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Example sentences for "appraise"

Lexicographically close words:
appoynt; appoynted; appoyntement; appraisal; appraisals; appraised; appraisement; appraiser; appraisers; appraises
  1. It is difficult to appraise the role of the Kuomintang without at the same time assessing the position of the government.

  2. When we appraise a work according to its realism, we only show that we are talking, not of a work of art, but of its counterfeit.

  3. In this branch of politics, motives were so mixed that no historian can hope to appraise them all at their proper values.

  4. The selection and general supervision (under the foregoing commissioners) of the agents to appraise the value of Cherokee improvements was placed in charge of Benjamin F.

  5. This type of situation mixes politics, economics, propaganda and warfare to such a degree that no sound estimate can appraise one factor without including the others.

  6. But side-by-side with the Germans, it is harder to appraise their net achievements.

  7. The net effects of the work of civilian-operated propaganda are hard to appraise because the radio broadcasts and leaflets for civilians were designed to have a long-range effect on the enemy.

  8. However, black propaganda is more difficult to appraise than overt propaganda.

  9. In the postwar period a great many reflective publications began to appraise what had happened in the PsyWar field.

  10. He had given her the best that was in him and had made bold enough to appraise her of it.

  11. But her acumen was such that she was enabled to penetrate the gloss and appraise the man at his true value.

  12. Even in his tranquil moments Peredonov, like all coarse people, could not appraise small incidents: either he did not notice them at all or he exaggerated their importance.

  13. The text should be written by a true historian with broad and comprehensive views, by one who knows how to appraise historic values, and, if possible, by one who commands an attractive literary style.

  14. Indeed His three years of travel, first to Egypt, then to Europe and later to America, mark, if we would correctly appraise their historic importance, a turning point of the utmost significance in the history of the century.

  15. This Instrument can, if we would correctly appraise it, no more be divorced from the One Who provided the motivating impulse for its creation than from Him Who directly conceived it.

  16. I call them radically different because to prize names a practical, non-intellectual attitude, and to appraise names a judgment.

  17. A critic who should attempt to appraise it would probably give one more illustration of the sterility of criticism compared with the productiveness of creative genius.

  18. Stuart and Clarke, to appraise them of the new arrangements determined upon in the recent conference of the partners at the factory.

  19. Appraise the work and the permanent influence of Napoleon.

  20. The records of growth of numerous persons from childhood to age are required before it can be possible to rightly appraise the effect of external conditions upon development, and records of this kind are at present non-existent.

  21. The woman turned and crouched by the dead boy, and seemed painstakingly to appraise her own reflection on the water's surface.

  22. To collect, scrutinise, and appraise facts is his chief business.

  23. For the rest, if it is not possible to appraise the psychic faculties possessed by the ancestors of existing animals we may at least observe certain facts which put us on the road of explanation.

  24. We must take him on his own merits, 'unmixed with seconds'; we must discover and appraise his peculiar quality for its own sake.

  25. To understand and appraise the view of science we must trace its rise as clearly as we can, [p.

  26. But how fully to describe the difference, and how above all really to appraise it, I do not clearly know.

  27. Nay, lady, you never did that; you did but appraise me too truly.

  28. Hence the problem of deliberation is not to calculate future happenings but to appraise present proposed actions.

  29. But thought about future happenings is the only way we can judge the present; it is the only way to appraise its significance.

  30. In 1876 he was appointed, by the city councils, chairman of a committee of three to appraise all the real estate of the city for taxation purposes.

  31. Spencer of Ohio), to classify and appraise Indian lands in Kansas, he spent a year of official service in that inviting territory, then turbulent with ruffianism.

  32. She did not appraise them of the practical side of it; in fact, of the masses, these were more able to buy.

  33. She could have said nothing about it, which would have been as dignified; but she made it a point to appraise Wyeth of the fact, that she only did it to help him, at which times she would smile, and show her little teeth.

  34. She was finding it mildly amusing to note how people came and went at Matocton, and to appraise these people disinterestedly, because she would never see them again.

  35. Let us appraise knowledge as we would the Homeric poems, as some- 28 thing which ennobles life and makes it happier.

  36. It is often difficult or impossible to appraise the relative efficiency of mechanical and chemical denudation in removing the materials from a certain area.

  37. A man needed some Latin to appreciate it, and Erasmus' natural wonder "how a Dane at that day could have such a force of eloquence" is a measure of the rarity both of the gift and of a public that could appraise it.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appraise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appraise; appreciate; ascertain; assay; assess; calculate; calibrate; call; catalog; class; classify; compute; criticize; dial; divide; estimate; evaluate; examine; factor; fathom; figure; gauge; graduate; group; guess; identify; interview; judge; mark; measure; mete; meter; pace; plumb; ponder; price; prize; probe; rank; rate; reckon; see; sift; size; sort; sound; span; step; stock; survey; treasury; try; value; weigh; winnow