased.

  • Night came, thick and black, and to the more timid full of omens and presages.

  • The twilight slipped away and the night came, thick and dark.

  • As night came on, Paul requested Brown to light his lantern and get ahead.

  • As night came on he was tired and imagined he could feel the symptoms of which the doctor had warned him.

  • Night came on cold and cheerless and at midnight they entered the greatest bend of the Missouri.

  • Below Little Rock as night came on, a small steamer was encountered tied up to the bank and Paul and his companion spent the night aboard of her.

  • Night came on, and they still stood upon their narrow perch.

  • As night came on it was resolved to dig a trench across Soledad Street, so that the two divisions might communicate with each other.

  • As night came on so did the storm, and with the first fall of rain he sought shelter under some overhanging rocks near the top of one side of the ravine.

  • The storm had let up a little during the day, but now as night came on it broke forth once more, as furiously as ever.

  • As night came on, Colonel Fannin called his men together, and asked them if they wished to remain and fight it out, or try to escape to the timber.

  • Night came,--the night of the new moon, only the uncertain light of the stars illumined the plain.

  • Night came, preceded by a long twilight, the light melting away insensibly by gentle degrees, while the sky was studded with brilliant stars.

  • Night came, but the ship gave no signal for approach.

  • Night came, clear and calm as the preceding.

  • I also missed my devoted grandmother, by whose side, as the silence of night came down, I had kneeled in prayer.

  • Often, as night came on, refusing his accustomed slumber, he walked the garden in lonely meditations, and blended with the serious light of moon and stars the more sober workings of his own mind.

  • Night came on, and shut out the land from our observation.

  • The English consul was fully engaged with taking care of the effects of the Franks who had been burned out; and, moreover, night came on, and we had no way to get word to him.

  • As night came on many people were wandering about without shelter, amid blackened ruins.

  • Night came on; still we waited, but no train.

  • As night came on the yard filled up with soldiers.

  • As night came on, he was the first to cut wood for the camp-fire.

  • Night came, and not one had surrendered; midnight, and still not one.

  • As night came on, the vessel drifted near the shore and grounded.

  • Night came on, and the sky was full of gray clouds violently driven by the wind, although just round us the trees remained quite motionless.

  • Night came on, and Lucien was still teaching the birds to say "Hortense" and "Emile.

  • Night came on, a fine rain purified the air, and the damp earth breathed forth a wholesome fragrance.

  • Night came on, and we began to prepare for our almost hopeless march.

  • Night came on and firing ceased; the rebels were behind their entrenchments, and our army bivouaced for the night.

  • Night came, and I was released from toil.

  • Night came at last with its friendly mantle, and our camp was again hushed in comparative repose.

  • It was late; night came on, but he lay where he had fallen, until at last he fell into a sound sleep.

  • Night came on very dark, but the breeze still continued to send its light breath, and before this the vessel gently glided on.

  • Night came on, and the storm, and roar, and darkness increased steadily every hour.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "night came" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being invited; bold enough; commercial importance; either the; high explosives; intermediate host; large collection; meteoric stones; might know; night after; night and; night attack; night before; night came; night fell; night home; night like; night march; night school; night time; night when; other agencies; slight frown; start with; strange dream; tropical climate