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Example sentences for "estimate"

Lexicographically close words:
esthetics; esti; estilo; estimable; estimacion; estimated; estimates; estimating; estimation; estimations
  1. As there is a slightly greater weight of freight than carrier, an average of $30 per ton would be a fair estimate of the value of freight and carriers.

  2. It is now proposed by the Comptroller that the Bureaus of the several Boroughs be again centralized under the Board of Estimate and Apportionment.

  3. Undine's estimate of people had always been based on their apparent power of getting what they wanted--provided it came under the category of things she understood wanting.

  4. The test of civilisation is the estimate of woman.

  5. The valet, however, will probably know well enough how to estimate his equals.

  6. The wisest of us must, for by far the most part, judge like the simplest; estimate importance by mere magnitude, and expect that which strongly affects our own generation, will strongly affect those that are to follow.

  7. Use makes a better soldier than the most urgent considerations of duty--familiarity with danger enabling him to estimate the danger.

  8. Fame only reflects the estimate in which a= 25 =man is held in comparison with others.

  9. We will not estimate the sun by the quantity of gaslight it saves us.

  10. Huic maxime putamus malo fuisse nimiam opinionem ingenii atque virtutis=--This I think to have been the chief cause of his misfortune, an overweening estimate of his own genius and valour.

  11. What makes many so discontented with their own condition is the absurd estimate they form of the happiness of others.

  12. The estimate given of their numbers is approximate, as no census has been taken.

  13. Regarding the prices of commodities other than live-stock we have little definite information, though an approximate estimate may be made of the value of arms.

  14. In Canada it is more difficult to estimate it, as customs and excise form the principal provision made for federal finance, and note must therefore be taken of the separate sources of revenue in the provinces.

  15. An architect should also be practically acquainted with all the modes of operation in all the trades or arts employed in building, and be able minutely to estimate beforehand the absolute cost involved in the execution of a proposed structure.

  16. The total assets and income are more than three times the amount of the conjectural estimate made for 1870 by the royal commission.

  17. But all this is largely comparative, and our estimate of the advantages enjoyed by the villein must depend upon whether we view it by the standards of the time, or by modern standards.

  18. The wide survey we have taken enables a fair estimate to be made of the state of the law in Europe when the castle was the court of justice, and the baron was the judge.

  19. Alternately, she almost admired, or wholly scorned him, and knew not which estimate resulted from the deeper appreciation.

  20. If it cost her more trouble to be good, if her soul were less white and pure, she would be a more competent critic of this picture, and would estimate it not half so high.

  21. It would certainly be a false estimate of the French public.

  22. I wish I could feel that this was a false estimate of the British public.

  23. I myself do not believe that a long residence in Europe is of great help to an American gentleman or lady so far as an estimate of one’s own country goes.

  24. I find, as I said, I am always reading with pleasure his estimate of his own work in the close of his life.

  25. And yet it is by, and through, the latter that we are apt to estimate character, of which they are at best but fragmentary evidences.

  26. The joy diffused throughout the British dominions by this splendid conquest, was mingled with a proud sense of superiority, which did not estimate with exact justice the relative means employed by the belligerents.

  27. Land was cheap, and the culture of it yielded no penurious reward to the husbandman; while he who chose to sell his labor was at least at liberty to place his own estimate upon it, and found it always in demand.

  28. To estimate the perils of their position, it should be borne in mind, that the fire had been communicated by these fearless men to the near neighborhood of both magazines of the Philadelphia.

  29. What is the estimate placed upon it by the best minds of America?

  30. May we not estimate civil government and religion both by the blood they have cost?

  31. Still he held out with confused obstinacy, which the Marquis put down to the General's denseness, but which was, in fact, due to his own mistaken estimate of the situation.

  32. Mlle de Tricotrin's education had not been such as to make her under-estimate the importance of the part she had to play at the supreme moment.

  33. The idea being to estimate the loss from members' and states' franks only, the franking by Post Office clerks does not enter into the following calculation.

  34. A return was called for by the committee and Hill's estimate proved to be nearly correct.

  35. An estimate was laid before them of the amount lost each year by carrying franked letters.

  36. In order to estimate the probable revenue after the change, it was necessary to know the number of letters carried.

  37. This estimate was obtained by weighing the franked letters at intervals during the session of Parliament, and comparing their weight with the weight of the letters which paid postage.

  38. A large number of such stamps may be operated from the same master clock.

  39. Yearly an estimate for that purpose composed of expenses and income is fixed by the District Council, and sent up to the Executive Council for ratification.

  40. The people shall receive annually from the Volksraad an estimate of the general income and expenses of the State, and learn therefrom how much every man's taxes shall amount to.

  41. For the local estimate and accounts the same rules hold good as fixed in the preceding articles for those of a district.

  42. Inwardly resolving to make Miss Patricia Doyle regret the speech she hid all annoyance under her admirable self-control and answered with smooth complacency: "Your estimate of society, my dear Miss Doyle, is superficial.

  43. That they were deceived in their estimate was due to the girl's reputation for frivolity where young men were concerned.

  44. But at the same time she realized from her own experience that Arthur might as easily deceive himself as Diana in his estimate as to the warmth of the devotion he displayed.

  45. Johnson for his opinion, who thought, as Boswell tells us, that it should be published--an estimate justified by the considerable circulation which the book enjoyed.

  46. As I said, I was right in my estimate of Leslie Lisle, and you were wrong.

  47. I judged you by the estimate I had formed on hearsay.

  48. If the estimate of the Medical Society be correct, the proportion of the insane to the whole population would be about one in two hundred and eighty.

  49. Now let us make some estimate of the proportion which the slaves, included in the foregoing nine classes, sustain to the whole number, and then of the proportion affected by the operation of the seven causes just enumerated.

  50. What do you estimate the number of those who co-operate in the matter at?

  51. To show that the apprentices fully estimate the blessings of education, many females hire their apprentice children at a quarter dollar a week from their masters, for the express purpose of sending them to school.

  52. Others have placed the estimate much lower, and have thought that thirty for the whole state, every year, would be found much nearer the truth.

  53. It has been said too, that in carrying slaves into the estimate of the taxes the State is to pay, we do no more than those States themselves do, who always take slaves into the estimate of the taxes the individual is to pay.

  54. On the 43d page of your book you also evince your low estimate of man's rights and dues.

  55. As in these important respects they were useful to the community at large, they ought not to be excluded from the estimate of representation.

  56. It is, of course, difficult to estimate the extent to which illegal kidnapping is carried, since a large number of cases must escape detection.

  57. I have had whatever advantage this, assisted by a strong interest in the general cause, and abundant conversations with the best informed abolitionists, could give, for making a fair estimate of their numbers.

  58. If this fish had been allowed to dine and breakfast at this rate during the whole of the spawning season it would have been difficult to estimate the loss our fisheries would have sustained by his voracity.

  59. We may, however, arrive at a proximate estimate of the number which may be derived from a single individual by this process of fission.

  60. Some economists estimate that only one egg out of every thousand becomes a full-sized salmon.

  61. It will be necessary when dealing with the times of King Edgar to advert at some length to Benedictine Monachism, so we may postpone for the present an estimate of conventual morality.

  62. We are able to form a rough estimate of the quantity of liquor kept in stock at this time, from a return which was made by order, on the occasion of the visit of the Emperor Charles V.

  63. We obtain an incidental estimate of the market price of French wine from the Tatler, No.

  64. He was the popular exponent of the fashion of the time, and from his productions we can form a tolerable estimate of the prodigious part which drink played in the social life of the Anglo-Saxon.

  65. And it is by comparisons of this kind that one is able definitely to estimate the improvement or retrogression of moral tone.

  66. It will be necessary in forming the estimate of manners at this time to trace how the system developed, The use and abuse will be both apparent.

  67. For the first kind, which often originated in passionate excitement, he had a mental remedy, the efficacy of which is not to be despised, if we estimate its value in connection with the prevalent opinions of those times.

  68. It is said that in the whole country scarcely a tenth part remained alive; but this estimate is evidently too high.

  69. No adequate estimate can be formed of the importance of the year's operations in the Canton river without reading Admiral Kennedy's brilliant but simple story.

  70. It was a partnership which did in nowise commend itself to Gordon, but the proposal served to show how shrewd Li Hung-chang had been in his estimate of the deposed leader.

  71. In time, however, either their aims were found to diverge or else their estimate of achievement differed, and many of the missionary teaching establishments were left without support.

  72. Any estimate of it would be scarcely more satisfactory than those which are so loosely made of the population.

  73. At what strength do you estimate the force which so retired, Colonel?

  74. I see that the wounded who were sent by Moras estimate those engaged with him at twelve thousand; and it is hardly probable that they could, at such short notice, have assembled in anything like their full strength.

  75. John had so frequently taken a selfish estimate of life, that even in this supreme crisis that feeling was momentarily uppermost, but only momentarily.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "estimate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    add; analyzing; appraisal; appraise; appreciate; appreciation; approximation; assay; assess; assessment; assume; assumption; attitude; balance; calculate; calculation; calibrate; call; cast; cipher; class; computation; compute; conceit; conceive; concept; conception; conclusion; conjecture; consider; consideration; correction; criticism; criticize; daresay; deem; determination; dial; divide; dope; esteem; estimate; estimation; ethos; evaluate; evaluation; expect; eye; fancy; fathom; feeling; figure; gauge; gauging; graduate; guess; hold; idea; imagine; impression; instrumentation; judge; judgment; lights; maintain; make; mark; measure; measurement; measuring; mensuration; mete; meter; mind; multiply; mystique; notion; observation; opine; opinion; pace; plumb; position; posture; presume; presumption; prize; probe; project; projection; quantification; rank; ranking; rate; rating; reaction; reason; reckon; reckoning; regard; score; sentiment; sight; size; sound; span; stance; step; stock; subtract; suppose; surmise; survey; surveying; suspect; take; tally; telemetry; theory; think; thinking; thought; treasury; triangulation; value; view; weigh; project; projection; quantification; rank; ranking; rate; rating; reaction; reason; reckon; reckoning; regard; score; sentiment; sight; size; sound; span; stance; step; stock; subtract; suppose; surmise; survey; surveying; suspect; take; tally; telemetry; theory; think; thinking; thought; treasury; triangulation; value; view; weigh